A series of Questions for the GOP/TEA Party supporters in this forum...

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  • WTF
  • 07-22-2014, 07:55 PM
This is WTF really means...
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
In case you do not understand how that sign is no different from the first.

Is Mediare Socialized Healthcare?

Yes. Medicare is socialized healthcare insofar as the U.S. Government pays the bill. Medicare is a mode of paying for healthcare costs by a single entity (i.e. a single payer system). The U.S. government pays for the costs out of a trust (simplified explanation) that all citizens pay into. The world’s largest insurance group. It’s the same fundamental model as Social Security: we all pay in, and when we need it later in life – we get it... SOCIAL security.
I am not in favor of full blown communist/socialist anything but it's to help the helpless...

Tell the Ozombies to quit photo shopping the Tea-Party's signs. Y'all need cycles and hammers in your signs.
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  • WTF
  • 07-22-2014, 08:57 PM
I must say I am not in favor of full blown communist/socialist anything. Tell them to quit photo shopping the Tea-Party's signs. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

So you are not for SS and Medicare?
Let's see....Rand Paul is trying to explain to you numbnuts how to expand your old white man base that is dying off.


You keep telling that lie about me not knowing about Rand Paul and your nose is going to grow a inch longer than you three inch dick. Originally Posted by WTF
Here's the thread right that proves it. I'll post it again for you to crawfish away from.

Do I skeer you boy?

Let me see if I can explain it for a simpleton like yourself to understand.

I posted an finding that showed we all have bias. Your Tea 'billy ass extrapolates that out into me admitting to being a racist and you are not? That you have no bias? Forget it, this is like me trying to convince a Klan member that all men are created equal. The article ended with people who never admitting their bias never being able to improve on discontinuing said bias.

You Tea'billy's are the perfect example.

Just because I do not take a hooker board seriously in forming my political views does not mean I lie constantly in it like you and others do trying to defend diametrically opposing positions such as "Cut government spending!", "Don't cut my government Medicare!" Originally Posted by WTF
No, you are the liar. Everyone knows it. Disprove me. Post the original thread. (I've done it several times) Don't give your "revised, upsized" edition. Everyone know how bad your memory is.

That's what happens when you speak out of both side of your mouth.

Actually that was a calculated jab at calling you out. It worked nicely I see.

So now you're back to not being serious because it's a hooker board? Originally Posted by boardman
The title of the thread is "A series of Questions for the GOP/TEA Party supporters in this forum..." and yet WTF still thinks can represent the TEA party views. Amazing. What is it about the TEA Party that skeers WTF?

WTFagboy... When he starts tossing his funny vulgar insults at you, that's his way of tapping out without admitting you beat him. Sorta like this: Originally Posted by lustylad
That's my rule #7 in arguing with WTF except I wouldn't characterize the insults as "funny."
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That's my rule #7 in arguing with WTF except I wouldn't characterize the insults as "funny." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Childish and immature?

Those belittling remarks work on him, because he has self-esteem issues, so he naturally thinks they work on others as well.... like the bimbos clinging to him.

A pond minnow always thinks he's a big fish ...

.... until he jumps into the big water.
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  • WTF
  • 07-23-2014, 12:10 PM
Here's the thread right that proves it. I'll post it again for you to crawfish away from.

Do I skeer you boy?No you don't you snaggle tooth Deliverance piggy style fucker

I like any candidate who will quit leading the fucked in the head masses to war and nation building. Does this sound like a Tea Party guy to you ?Here is why Paul’s position amounts to amnesty: While speaking with David Axelrod, Paul agreed that he “would grant [the 11 million illegal aliens] a legalized status in the form of a work visa and allow them to await citizenship.” The 11 million broke our law, but they will be allowed to stay and become citizens instead of complying with the law. They will not be held accountable to the current law, but instead their illegal conduct will be rewarded. That’s amnesty — in fact it is amnesty plus a perverse reward wrapped inside a terrible policy incentive.
Read more at http://libertyunyielding.com/2014/06/26/immigration-policy-rand-paul-advocates-amnesty-name/#CF6s4aceiJkw3HL4.99 The Tea Party will not rally around Rand Paul...they will rally around Ted Cruz....young folks like Rand , you old honkies like Teddy boy.

No, you are the liar. Everyone knows it. Disprove me. Post the original thread. (I've done it several times) Don't give your "revised, upsized" edition. Everyone know how bad your memory is.

I can post the article which states exactly wtf my point was. If you take the pointy hood off your head you might see better.

The title of the thread is "A series of Questions for the GOP/TEA Party supporters in this forum..." and yet WTF still thinks can represent the TEA party views. Amazing. What is it about the TEA Party that skeers WTF?

You ignorance does not scare me .... it amuses me.

That's my rule #7 in arguing with WTF except I wouldn't characterize the insults as "funny." Originally Posted by gnadfly
No you don't think I'm funny, you think I'm flirting with you dick breath.
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  • WTF
  • 07-23-2014, 12:15 PM
Childish and immature?

Those belittling remarks work on him, because he has self-esteem issues, so he naturally thinks they work on others as well.... like the bimbos clinging to him.

A pond minnow always thinks he's a big fish ...

.... until he jumps into the big water. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think you old white Tea'billys are full of hypocritical caca.

Why you would think that that would make me think I am a big fish is something only a gay man would know.


On the other hand, it is clear that almost everyone will get far more in Medicare benefits than they pay in. The average Medicare beneficiary will get four to five times more out of the system than they contribute. Only the very highest income earners actually pay their way in Medicare.
No you don't think I'm funny, you think I'm flirting with you dick breath. Originally Posted by WTF
There's your poor reading comprehension and inability to form a logical conclusion acting up again, you moronic buffoon.
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  • WTF
  • 07-24-2014, 07:38 AM
There's your poor reading comprehension and inability to form a logical conclusion acting up again, you moronic buffoon. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Paul is trying to tell you Tea'billy's the exact same thing. Plus he is against nation building...kinda like GWB said he was before getting elected.

The number is a far cry from the razor-thin electoral margin Romney attempted to project. And this group of recipients has abysmal voter turnout. So the idea that Republicans are losing elections because the Democrats are handing out welfare benefits just does not wash.