Whenever BT makes a bet, it is because there is no answer, or he knows the answer. Make him a bet where the outcome is left to chance, and he'll run and hide his five-gallon head under his ten-gallon hat. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyCOIdiot, once you have absorbed my previous response from post #183, here is something for you to consider. If you are still convinced that I did not make the aforementioned wager offer to Trendy (or any of the other Idiot Klan, errr Clan members, including you), as it relates to the eventual outcome of the 2012 Presidential election. Then perhaps we should discuss a friendly wager to cover whether or not I have ever made an offer for a "bet where the outcome is left to chance?" As you so eloquently stated in the above quoted material (cough, cough, spit, spit).
What do you think? Are you open to the concept? I certainly am!
Or are you once again planning to run and hide your "five-gallon head under your ten-gallon hat"?
As another option, you could choose to STFU. It doesn't matter to me!
Either way, I'm a winner!