Anal play / Full On Greek for Men

I so agree with this. Prostate stimuli is very HAWT! And a vary intense O for the man. Now where full on ass play is a whole different ball game, the man does become more of a submissive to the female as she is the one doing the invading. I do enjoy role reversal, but need to have a connection as we are "making love" Im looking down into your eyes, as you open yourself up for me, kissing and whispering in your ear as I pound that man pussy into awe.....This to me, makes both better lovers as one Truly gets to see what it is like from the other side......YUM Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
Let me tell yall something. I saw Ms Athena a while back. I wanted to try out this prostate massage thing. She blew my ever loving freakin mind. I got in a serious relationship so I got outta the game but I'm back...and you can bet MY sweet ass that I will be making another phone call to her.
And she is apparently back, just saw her profile the other day, after a long absence. Be afraid, be very afraid, in a good way.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--yep and I am hoping to do some doubles in Htown with her!!! wooohooo!!