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cbj-------> <-----Kcoc Rider


I B Hankering's Avatar
cbj-------> <-----Kcoc Rider

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by Uncle Han
Great avatar, Uncle Han!!! It's appropriately monogrammed!!!
Uncle Han's Avatar
Great avatar, Uncle Han!!! It's already monogrammed!!! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I figured 13 years was too long for bigmex to have it......I also figured the jew would get around to stealing Charlie Chan, so I was waiting until he did to change.......
I B Hankering's Avatar
I figured 13 years was too long for bigmex to have it...... Originally Posted by Uncle Han
"13 years"? It took that long for BigKoTex to graduate?
Uncle Han's Avatar
China's latest 'sacred' manned space mission blasts off

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    Reuters/Reuters - The Long March 2-F rocket loaded with Shenzhou-10 manned spacecraft carrying Chinese astronauts Nie Haisheng, Zhang Xiaoguang and Wang Yaping lifts off from the launch pad in the Jiuquan Satellite …more Launch Center, Gansu province June 11, 2013. REUTERS/Stringer less

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By Ben Blanchard
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese manned spacecraft blasted off with three astronauts on board on Tuesday on a 15-day mission to an experimental space lab in the latest step towards the development of a space station.
The Shenzhou 10 spacecraft was launched from a remote site in the Gobi desert in China's far west at 5:38 p.m. (0938 GMT) under warm, clear blue skies, in images carried live on state television.
Once in orbit, the craft will dock with the Tiangong (Heavenly Palace) 1, a trial space laboratory module, and the two male and one female astronauts will carry out various experiments and test the module's systems.
They will also give a lecture to students back on Earth.
China successfully carried out its first manned docking exercise with Tiangong 1 last June, a milestone in an effort to acquire the technological and logistical skills to run a full space station that can house people for long periods.
President Xi Jinping oversaw Tuesday's launch personally, addressing the astronauts before they blasted off to wish them success, saying he was "enormously happy" to be there.
"You are the pride of the Chinese people, and this mission is both glorious and sacred," Xi said, according to state media.
This mission will be the longest time Chinese astronauts have spent in space, and marks the second mission for lead astronaut Nie Haisheng.
It is China's fifth manned space mission since 2003, and was accompanied by the usual outpouring of national pride and Communist Party propaganda, including children dressed as happy ethnic minorities waving off the three at the space centre.
However, some wondered why China was spending so much money exploring space when it was still a developing country with a plethora of more pressing issues, from food safety and pollution to the prevalence of workplace fire disasters.
"Why don't they spend this money solving China's real problems instead of wasting it like this?" wrote one user on China's popular Twitter-like service, Sina Weibo.
China's space program has come a long way since late leader Mao Zedong, founder of Communist China in 1949, lamented that the country could not even launch a potato into space.
But China is still far from catching up with the established space superpowers, the United States and Russia.
Rendezvous and docking techniques such as those which China is only testing now were mastered by the United States and the former Soviet Union decades ago, and the 10.5 meter-long Tiangong 1 is a trial module, not a fully fledged space station.
Still, the Shenzhou 10 mission will be the latest show of China's growing prowess in space and comes while budget restraints and shifting priorities have held back U.S. manned space launches.
China also plans an unmanned moon landing and deployment of a moon rover. Scientists have raised the possibility of sending a man to the moon, but not before 2020.
While Beijing insists its space program is for peaceful purposes, a Pentagon report last month highlighted China's increasing space capabilities and said Beijing was pursuing a variety of activities aimed at preventing its adversaries from using space-based assets during a crisis.
Fears of a space arms race with the United States and other powers mounted after China blew up one of its own weather satellites with a ground-based missile in January 2007.
BigLouie's Avatar
Get back with us when China has two men on the moon playing golf and drinking Tang. Otherwise can it
BigLouie's Avatar
Actually the recovery is doing rather well. People who were not looking for work are now out there actively looking for work which caused unemployment figures to go up as record number of people found work. Home prices are increasing so much that people that were "under water" on their home loan are no longer. By the way. Howe are things in China still flushing new norms down the toilet?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-12-2013, 11:43 AM
Actually the recovery is doing rather well. People who were not looking for work are now out there actively looking for work which caused unemployment figures to go up as record number of people found work. Home prices are increasing so much that people that were "under water" on their home loan are no longer. By the way. Howe are things in China still flushing new norms down the toilet? Originally Posted by BigLouie

that cock roach has never seen china on a globe, much less been there
RedLeg505's Avatar
Actually the recovery is doing rather well. People who were not looking for work are now out there actively looking for work which caused unemployment figures to go up as record number of people found work. Home prices are increasing so much that people that were "under water" on their home loan are no longer. By the way. Howe are things in China still flushing new norms down the toilet? Originally Posted by BigLouie
So, I have to ask, Obama supporters, when asked why the economy was so sluggish and weak in its recovery, they said it was due to the obstructionism of the Republicans. So since you think the recovery is doing rather well, then have the Republicans stopped obstructing Obama and that is why the improvement? Or is the recovery doing rather well BECAUSE the Republicans keep blocking all the economically illiterate thing Obama keeps wanting to implement?
When will the whiners on both sides finally figure out that not everything in life is a function of who is in power?

Never mind ... continue on with the blather ...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually, only a fool would think the "recovery" was doing well. Millions still out of work, GDP down, stock market being held up by QE, and growth barely above 2%. Under any other president this would be called a failing economy. I guess the libtards set the bar pretty low for Barry. If he just smiles and makes an off hnad comment about the economy they declare that he saved us all.

1/3 of all jobs created in the last few years have been created in Texas...comments?
One of the worse "recoveries" in our history.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-12-2013, 01:47 PM
the worst since WWII to be exact

but better than it was when Obie took office during the worst recession since the Great Depression
Obama made the recovery impossible; we are now in a non-recovery !