Most Americans want War with ISIS.

lustylad's Avatar
Here's the scary truth you don't want to admit; if one or two or three of these nutjobs want to blow up something over here, there isn't much we can do to stop it. It's like a needle in a haystack. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

If you believe that, I guess it's no biggie if we stop funding the Dept. of Homeland Security. Total waste of taxpayer money. Nothing we can do but sit back and wait for the nutjobs to do their thing. Oh, and one more thing undercunt - don't forget to thank Edward Snowden for his patriotic role in helping the nutjobs hide their needles in the haystack.
If you believe that, I guess it's no biggie if we stop funding the Dept. of Homeland Security. Total waste of taxpayer money. Nothing we can do but sit back and wait for the nutjobs to do their thing. Oh, and one more thing undercunt - don't forget to thank Edward Snowden for his patriotic role in helping the nutjobs hide their needles in the haystack. Originally Posted by lustylad
You've done it again. I didn't fucking say we didn't need to do anything about it and you fucking know it. If you don't believe what I said though, you're a bigger dumbass than I already think you are. Of course you keep trying but my point still stands; we have to be right every time, a couple of nutjobs only have to be right once. Are you really that thick that you don't understand that? As for Snowden, we deserved to know what they were doing. If you give up your freedom for security, you have neither. Ben Franklin said that. It's never been more true than it is now.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You've done it again. I didn't fucking say we didn't need to do anything about it and you fucking know it. If you don't believe what I said though, you're a bigger dumbass than I already think you are. Of course you keep trying but my point still stands; we have to be right every time, a couple of nutjobs only have to be right once. Are you really that thick that you don't understand that? As for Snowden, we deserved to know what they were doing. If you give up your freedom for security, you have neither. Ben Franklin said that. It's never been more true than it is now. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

What Franklin said was that you DESERVE neither freedom or security. By the way, reading what you have said earlier I do get the impression that you would be happy with doing nothing. If you say that is wrong then okay but that is what it reads like.

Let me say this clearly, last year Obama called ISIS the JV team. One year later they control about a third of Iraq, pieces of Syria, parts of Yemen, Libya, and Egypt. They have gone from a few thousand to an estimated 50,000 fighters. New recruits are arriving faster than Obama's drones can kill them. Slavery is back in vogue in the Middle East along with cruxifictions and beheadings. Despite this rapidly deteriorating situation our commander in chief can't even call the terrorists by name, tell us the truth about them, or take any kind of really serious action designed to not contain them but to roll them back. How hard is it to take out 50,000 fighters? Next year it may well be 200,000 fighters in twice as many countries. As much as you guys may love Barack (or hate admitting that he is in wayyyyy over his head) you have to admit that things are not good.
LexusLover's Avatar
Let me say this clearly, last year Obama called ISIS the JV team. One year later they control about a third of Iraq, pieces of Syria, parts of Yemen, Libya, and Egypt. They have gone from a few thousand to an estimated 50,000 fighters. New recruits are arriving faster than Obama's drones can kill them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
One of Obaminable's "loyalists" proposed last night that putting soldiers on the ground to attack ISIS was difficult, because they are a formidable force with which to reckon (not his direct quote) ... and he was confronted with the strength and quality of the U.S. military, and he re-affirmed the danger that ISIS presented to any military force, even "NATO," which was ALSO THROWN AT HIM.

Here's Obaminable's logic: ISIS was just JV so "we" don't need to deal with them, and now ISIS is too powerful so NOW we can't! Apparently, that is why Obaminable is proposing a JOBS PROGRAM ... but he can't create JOBS either!
he can't create JOBS either! Originally Posted by LexusLover
It would seem to me that any President would have difficulty creating anything if the opposing party in Congress opposes all attempts to "create."

Just sayin'
LexusLover's Avatar
It would seem to me that any President would have difficulty creating anything if the opposing party in Congress opposes all attempts to "create."

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex
Are you talking about funding Executive Ordered "amnesty"?

The Democrats and the Senate are opposing an "up or down" vote on DHS funding. The sheep to the slaughter with the Judas Goat in the White House leading.

But apparently you also believe Congress "creates jobs"!!!!!

You mean like the pipeline? Tax breaks for companies? Eliminating Obamacare mandates?

If you actually believe the policies of the duffus you helped get elected 2x's is helping the working people in this country with an increase in their "discretionary funds" for consumer spending (which drives our economy) then you need to spend a little more time actually listening to the consumers in the middle to low income brackets (a shifting, moving target BTW). I do almost daily in my business, which includes reviewing financial information and documents....and the scope ranges from laborers to professionals (engineers, doctors, lawyers, and business owners). And Houston (Texas) has been fortunate as is often the case (but you already know that, right?).
Are you talking about funding Executive Ordered "amnesty? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Did I say that?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It would seem to me that any President would have difficulty creating anything if the opposing party in Congress opposes all attempts to "create."

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex
How do you explain those first two years when there was no opposing party? Gitmo is still open, jobs were not created (but the money was spent), amnesty didn't happen, healthcare (if that is what you really wanted) barely happened, and the peace in Iraq was lost. Repeat, there was no opposing party for the first two years.
How do you explain those first two years when there was no opposing party? Repeat, there was no opposing party for the first two years. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What's up between 2003 and 2006?
What Franklin said was that you DESERVE neither freedom or security. By the way, reading what you have said earlier I do get the impression that you would be happy with doing nothing. If you say that is wrong then okay but that is what it reads like.

Let me say this clearly, last year Obama called ISIS the JV team. One year later they control about a third of Iraq, pieces of Syria, parts of Yemen, Libya, and Egypt. They have gone from a few thousand to an estimated 50,000 fighters. New recruits are arriving faster than Obama's drones can kill them. Slavery is back in vogue in the Middle East along with cruxifictions and beheadings. Despite this rapidly deteriorating situation our commander in chief can't even call the terrorists by name, tell us the truth about them, or take any kind of really serious action designed to not contain them but to roll them back. How hard is it to take out 50,000 fighters? Next year it may well be 200,000 fighters in twice as many countries. As much as you guys may love Barack (or hate admitting that he is in wayyyyy over his head) you have to admit that things are not good. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What would make you happy? You keep throwing numbers and facts out but no idea on what the next course of action should be (because you're a military expert). I would say 16k sorties is serious action. I'm sure the pilots who flew them would too, but go ahead. Not to mention drones, etc.
What's up between 2003 and 2006? Originally Posted by andymarksman
That's going back to Bush. They don't like that. They will point out he isn't president anymore. Even though they'll go back to Carter if it helps their case. Whatever.
rioseco's Avatar
That's going back to Bush. They don't like that. They will point out he isn't president anymore. Even though they'll go back to Carter if it helps their case. Whatever. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Yeah fuck 'em.
Go back to Bush. Who cares if they don't like it ?
If we continue to ingnore Bush and the past we will get nowhere fighting the war of today. We can't look to B. Hussein Obama for results so the answer must lie in the mistakes of several years ago.

In case you are too busy being perfect and right about everything and didn't notice, I am being sarcastic !
lustylad's Avatar
FREE EDWARD SNOWDEN! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Free him from what, COG? His gilded life in Moscow advising Putin's cyberwarfare ops? I am sure he is being well taken care of and generously rewarded for aiding and abetting Mad Vlad's global sabotage and aggressions. Can you say T-R-E-A-S-O-N?
Free him from what, COG? His gilded life in Moscow advising Putin's cyberwarfare ops? I am sure he is being well taken care of and generously rewarded for aiding and abetting Mad Vlad's global sabotage and aggressions. Can you say T-R-E-A-S-O-N? Originally Posted by lustylad
So you're ok with what the NSA was doing?