Harvard Law Prof Alan Dershowitz, on Zimmerman's arrest

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  • Old-T
  • 04-24-2012, 05:03 AM
IB, you have a serious anger problem with MSN. Somehow you have displaced this on me and anyone who has the audacity to think that you just might be fallible.

Out of curiosity have you been one tenth as active actually writing to the guys you loath at MSN? Have they filed a restraining order against you yet?

Good to know we can solve so many of the problems with judicial backlog by turning the country into a police state (that's what happens when you let the police decide guilt and innocence on their own), and you can be the appeal process.

Rant away. I'm off to work so my taxes can support your spewing.

PS: You need some basic arithmetic as well.
IB, you have a serious anger problem with MSN. Somehow you have displaced this on me and anyone who has the audacity to think that you just might be fallible. Originally Posted by Old-T
I think IB did a pretty decent job of summarizing how the MSM misrepresented this case. The one I would add is that they actually called Zimmerman a "vigilante". Often.

Good to know we can solve so many of the problems with judicial backlog by turning the country into a police state (that's what happens when you let the police decide guilt and innocence on their own), and you can be the appeal process.. Originally Posted by Old-T
Let's add "police" to the list of things you are angry with Old-T. Sure sometimes there are bad ones but I haven't seen any credible info from you, the media, the police, the eyewitnesses, the special prosecutor, Zimmerman or the Martin family that rebukes the Sanford police department's decision to release Zimmerman.

Sorry, I'd rather not have Al Sharpton determining my judicial backlog either.
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB, you have a serious anger problem with MSN. Somehow you have displaced this on me and anyone who has the audacity to think that you just might be fallible. Because you were regurgitating their rhetoric.

Out of curiosity have you been one tenth as active actually writing to the guys you loath at MSN? Have they filed a restraining order against you yet?

Good to know we can solve so many of the problems with judicial backlog by turning the country into a police state (that's what happens when you let the police decide guilt and innocence on their own), and you can be the appeal process. So you prefer ochlocracy!?!

Rant away. I'm off to work so my taxes can support your spewing.

PS: You need some basic arithmetic as well. Would you care to recount your lies and dozens of spelling errors in your posts heretofore? WTF, Z's mug shot was seven years old (not five), that only underscores my argument on how the MSM attempted to distort the picture -- thanks for pointing that out, jackass. Originally Posted by Old-T
One fact still remains, Florida will burn when the Jury comes back with a Not Guilty Verdict.
And they will. As more and more "facts" come out, it is obvious that this will turn into a self defense case, you had one man on top of another, beating his head into the concrete, and the other man, in fear of his life, shot him.

Everything that happenned in the minutes before is irrelevant. The 9-11 call will prove that Zimmerman had ceased to "pursue" Travon Martin, and Travon had decided to show this man that he could not "dis" him. Two separate events. The instant Travon became the aggressor, everything changed.

The Jury will see this. They will say not guilty. Florida will burn.

Is everybody happy?
joe bloe's Avatar
One fact still remains, Florida will burn when the Jury comes back with a Not Guilty Verdict.
And they will. As more and more "facts" come out, it is obvious that this will turn into a self defense case, you had one man on top of another, beating his head into the concrete, and the other man, in fear of his life, shot him.

Everything that happenned in the minutes before is irrelevant. The 9-11 call will prove that Zimmerman had ceased to "pursue" Travon Martin, and Travon had decided to show this man that he could not "dis" him. Two separate events. The instant Travon became the aggressor, everything changed.

The Jury will see this. They will say not guilty. Florida will burn.

Is everybody happy? Originally Posted by Jackie S
I wish I shared your confidence in the jury system. I believe Zimmerman acted in self defence and never should have been charged. I'm not so sure a jury will find him not guilty.

America has sent a dangerous message to the feral permanent underclass that any time they're not happy with a verdict they can riot and loot without consequence. If we don't send a clear message that rioting will not be tolerated, we run the risk of having the integrity of our criminal justice system compromised by the threat of mob violence.

If an angry mob trys to burn Florida, the National Gaurd should deal with them the way they would an invading enemy on American soil.
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  • WTF
  • 04-24-2012, 09:31 AM

The Jury will see this. They will say not guilty. Florida will burn.

Is everybody happy? Originally Posted by Jackie S
As long as they do not burn the Beach's in the Panhandle on their west coast, I don't give a shit what they do in Flordia! Fuc, just leave San Destin alone and I'm good!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-24-2012, 12:08 PM
I think IB did a pretty decent job of summarizing how the MSM misrepresented this case. The one I would add is that they actually called Zimmerman a "vigilante". Often.

Let's add "police" to the list of things you are angry with Old-T. Sure sometimes there are bad ones but I haven't seen any credible info from you, the media, the police, the eyewitnesses, the special prosecutor, Zimmerman or the Martin family that rebukes the Sanford police department's decision to release Zimmerman.

Sorry, I'd rather not have Al Sharpton determining my judicial backlog either. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You have (again) misread my post.

Point #1: I hve no problem with IB being upset at MSN. If he would direct that anger where it belongs--at MSN--I would say "rant away". Somehow he has confused me with an MSN employee. The fact that occasionally I agree with them (just as shudder I occasionally agree with some things IB posts) does not mean I am an MSN clone. On ballance they are as stupid as the Beckites.

Point #2: I did not comment on the Sanford police--I commented on all the folks here who say "since the police decided not to arrest him, he must be innocent". Letting the police decide innosence and guilt was the part I was against--a far bigger issue than the specifics of this case. Another example of some (hey IB, please note that word, "some", if you need help understanding what t means, ask me) of the right wing extremists fawning over KGB tactics and not even realizing their Communist symathies.

Point #3: About Rev Al, I completely agree with you.
A group of black thugs critically beat a white guy in the name of "treyvon martin".............let the race wars begin; thank you Obama.

Af-Freakin's Avatar
A group of black thugs critically beat a white guy in the name of "treyvon martin".............let the race wars begin; thank you Obama.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q94GC...layer_embedded Originally Posted by Whirlaway

1 persons thug is another persons freedom fighter. paybacks a bitch. waz it a white hispanic or a real cracker?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I heard this white negro saying how if he had a son he would look just like a thug I mean Treyvon Martin
Af-Freakin's Avatar
I heard this white negro saying how if he had a son he would look just like a thug I mean Treyvon Martin Originally Posted by The2Dogs

i heard a story about an old stale cracker who went blind because he haz a masterbation addiction & claims 2 work but really stays home all day posting on hooker message boards & collects a guvmint check but denies it 2 the posters on the hooker message board.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-24-2012, 03:40 PM
A group of black thugs critically beat a white guy in the name of "treyvon martin".............let the race wars begin. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Kind of you to bring your gasoline can. Beating a guy for reasons in the video are clearly wrong, and hopefully you know that without someone telling you. But in your case I'm not sure.

1 persons thug is another persons freedom fighter. paybacks a bitch. waz it a white hispanic or a real cracker? Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Asshole. Not much else to say about your post.

This pair of well matched comments lead me to think: if a stupid right wing wacko and a stupid left wing wacko shake hands, will it result in an anti-mind explosion?
My guess is that Zimmerman had the gun stuck in the back of his pants. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I haven;t been following closely, I hadn't heard the news that they found a second gun.

Thanks, Joe, I always knew you were whacko, now any other arguments you put forward, even the sensible ones, can be poured down the sewer.
OLD TIMER, you conviently left out the fact that Obama firdt tossed the malotove cocktail onto the race fire.

And of course I know the beat down was wrong. Why the fuck you think I posted the story numbskull!!

[QUOTE=Old-T;2448629]Kind of you to bring your gasoline can. Beating a guy for reasons in the video are clearly wrong, and hopefully you know that without someone telling you. But in your case I'm not sure.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-24-2012, 06:59 PM
OLD TIMER, you conviently left out the fact that Obama firdt tossed the malotove cocktail onto the race fire. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I wasn't commenting on Obama's comments (which I think were very wrong) because I didn't realize he was posting on here. YOU posted on here so I commented on YOUR post. Understand the difference????

And one person's stupid comment is not lisence for other people's stupid comments.