Check again, dumb-ass. You were refuted at, Assup the jackass, now go back to poking your plastic playmate, you puny pricked putz. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Assup would but he's tounging his own prostrate. He's sick like that...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Not so, DIPSHIT. You didn't refute anything. You deflected, avoided and lied. So what's it gonna be DIPSHIT?


I guess it's better to dodge than to LIE, right? But with you boys there's no difference. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You're a dumb-ass, Assup the jackass. You were refuted at, now go back to poking your plastic playmate, you puny pricked putz. Your perennial ignorance is why you were elected:



Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Assup would but he's tounging his own prostrate. He's sick like that... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
LMAO! What the fuck is a PROSTRATE, asshole?

Get a clue. Then come back and play!

Yssup Rider's Avatar

You only ingest the pablum the Kool Aid dispensing network MSNBC feeds you, Assup the jackass. That's why you are so fucking ignorant. BTW, the only thing you need to worry about melting down, Assup the jackass, is your plastic playmate -- now go back to poking your plastic playmate, you puny pricked putz. Originally Posted by IBSyndrome over and over and over and over:

Hey, syndrome! Why not quote the WORDS you used to address those questions? Just using the link over and over and over and over and over, etc.

Are you or aren't you willing to give a simple answer to two simple questions?

Guess not.
Gentleman10's Avatar
LMAO! What the fuck is a PROSTRATE, asshole?

Get a clue. Then come back and play!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You should really go back and read through most of your previous posts before calling someone out on their spelling, grammar or use of the English language. As usual, you continue to epitomize and moreover, embrace, being ECCIE's #1 moron.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Just for kicks, how do you define a Liberal -- other than someone who doesn't agree with you?

Look at the data you just presented from the FBI.

Murder and negligent homicide rates per 100,000:
2010 -- Illinois 4.1; Texas 4.2
2011 -- Illinois 4.8; Texas 4.2

So Texas higher one year, Illinois the next.

N.Y., another Liberal state -- 4.0 in 2011.
CT, another Liber state -- 3.6 in 2011

Try as you like, there is probably little to no correlation between Conservative/Liberal and the rate of homicides in a state.

And BTW, the FBI data does not break the homicide/murder rate into who did it. And I in no way inititated talk of the Mexican drug cartels and their impact on the homicide rate. If you like I'll go back and cite the exact post where YOU brought up that issue. The data you presented also talked about GANG-RELATED violence, yes, some of which is drug-related. But NOTHING in the articles you cited states how much. For some reason, you are hung up on Mexican drug cartels and whether or not they have a major impact on homicides in the U.S. If you can show some OBJECTIVE proof that that is so, please do so. I do not like citing wikipedia as a source, but when no other sources are available, I will use it.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Just for kicks, how do you define a Liberal -- other than someone who doesn't agree with you?

Look at the data you just presented from the FBI.

Murder and negligent homicide rates per 100,000:
2010 -- Illinois 4.1; Texas 4.2
2011 -- Illinois 4.8; Texas 4.2

So Texas higher one year, Illinois the next.

N.Y., another Liberal state -- 4.0 in 2011.
CT, another Liber state -- 3.6 in 2011

Try as you like, there is probably little to no correlation between Conservative/Liberal and the rate of homicides in a state.

And BTW, the FBI data does not break the homicide/murder rate into who did it. And I in no way inititated talk of the Mexican drug cartels and their impact on the homicide rate. If you like I'll go back and cite the exact post where YOU brought up that issue. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Oh, but you did start comparing the U.S. to the U.K. and Germany, Speedy, while simultaneously insisting the U.S. had no comparable relationship with other countries, such as Mexico -- even though Mexico's drug gangs have an active and violent presence in the U.S.: which you try to ignore and dismiss as irrelevant.

BTW, Speedy, this is what the FBI data actually says:

Murder and negligent homicide rates per 100,000:
2010 -- Illinois 5.5; Texas 4.9
2011 -- Illinois 5.6; Texas 4.4

MI, another Liberal state -- 6.0 in 2011
D.C., another Liberal enclave --17.5 in 2011.

This IS (again) the FBI's stance on Gang-Related Violent Crime:

“Gang-related crime and violence continues to rise. NGIC analysis indicates that gang members are responsible for an average of 48 percent of violent crime in most jurisdictions and much higher in others. Some jurisdictions in Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Texas report that gangs are responsible for at least 90 percent of crime. A comparison of FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) 2009 violent crime data and 2010 NGIC gang data illustrates that regions experiencing the most violent crime—including southern California, Texas, and Florida—also have a substantial gang presence (see Figure 1 and Map 1). Street gangs are involved in a host of violent criminal activities, including assault, drug trafficking, extortion, firearms offenses, home invasion robberies, homicide, intimidation, shootings, and weapons trafficking. NDIC reporting indicates that gang control over drug distribution and disputes over drug territory has increased, which may be responsible for the increase in violence in many areas. Conflict between gangs, gang migration into rival gang territory, and the release of incarcerated gang members back into the community has also resulted in an increase in gang-related crime and violence in many jurisdictions, according to NGIC reporting.”

Unlike libertard politicians, conservatives aren't blaming other states or inanimate objects for high homicide rates: they blame criminals. And, Speedy, you still haven't addressed why libertards such as those in Chicago create thousands of laws that oppress law abiding citizens then allow repeat offenders, such as "Little Rowdy", to wander the streets and continue to commit gun crimes!?! Their audacity to blame others and the hypocrisy of their grandstanding is criminally profound.



Hey, syndrome! Why not quote the WORDS you used to address those questions? Just using the link over and over and over and over and over, etc.

Are you or aren't you willing to give a simple answer to two simple questions?

Guess not. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why don't you go back to poking your plastic playmate, Assup the jackass, you clearly lack the mental capacity to discern what's already been stated!?!
this map shows the most (yellow states) and least (orange states) tolerant 2nd Amendment states, no surprise here....

Yssup Rider's Avatar
[SIZE="3"]Oh, but you did start comparing the U.S. to the U.K. and Germany, Speedy, while simultaneously insisting the U.S. had no comparable relationship with other countries, such as Mexico -- even though Mexico's drug gangs have an active and violent presence in the U.S.: which you try to ignore and dismiss as irrelevant. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You continue to insist that Mexican (and even Central and South American) drug cartels are at the root of the US gun culture and skew the overall demographics of our population of 300 million closer to a third world country than to European nations, which by the way, are also quite ethnically diverse and far more international.


Unlike libertard politicians, conservatives aren't blaming other states or inanimate objects for high homicide rates: they blame criminals. And, Speedy, you still haven't addressed why libertards such as those in Chicago create thousands of laws that oppress law abiding citizens then allow repeat offenders, such as "Little Rowdy", to wander the streets and continue to commit gun crimes!?! Their audacity to blame others and the hypocrisy of their grandstanding is criminally profound. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You don't believe we have a gun problem. Just a gang problem. So since you've spent a week now fighting to prove that point, you obviously DON'T agree with Whirlyturd's original post and the topic of this thread; that HIGH GUN OWNERSHIP = LOW CRIME. In fact, you've been valiantly fighting against it throughout.

Why don't you go back to poking your plastic playmate, Assup the jackass, you clearly lack the mental capacity to discern what's already been stated!?! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It is plain to see that the loony here is you.

But now you have three answers to post:

1) Do you or do you not acknowledge that the US has more guns per capita than any other nation in the world?

2) Do you or do you not acknowldege that the US is way ahead of all countries in similar demographics in homicide rate per capita?

3) Do you or do you not agree that HIGH GUN OWNERSHIP = LOW CRIME?

Simple yes or no answers. Your credibility is on the line here. (OK, we know better than that.)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
this map shows the most (yellow states) and least (orange states) tolerant 2nd Amendment states, no surprise here....

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Where did you get this map. What is the criteria for the evaluation. Which part of the 2nd Amendment does it refer to.

What does this map show, and how does it relate to the map you posted at the beginning of this thread. Looks to me like you're contradicting yourself, or as you would say, lying again.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You continue to insist that Mexican (and even Central and South American) drug cartels are at the root of the US gun culture and skew the overall demographics of our population of 300 million closer to a third world country than to European nations, which by the way, are also quite ethnically diverse and far more international.


You don't believe we have a gun problem. Just a gang problem. So since you've spent a week now fighting to prove that point, you obviously DON'T agree with Whirlyturd's original post and the topic of this thread; that MORE GUN OWNERSHIP = LESS CRIME. In fact, you've been valiantly fighting against it throughout.

It is plain to see that the loony here is you.

But now you have three answers to post:

1) Do you or do you not acknowledge that the US has more guns per capita than any other nation in the world?

2) Do you or do you not acknowldege that the US is way ahead of all countries in similar demographics in homicide rate per capita?

3) Do you or do you not agree that MORE GUN OWNERSHIP = LESS CRIME?

Simple yes or no answers. Your credibility is on the line here. (OK, we know better than that.) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup the jackass, you're an ignorant fuck that is projecting inane, straw man arguments; that's why you were elected:



Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Then why won't you address any of the questions?


Easy to understand. Accept the facts or debunk them. Honestly. But to argue the question by changing the subject is a losing strategy, and you've embraced it.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Then why won't you address any of the questions?


Easy to understand. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Each of your disingenuous concerns has been previously addressed, Assup the jackass; hence, there is no reason to stoop and cater to your pernicious demands.
The map comes from the anti-gun rights group: Brady Campgain Against Gun Violence.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Each of your disingenuous concerns has been previously addressed, Assup the jackass; hence, there is no reason to stoop and cater to your pernicious demands. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

WHERE? Certainly NOT in the post you keep linking to.

You're Lying and Crying AGAIN man.

Either answer the questions or admit that you haven't got the courage of your own conviction.

In other words: Your mouth wrote ANOTHER check your ass couldn't cash!