Why is Impeachment such a forbidden topic?

lustylad's Avatar
WASHINGTON (CNN) - A new poll suggests that George W. Bush is the most unpopular president in modern American history.


FACT JACK Originally Posted by bigtex

Your link is to an article dated May 1, 2008. That makes it 6-1/2 years old! Polls go and down all the time. Why are you trying to pass off a poll result that is 6-1/2 years old as if it is "new" and applicable or meaningful today? Are you trying to GRUBER us, little dixsucker?
Your link is to an article dated May 1, 2008. That makes it 6-1/2 years old! Polls go and down all the time. Why are you trying to pass off a poll result that is 6-1/2 years old as if it is "new" and applicable or meaningful today? Are you trying to GRUBER us, little dixsucker? Originally Posted by lustylad
Actually the link goes back several decades and is just as applicable today as it was 6 1/2 years ago. Specifically, it compares the approval and disapproval poll numbers for numerous Presidents, not just "The Most Unpopular (and incompetent) President in Modern History," AKA George W. Shrub.

(Yes, it is the very same Shrub that LLIdiot supported and voted for twice. And I suspect that you did, as well.)


WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2014, 11:48 AM
Your link is to an article dated May 1, 2008. That makes it 6-1/2 years old! Polls go and down all the time. Why are you trying to pass off a poll result that is 6-1/2 years old as if it is "new" and applicable or meaningful today? Are you trying to GRUBER us, little dixsucker? Originally Posted by lustylad
Speaking of dixsucker....Does your Gayder think the GOP should try and impeach Obama? What does your gay community think of that Tea Turkey induced idea?
LexusLover's Avatar
Your link is to an article dated May 1, 2008. That makes it 6-1/2 years old! Polls go and down all the time. Why are you trying to pass off a poll result that is 6-1/2 years old as if it is "new" and applicable or meaningful today? Are you trying to GRUBER us, little dixsucker? Originally Posted by lustylad
Actually, what he does attempt is to throw shit on the wall and hope it sticks.

Obviously (not to a retarded, impaired person like BigTits), if one is going to compare 6 years into an administration of one President to 6 years into the administration of another there must be polls take of the two Presidents at their respective 6 year points. Which is what the article does.

Obaminable's numbers are comparable to Bush's and TRENDING DOWN!

And here is one reason, among many:

"Now that 28—soon probably 29—of the 60 Senate Democrats who voted for ObamaCare are out of office, one of the surviving believers is confessing a crisis of faith. New York Senator Chuck Schumer’s striking remarks on Tuesday suggest that the church of ObamaCare is losing congregants even in the front pews.

Speaking at the National Press Club, the influential Senate leader identified the decline of middle-class incomes as the defining challenge of the age. Democrats can only win elections, Mr. Schumer said, as “the pro-government party”—and ObamaCare is undermining that larger political project.

"The Senator called the law a distraction from the “middle-class-oriented programs” his party should have pursued after 2008: “Unfortunately, Democrats blew the opportunity the American people gave them. We took their mandate and put all of our focus on the wrong problem: health-care reform.”

Mr. Schumer said he still supported the entitlement’s goals, but “it wasn’t the change we were hired to make. Americans were crying out for the end to the recession, for better wages and more jobs.” We’re glad he’s finally taking our advice from 2009-2010."


Like Gruber said, BigTits and his Ilk were lead around by the nose.

"Stupid is as stupid does." That is BigTits.
lustylad's Avatar
Actually the link goes back several decades and is just as applicable today as it was 6 1/2 years ago. Originally Posted by bigtex

No, it's not "just as applicable today". A poll is a snapshot in time. For you to have any credibility when you keep barking that Bush is "the most unpopular President in modern history" is an up-to-date poll or link, not an ancient one. You claimed that Bush IS the most unpopular recent POTUS, not that Bush WAS very unpopular 6-1/2 years ago.

Should we judge Harry Truman by polls taken when he was at the nadir in his popularity? Or by what the public thinks of him today? Should we judge Bubba Clinton by where he stood in the polls in 1994 after he had his ass handed to him in mid-term elections? Or by where he stands in the polls today? If you want to play the game by your fucked-up rules, it works both ways, dumbass.

What pisses me off is you don't even mention how old the poll is when you throw it out there. You are a Gruber through and through.
lustylad's Avatar
Speaking of dixsucker....Does your Gayder think the GOP should try and impeach Obama? What does your gay community think of that Tea Turkey induced idea? Originally Posted by WTF

I don't know what a "Gayder" is, fagboy. Do you mean "Gator"? I am not a big U. of Fla. fan. What do the Florida Gators have to do with impeachment?

I also can't tell you what the gay community thinks about impeachment. If the question is so important to you, maybe you should ask some of your pals down in Tranny Alley when you are sucking them off tonight. Or take a poll at your next LGBT party. I already spoke my views (on impeachment, not fagboy trannies) in post #55. And by the way, the tea party folks are not the ones who are inducing or putting momentum behind the idea. Your Emperor-King Odumbo is doing it all by himself.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What I find interesting is that BigAssSux can't tell us how great Obama is, only how bad Bush was. I guess his standard for greatness is to simply be better than Bush. That's a pretty low standard to meet. But BigAssSux is the poster boy for low standards.
But BigAssSux is the poster boy for low standards. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Pot meet Kettle!

COIdiot is indeed "the poster boy for low standards." His standards are so low that he has yet to support a presidential candidate that has any chance whatsoever of becoming elected. By only supporting the least qualified of the absolute lowest tier of US Presidential candidates, COIdiot feels it gives him free reign to bitch and moan endlessly about each and every elected POTUS.

COIdiot, stands for absolutely nothing and is against anything and everything. He blends in quite well with the rest of the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You can't come up with an original comment, can you, BigAssSux? Didn't think so. That would require thought, an activity which is unknown to you. And not settling for corporate poster boys as candidates for President is hardly a sign of low standards. But it's true, I don't ask for much from a candidate. I simply want him/her to be honest, transparent, and have a working knowledge of the Constitution with the intent to preserve it, not get around it. Find me a major party candidate who meets those criteria, and I'll be first in line to sign up! But you prefer lying, corrupt corporate shills, don't you, BigAssSux? That's right, you can't think, can you? No, but you will obey your corporate leaders. Good for you!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

You aren't getting better, Whiny. You're getting older.
LexusLover's Avatar
You aren't getting better, Whiny. You're getting older. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He is getting smarter along with the rest of US "getting older" .....

... BigTits is stuck on stupid. Just ask Gruber.

And now BigTits is balling like a baby ...

Wah! Wah! Wah! Originally Posted by bigtex:
And sobbing "Bush" when he catches his breath between wails.
And sobbing "Bush" when he catches his breath between wails. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bush? Is this the Bush you're referring to?


LexusLover's Avatar
Actually the link goes back several decades and is just as applicable today as it was 6 1/2 years ago. Originally Posted by bigtex
This is your "link" which goes back more than "several decades,' but it is clearly "applicable today as it was 6 1/2" million "years ago."

Third in line from the left.--------

But don't worry, it is reported they cried like babies also ...

:Wah! Wah! Wah! Originally Posted by bigtex
And sobbing "Bush" when he catches his breath between wails.

Speaking of "links" and bigtex aka BigTits ... does anyone recall his bravado wager on Obaminable vs. Bush and their respective "popularity" at the end of their respective occupations of the White House? The dialogue went on for pages and days ...

Anyone can see why I continually stated a wager with BigTits on "polling" was a losing proposition .... he cherry picks his poll and like Gruber announced selects himself as a winner of the wager!!!!!!!

That's why he doesn't "play" in Las Vegas. He wants to come home!
LexusLover's Avatar
Bush? Is this the Bush you're referring to? Originally Posted by bigtex
It's the only "Bush" you can think about, apparently.

Have you managed to ambush any unsuspecting creatures while they are having supper yet? Or are they safe for another year?
LexusLover's Avatar
Your link is to an article dated May 1, 2008. Are you trying to GRUBER us, little dixsucker? Originally Posted by lustylad
So the comparable polling on his "man" in the White House will have to occur on May 1, 2016, after several months of bashing by his "want-a-be" favorite (who ever that may be about that time ... his hedging keeps moving, ducking, weaving, and bobbing).

His 20-20 xray hindsight vision takes some adjusting as light shines on the target! It's kind of like night vision goggles when the light pops on! It takes his 20-20 xray hindsight vision some adjusting to do. Then he:

:Wah! Wah! Wah! Originally Posted by bigtex