A great deal of you will be very happy

Wayward's Avatar
Maybe wayward can find relief from his frustrations from a lower end street-waker.
You can at least afford crack heads, can you, Wayward?

She'll be welcome back here, any day, by all those who have better things to do than to pick on minorities of one. So Mikki Fine and Venus Nova. Originally Posted by Raphael
Stop flirting with me the answer is still no. We can't date it's only P4P here on the boards. At least you edited this latest drivel. I'm sorry for picking on your soul mate sofia, sorry for messing with your discounted sessions for review deal. Don't worry you'll fine another one I have real faith in your ability. It's okay to pout if it makes you feel better.
Raphael's Avatar
I'm sorry for picking on your soul mate sofia Originally Posted by Wayward
Well, you have some making up to do before your apologies are accepted
TexasGator's Avatar
To paraphrase my good friend SP Hunter,:

But getting back to the OP's "announcement," (some 14 pages and almost 200 posts ago)

To paraphrase my good friend SP Hunter,:

But getting back to the OP's "announcement," (some 14 pages and almost 200 posts ago)

Originally Posted by TexasGator
:laughin g1:
Wayward's Avatar
@ TexasGator!

the OP's "announcement," (some 14 pages and almost 200 posts ago)
That does seem a little longer than normal for a goodbye thread....

I'm expecting bride of dearhunter to be back with bells on Monday, hopefully stocked up on tinfoil hats and recording devices from Radio Shack. This thread which is my new best friend by the way, will go on for ever. It has everything! Beautiful girls, skulduggery (for Raphael), bat shit crazy, murder, conspiracy, more murders, more conspiracies and everything else that makes a Silly Hooker Message Board (SHMB) the best thing ever!
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Say what you will ... but some of the most memorable sexual experiences in my life involved a hot young woman that was bat shit crazy...
SofaKingFun's Avatar
No we wont; and you are not abilitated to speak for us.

I do not understand why this lynching is allowed to proceed. Originally Posted by Raphael
It figures aspd wouldn't refrain from importing their trash, their abuse, and their stupidity, here.

(What rejected John or malicious competitor must have started this lynching?) Originally Posted by Raphael

What the hell does "abilitated" mean?

What and how exactly is ASPD "importing" anything here, on eccie"?? (makes no sense..?)

This so called "lynching" was started by the coin-op queen herself, sofia. Not because she's claiming that she's leaving, but because she's trying to slam and smear people's good names and reputation along the way.

One guy's got 40-P411 Okays and since he's a lurker; doesn't post much, she's claiming he's Elle..?

Gina/P411...claiming that their site is "compromised" on one hand for not handing over private information to Elle then turns right back around and says that the feds have infiltrated....Pfffft! Give me a break.

I have absolutely no worries nor concerns with regard to my info being placed in Gina's/P411's care. She's earned my trust and respect and has been noting but Aces since Day 1. You're probably calling me a dumbass for thincking this way...and that's fine, I'd be far more concerned/worried had I given my info to just 1 unstable provider/agency/coin-op...present company specifically.

If this alert was legit and as serious as you're making it out to be, WHY is there no Alert posted here on this site about this dude?

You want to blame Gina and P411 saying that she's not protecting the providers, yet you sit here day after day starting countless threAds...errr.. "interesting discussions"...and there's not 1 single Alert posted on this site about this dude, "Steve". Why not?

Is this also somehow Gina's fault?

Seems to me if this dude is as big a shit-head as you're claiming, and if he did hurt Alex; and you "have Alex's back", you'd at least put as much effort into warning the community about him as you do in coming up with another threAd topic for discussion. Where's YOUR concern for the safety of your fellow providers?

Now, to make matters even worse, Deuce comes-in and verifies that you did post an Alert on ASPD...BUT, it had to be pulled because you broke the cardinal rule of the hobby--You Outed A Client. You outed him by posting his name/place of business/etc. in a public forum, instead of posting it in the Provider's Only Area like you're supposed to do.

I'm not condoning what this guy allegedly did to Alex--that's not what I'm saying at all. What I am saying is that you screwed-up by posting his information publicly...now who was it again that can't be trusted with personal and private information?

I just registered at Eraps. I had to do so under a modified version of my name, because you registered me without my permission or knowledge. You also posted my old reviews, which is a copyright violation as these reviews do not belong ERAPS. I do not believe you will go far by resorting to practices reminiscent of the discredited site, ASPD. Originally Posted by Raphael
The information stolen by ERAPS is outdated and therefore useless. Those who approve of the action are welcome to go to ERAPS as their low quality posts certainly would fit in well with that low quality site. Originally Posted by Raphael

Pssst Raphael. I'll bet you $100 that the reason your "name" didn't work and you had to submit a modified version wasn't because they registered you..'unknowingly', I'll betcha' it's 'cuz ~~> Raphael; was/still is Banned. Wanna' Bet?

But that leads me to the real question, if you have such disdain towards that site, why even bother registering??

Good luck soFia and I wish you well. If you are indeed leaving us, try and go out with some class and grace. Cheap shots and smear campaigns...well, that's just tacky.
Geesh Lousie, is this thread STILL going? Why? You boys just bored or wanting to hijack a hijacked thread?
Raphael's Avatar
try and go out with some class and grace. Cheap shots and smear campaigns...well, that's just tacky. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Sofia if she choses to move on to better, higher things will go out without cheap shot and smear. And the reason why she will not resort to cheap shop and smear is because unlike Sofa King Fun she does not belong to the ASPD lynch mob of low-lives and cowards, that has emigrated to this site in January after ASPD did itself in. The only one who is getting smeared here is Sofia, including by Sofa King Fun, who if he had bothered to read this thread would know that she posted her complaint on ASPD and on Horndogs (where it still is), after trying to post on p411. And all of the comments she has made were not attacks or smears, they were legitimate responses and correctives to the eggregious attacks, insult and slander, to which she has been subjected here, including by Sofa King Fun.

The reason why I am registered against my will on ERAPS is because amber's sister stole what's left of the information belonging to ASPD. The sister is not Amber's heir and therefore has no legal right to the information. The rights, such as they are, will probably go to amber's son, as the courts always leave to the children moneys and belongings left by parents who die intestate

Do you really want to bring back the causes of my banning from ASPD? It wont make you look good, asshole, as you were indeed part and parcel of the lynch mob of ASPD guttersnipes who fell all over me when I posted proof that the subsequently disgraced DaFrogg on Backpage had been calling for the police to pay attention to providers whom he happened to hate because they were black, overweight, and from out of town (New Orleans, usually).

What a low life, this DaFrogg; what a gutter site, ASPD, that gave protection to a police informant, who persecuted providers. And what a man, this Sofa King Fun, who after having been one of the school yard harassers that protected the jackass who gave providers over to the police, now picks on yet another woman, Sofia.
Wayward's Avatar
Actually DoveBar that last rant by SKF was right on topic, this is one strange muthaflucker of a thread. Get some popcorn and read it from the beginning, you know me reluctant to tell others how to live their lives... but I see wedding bells with sofia for you if dearhunter doesn't pull the trigger.

You never get to see this before you let them move in.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
What a low life, this DaFrogg; what a gutter site, ASPD, that gave protection to a police informant, who persecuted providers. Originally Posted by Raphael
I bet he is still around under a different handle.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-21-2010, 05:58 PM
What the hell does "abilitated" mean?

What and how exactly is ASPD "importing" anything here, on eccie"?? (makes no sense..?)

This so called "lynching" was started by the coin-op queen herself, sofia. Not because she's claiming that she's leaving, but because she's trying to slam and smear people's good names and reputation along the way.

One guy's got 40-P411 Okays and since he's a lurker; doesn't post much, she's claiming he's Elle..?

Gina/P411...claiming that their site is "compromised" on one hand for not handing over private information to Elle then turns right back around and says that the feds have infiltrated....Pfffft! Give me a break.

I have absolutely no worries nor concerns with regard to my info being placed in Gina's/P411's care. She's earned my trust and respect and has been noting but Aces since Day 1. You're probably calling me a dumbass for thincking this way...and that's fine, I'd be far more concerned/worried had I given my info to just 1 unstable provider/agency/coin-op...present company specifically.

If this alert was legit and as serious as you're making it out to be, WHY is there no Alert posted here on this site about this dude?

You want to blame Gina and P411 saying that she's not protecting the providers, yet you sit here day after day starting countless threAds...errr.. "interesting discussions"...and there's not 1 single Alert posted on this site about this dude, "Steve". Why not?

Is this also somehow Gina's fault?

Seems to me if this dude is as big a shit-head as you're claiming, and if he did hurt Alex; and you "have Alex's back", you'd at least put as much effort into warning the community about him as you do in coming up with another threAd topic for discussion. Where's YOUR concern for the safety of your fellow providers?

Now, to make matters even worse, Deuce comes-in and verifies that you did post an Alert on ASPD...BUT, it had to be pulled because you broke the cardinal rule of the hobby--You Outed A Client. You outed him by posting his name/place of business/etc. in a public forum, instead of posting it in the Provider's Only Area like you're supposed to do.

I'm not condoning what this guy allegedly did to Alex--that's not what I'm saying at all. What I am saying is that you screwed-up by posting his information publicly...now who was it again that can't be trusted with personal and private information?

Pssst Raphael. I'll bet you $100 that the reason your "name" didn't work and you had to submit a modified version wasn't because they registered you..'unknowingly', I'll betcha' it's 'cuz ~~> Raphael; was/still is Banned. Wanna' Bet?

But that leads me to the real question, if you have such disdain towards that site, why even bother registering??

Good luck soFia and I wish you well. If you are indeed leaving us, try and go out with some class and grace. Cheap shots and smear campaigns...well, that's just tacky. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Actually DoveBar that last rant by SKF was right on topic, this is one strange muthaflucker of a thread. Get some popcorn and read it from the beginning, you know me reluctant to tell others how to live their lives... but I see wedding bells with sofia for you if dearhunter doesn't pull the trigger.

You never get to see this before you let them move in. Originally Posted by Wayward
. One with NPD who is ugly to the bone because of what was on the inside was enough for me. I got tired of the while being shown and listening to her which was enough for me to give her the . No more for me, ever.

Now I prefer being with someone who smiles and says thank you when I give her or a or a .

Better get ready to be alone. All chicks are batshit crazy. Like my momma said "Never trust anything that bleeds for four days and doesn't die."
I mentioned my preference, not what I have. I drink alone with by good buddy wiser and his friend Johnny Walker with his brothers Black and Red along with my dear Old GrandDad.

Crazy in bed is good, crazy elsewhere is bad... very bad. Been there, done that and don't need the freaking T-shirt.