Consideration for the betrayed wife

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I thinck she is flirting with me. Originally Posted by pyramider
can she take a whole 1.3?
Unfortunately, my friend Loony posted this...she showed me the thread a few days later. I wish she had not done it. It is embarrassing enough without telling the world, honestly...but whatever. I just have to say something in my own defense...probably shouldn't, cause I am sure most of you could care less.
I married young, only 20, and yes, I was pregnant, and starry eyed, and I believed in good and love and all that. Reality hits hard when you have always tried to be a good little girl, coming from a drug-addict mom, alcoholic dad, stepfathers crawling all over you. But I know, not any provider's fault. The fault lies with the husband that I finally offered my trust to, the ONE after a long life of abuse that I chose to give the gift of my respect and admiration. I called him my "hero," and though I know I have NOT been perfect, I would have been there for him sexually in ANY capacity if he had sought it. Unfortunately, he learned cheating and porn at his father's knee, and I guess that no matter how beautiful he told me I was, there was no way I could ever be enough. Twenty years of marriage and two kids, right? How stupid was I? I would have been his whole world if he had let me. So, providers, adulterous husbands, singles, judge me if you dare. I am an imperfect fool just like all the rest of us, and my greatest foolishness was in believing I could ever be enough for anyone. Whoever you are, whatever you do (and I include myself), please remember: we do not live on an island. We are SO capable of injuring one another, even accidentally...should we really do it on purpose? Isn't there enough pain in this world without THAT? And there is my biggest piece of foolishness yet: that I could still believe anyone cares about that. I wish you all well, and, as soon as I can, I will remove myself from your thread and your world, and you can think whatever you choose about me. But I hope you will remember that I was once a little girl, and some of you may have or will have little girls as innocent as I was. Would you really want to see them bear the burden that I now carry every single day, losing faith in humanity, and, especially, in themselves? If you can, you have a stronger heart than I do. Looking into my daughter's eyes, I know I would lay down my life to defend her from a pain like mine. And if I am wrong, I am wrong indeed, for I have thought about this more than most...
Good day.
No one seriously believes that's the wife, right? Yes, her world has been shattered, her marriage might be falling apart, but she cares to come defend herself on a SHMB? Would it be appropriate to quack at this, or am I misunderstanding the cool kids board jargon?
James1588's Avatar
No one seriously believes that's the wife, right? Yes, her world has been shattered, her marriage might be falling apart, but she cares to come defend herself on a SHMB? Would it be appropriate to quack at this, or am I misunderstanding the cool kids board jargon? Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
Caroline, I could be wrong, of course. But I'm guessing that IS the wife. As was "Loony." And -- oh boy! -- here we go again.
Ma'am, you may think whatever you like. I AM the one being referred to, and you can doubt all you want. My goal and my hope is to help avoid having other people go through the same thing. If you want to mock me, please be my guest. I am a schoolteacher, and a mom, and I care that others might go through this. So I make time to tell others because I CARE that they might suffer. I am sorry you don't believe, or think I am wrong. I am doing what I feel is right, and you must do the same, even if you want to laugh at me. I hope you have been amused, because I assure you none of this has been a "quack" to me. I wish that it had....God, how I wish it!
Caroline, I could be wrong, of course. But I'm guessing that IS the wife. As was "Loony." And -- oh boy! -- here we go again. Originally Posted by James1588
And you are certainly welcome to refrain from joining in the conversation if you feel I am being fraudulent, sir. I may be a "loony" person, but I am NOT LoonyGirl. I wish I were. She had enough sense not to marry. I apologize if my response offended you, sir.
James1588's Avatar
And you are certainly welcome to refrain from joining in the conversation if you feel I am being fraudulent, sir. I may be a "loony" person, but I am NOT LoonyGirl. I wish I were. She had enough sense not to marry. I apologize if my response offended you, sir. Originally Posted by BetrayedWife1
Madam, allow me to point out, with all gentleness and respect, the first word of my post: "Caroline." Unless your name is Caroline, you can be fairly sure that I wasn't talking to you.

Thank you.
Madam, allow me to point out, with all gentleness and respect, the first word of my post: "Caroline." Unless your name is Caroline, you can be fairly sure that I wasn't talking to you.

Thank you. Originally Posted by James1588
Thank you for the clarification, sir, but, since my character was the one on which aspersions were being cast, I felt compelled to let you know the truth. It may be amusing for you to mock me (Lord knows I am not up to a battle of wits), but your comment struck me as very disrespectful of what I shared, and I felt that if you did not enjoy the conversation and only wished to cast doubt, you might be better served on a less serious topic. For I assure you I am quite in earnest, and there is nothing funny about it to me...
pyramider's Avatar
Unfortunately, my friend Loony posted this...she showed me the thread a few days later. I wish she had not done it. It is embarrassing enough without telling the world, honestly...but whatever. I just have to say something in my own defense...probably shouldn't, cause I am sure most of you could care less.
I married young, only 20, and yes, I was pregnant, and starry eyed, and I believed in good and love and all that. Reality hits hard when you have always tried to be a good little girl, coming from a drug-addict mom, alcoholic dad, stepfathers crawling all over you. But I know, not any provider's fault. The fault lies with the husband that I finally offered my trust to, the ONE after a long life of abuse that I chose to give the gift of my respect and admiration. I called him my "hero," and though I know I have NOT been perfect, I would have been there for him sexually in ANY capacity if he had sought it. Unfortunately, he learned cheating and porn at his father's knee, and I guess that no matter how beautiful he told me I was, there was no way I could ever be enough. Twenty years of marriage and two kids, right? How stupid was I? I would have been his whole world if he had let me. So, providers, adulterous husbands, singles, judge me if you dare. I am an imperfect fool just like all the rest of us, and my greatest foolishness was in believing I could ever be enough for anyone. Whoever you are, whatever you do (and I include myself), please remember: we do not live on an island. We are SO capable of injuring one another, even accidentally...should we really do it on purpose? Isn't there enough pain in this world without THAT? And there is my biggest piece of foolishness yet: that I could still believe anyone cares about that. I wish you all well, and, as soon as I can, I will remove myself from your thread and your world, and you can think whatever you choose about me. But I hope you will remember that I was once a little girl, and some of you may have or will have little girls as innocent as I was. Would you really want to see them bear the burden that I now carry every single day, losing faith in humanity, and, especially, in themselves? If you can, you have a stronger heart than I do. Looking into my daughter's eyes, I know I would lay down my life to defend her from a pain like mine. And if I am wrong, I am wrong indeed, for I have thought about this more than most...
Good day. Originally Posted by BetrayedWife1

If you read my PSA and can honestly say you were there to take care of your husband. You know being there with minimal headaches, fake periods, not much nagging, and browbeating, then as I said ... its on him. It sounds as if he raised by a cheater. The things boys learn from their dads ... Dump the fucktard and take him to the cleaners.

Focus on your daughters. Be a good mom, not a friend, but a mom.

I just noticed that I only supplied the linck to my PSA. Below spells it out.

This is a Public Service Announcement for the wives, girlfriends, and future exes of the members of the hobby.

You are now discovering that your soon to be ex husband/boyfriend has been playing around with others. I know you will be hurt by this discovery. You will lash out at the ladies of icky and other SHMBs. You will be calling the them cumsluts, whores, tramps, harlots, jezebels, etc.

There is really no need for that behavior. You need to focus your attention on you. What are you going to do? How are you going to confront your soon to be ex? Are you willing to let him weasel out of the mess "he" created? Why did this happen? How did this happen?

Let us focus on the last two questions: Why and How. Even the best relationships are difficult to maintain over the years with both parties contributing. But things happen. Things change.

If you look in the mirror a lot of it comes back to you. If you played the role of cumslut, whore, tramp, etc in your relationship and kept your soon to be ex sated you would not be looking here. Had you had sucked and fucked him several times a week, and I am not talking about just laying there. But actually meet his needs ... Suck his cock with meaning. Get involved in fucking his brains out. Perform BBCR, or occasionally engage in ass play. Your soon to be ex will be drained. He will not have the desire, or energy, to chase some strange. Oh his eyes will wander ... But his pecker will stay at home and have some more home cooking.

So ladies keep the fire burning at home. Up your game. Or welcome to the hobby and be hurt over discovering your soon to be ex has been playing around. It really is up to you. Learn the hard lessons now and remember them the next time you get in a relationship.

Now if you took care of your end of the deal and the soon to be ex still getting strange ... then that is on him and you should dump his dumb ass

If you read my PSA and can honestly say you were there to take care of your husband. You know being there with minimal headaches, fake periods, not much nagging, and browbeating, then as I said ... its on him. It sounds as if he raised by a cheater. The things boys learn from their dads ... Dump the fucktard and take him to the cleaners.

Focus on your daughters. Be a good mom, not a friend, but a mom.

I just noticed that I only supplied the linck to my PSA. Below spells it out.

This is a Public Service Announcement for the wives, girlfriends, and future exes of the members of the hobby.

You are now discovering that your soon to be ex husband/boyfriend has been playing around with others. I know you will be hurt by this discovery. You will lash out at the ladies of icky and other SHMBs. You will be calling the them cumsluts, whores, tramps, harlots, jezebels, etc.

There is really no need for that behavior. You need to focus your attention on you. What are you going to do? How are you going to confront your soon to be ex? Are you willing to let him weasel out of the mess "he" created? Why did this happen? How did this happen?

Let us focus on the last two questions: Why and How. Even the best relationships are difficult to maintain over the years with both parties contributing. But things happen. Things change.

If you look in the mirror a lot of it comes back to you. If you played the role of cumslut, whore, tramp, etc in your relationship and kept your soon to be ex sated you would not be looking here. Had you had sucked and fucked him several times a week, and I am not talking about just laying there. But actually meet his needs ... Suck his cock with meaning. Get involved in fucking his brains out. Perform BBCR, or occasionally engage in ass play. Your soon to be ex will be drained. He will not have the desire, or energy, to chase some strange. Oh his eyes will wander ... But his pecker will stay at home and have some more home cooking.

So ladies keep the fire burning at home. Up your game. Or welcome to the hobby and be hurt over discovering your soon to be ex has been playing around. It really is up to you. Learn the hard lessons now and remember them the next time you get in a relationship.

Now if you took care of your end of the deal and the soon to be ex still getting strange ... then that is on him and you should dump his dumb ass
. Originally Posted by pyramider
Thank you, sir, and you are right. I WAS there for him, never refused ANYTHING. I guess 20 years with the same chick is tough...I get it. I mean, I had fantasies, too...but you know what? They stayed fantasies. I put this man through school, never nagged, even when he lost his job, even when things weren't all that great for me. I was NOT perfect, by any means. I suffer from panic attacks and depression, but, God knows, I have done the best I could with what I have...
And I appreciate your PSA...I really do...and I probably should have abandoned the guy, but, you know, after all I have been through in my life, I hVe learned to give second chances. If my heart gets broken again, I guess I am an even bigger idiot than I thought.
I don't blame the provider for my husband's disrespectful, painful betrayal of everything I sacrificed for him...I blame myself. Because nothing I could have done would have been enough. I could not afford the fake breasts, the liposuction...but I keep myself in shape as best I can for a 40 year old who once was a "beauty queen," and I just don't want anyone else to feel as list and defeated as I do. If ONE person, just one, changes their behavior from my words, I can feel that the pain was worth something. I know not everyone shares my beliefs, but we are all people. We all have a share in the world we leave behind, even those who make their living as providers. I cannot believe that they lose their humanity. And no, it is NOT the provider's fault that my husband cheated, but it is the provider's fault that she consented to do it. She wasn't forced. I would not have done such a thing to her. And if one provider, just one, or one husband might think about that, maybe I can find the strength to go on. I know you all are probably mocking me, but that is all right. I don't mock you. I hope for you, and I hope my faith will be rewarded. God bless.
No one seriously believes that's the wife, right?
My, aren't you the cynical one.

a good little girl, coming from a drug-addict mom, alcoholic dad, stepfathers crawling all over you
You would make an excellent provider.
Suck his cock with meaning. ~ Immanuel Kant
Cynical? No. Gullible? Also no.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
This site nor the women are the problem. The ones not standing by their commitment are the problem.

Your statement here is understandable but even if this site or the women here were an option rest assured other options are out there.............

And he will find them if he wants them.

Feel free to carry on though
pyramider's Avatar
We all have a share in the world we leave behind, even those who make their living as providers. I cannot believe that they lose their humanity. And no, it is NOT the provider's fault that my husband cheated, but it is the provider's fault that she consented to do it. She wasn't forced. I would not have done such a thing to her. And if one provider, just one, or one husband might think about that, maybe I can find the strength to go on. I know you all are probably mocking me, but that is all right. I don't mock you. I hope for you, and I hope my faith will be rewarded. God bless. Originally Posted by BetrayedWife1
Here is where I depart from your thincking. The providers generally do not know which fucktard is married or not. Most married men take their rings off prior to meeting another woman. The providers provide a service and nothing more. In no way is your husband cheating their fault, its him and him alone. Cheaters cheat. Its that simple.

You did not mock me. If you want to mock me go ahead, everyone else does. I can take it, my legendary 1.3" of dangling death has been laughed at by all. Have at it, it might make you feel better.