covid foia lawsuit

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EcoHealth Alliance denied that any sequences were kept out of GenBank. In response to a query, Daszak emailed an August 2020 Nature Communications article co-authored by EcoHealth and Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists, and wrote: “All sequences of SARS-related coronaviruses discovered by EcoHealth Alliance in China were sequenced using NIH funding and have been made public in peer-reviewed scientific papers and via the publicly available Genbank database. The Genbank accession numbers for over 600 sequences can be found in the attached paper. Two further sequences were identified and submitted separately to NIH on 11/18/21 (Genbank Accession # OK663614 & OK663615) Originally Posted by WTF
Good point. This paragraph is the opposite of what is in the first sentence in post #192.
adav8s28's Avatar
The authors of the paper are some of the ones who initially saw the virus and thought it looked engineered and a few days later emerged with a different theory then never mentioned their initial views in the paper. That's what Peterson, Ridley, and Campbell were complaining about. It's a conflict of interest.

The author also wrote that further investigation is needed!

And Campbell addressed your quote with his Chihuahua analogy. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Campbells point about the Chihuahua analogy is valid. However, the paper put out by the Steve Bannon organization was destroyed by scientists in link in Post #169. Campbell keeps referring to that paper.

1. Other Corona Viruses have the Furrin Cleavage in the Spike protein, not just SARS_CoV2.

2. Other Corona Viruses have 4 positively charged amino acids in row, not just SARS_CoV2.

3. The Bannon organization paper says the backbone of SARS_CoV2 is genome that has 3,000 nucleotides fewer that the actual SARS_CoV2 virus.

4. That paper put out by the Steve Bannon organization does not fly. Even though the author has an M.D., he made a lot of mistakes.

5. Happy New Years.