Capitalism: A Love Story!

You tried to backtrack like an imbecile. In doing so, you made yourself look even more like an arrogant, know-nothing, self-contradicting cocktard. In case you didn't notice, even your wingman just refudiated you by saying "science isn't about providing incontrovertible proof... it's a guess." Originally Posted by lustylad
that's not entirely true. You're using guess like a person who is trying to guess the lottery numbers uses it and that's not really the case. It's an extremely educated guess that is right, again and again in experimentation. Is it incontrovertible? No, but not much is, so you're getting hung up on a word. It's also a word your buddy IB likes to use a lot...

The burden of proof is most certainly on the person claiming existence of god. I don't see god. I see the universe and all that surrounds me. I'm not claiming anything that isn't visible or provable. By believing in a deity, you most certainly are claiming something that requires proof.
  • shanm
  • 05-07-2015, 12:44 AM

This is your second warning. Get out now. What gets strung up every time I string two words together is your limp dick.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
LMAO keep whining you chicken shit blowhard. You're as lame as they come.

"What gets strung up every time I string two words together is your limp dick.".....were you trying to be funny when you came up with that?

Well you fucking failed, just like at everything else in your life.
Keep the "warnings" coming, it makes me want to fuck your cute little ass some more.
You tried to backtrack like an imbecile. In doing so, you made yourself look even more like an arrogant, know-nothing, self-contradicting cocktard. In case you didn't notice, even your wingman just refudiated you by saying "science isn't about providing incontrovertible proof... it's a guess."

This is your second warning. Get out now. What gets strung up every time I string two words together is your limp dick.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
What does that even mean? Why do you want to do things to another dude's limp dick?

Here's a warning for you; we're on to you, jizzy. Everyone has seen you for what you really are. The curtain has been pulled back and we've seen Oz. You're not smart. You're not funny. You're not liked around here. We all know who and what you are and what you're about. Just so there's no confusion.

If you want to believe in a skydaddy that listens to your sorry ass pray at night, be my guest. You're an ignorant cunt when it comes to just about everything else, why would this be any different?
lustylad's Avatar
Jesus Christ you have got to be, by far, the dumbest motherfucker on this board. No contest... Jesus fucking Christ...

You are a pathetic little troll IB, and you're fucking delusional if you think anyone will fall for your bullshit. You are an illiterate piece of shit, I bet you can't read the front cover of Cat in the Hat, you ignorant half-wit.

I am done playing your stupid fucking games. Have fun tugging your dick. Originally Posted by shanm


Wow, such an intelligent post! See how shammy-teufelshund adds value to this forum? He is such a thoughtful and inspiring contributor to our conversations here, especially when he froths and foams at the mouth like this!

lustylad's Avatar
I explained exactly what the difference was. Your inability to understand is a fault of your genes. I'm not stuck anywhere. Science provides much more in the way of certainty than religion ever will. Religion provides nothing in the way of certainty. Absolutely nothing.

As for the question of existence, regardless of whether you are referring to the abrahamic god or simply a prime mover or watchmaker, the percentage is the same for me. Zero. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Man up. Stop being such a fucking weasel. You can't have it both ways. You can't say "science... is a guess" when it comes to proving whether God does/doesn't exist and ALSO say with 100% confidence that the probability God exists is zero. Those two assertions are mutually exclusive!

You are caught up in the web of your own stupid, willful, unavoidable contradictions. No way out, dipshit.

If you want to insist the probability is zero, you have to leave science out of it. Then you're just a plain fucking vanilla atheist, with no agnosticism mixed in.

lustylad's Avatar
Because as we all know, there is not a single shred of evidence for an Abrahamic god or any other god. Originally Posted by shanm

Lookee at that - Shamfucker is talking about "an Abrahamic god". First time too. That's wombhater's signature expression. He uses it over and over. No one else does. The libtard duo is crumbling. They log into eccie interchangeably and forget who is posting. It's beginning to look like WombRaider = UnderConstruction = Shanm. Who else is in their little circle jerk rotation? Anyone putting money on Assup?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Jesus Christ you have got to be, by far, the dumbest motherfucker on this board. No contest.

You think that Stephen Hawking came up with the Big Bang theory all on his own?

Then what happened? No one even cared to question his senility? It trumped the prevalent steady state theories and it all just became universally accepted scientific fact all on it's own?

Jesus fucking Christ.

You are a pathetic little troll IB, and you're fucking delusional if you think anyone will fall for your bullshit. You are an illiterate piece of shit, I bet you can't read the front cover of Cat in the Hat, you ignorant half-wit.

I am done playing your stupid fucking games. Have fun tugging your dick.
Originally Posted by shanm
Admit it, shamman, you're a supercilious asshole that demands evidence from others that you yourself cannot produce to support your own beliefs. And that makes you a low-life hypocrite, shamman.
Man up. Stop being such a fucking weasel. You can't have it both ways. You can't say "science... is a guess" when it comes to proving whether God does/doesn't exist and ALSO say with 100% confidence that the probability God exists is zero. Those two assertions are mutually exclusive!

You are caught up in the web of your own stupid, willful, unavoidable contradictions. No way out, dipshit.

If you want to insist the probability is zero, you have to leave science out of it. Then you're just a plain fucking vanilla atheist, with no agnosticism mixed in.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
The fact that you think those two things are mutually exclusive illustrates your complete lack of understanding on the subject. I never said science could prove or disprove God. It has no need for him. The universe works without him. Your assertion about science being a guess is a misuse of the word guess and you're just too stupid to understand it. I don't have to leave science out of anything. All things that are possible, must by definition be probable. The same does not hold true in reverse. What is probable may not necessarily be possible. What's funny is I've seen where you were going from the beginning. I'm not sure why you are so wrapped up in labels. I'm an agnostic atheist, with or without your ability to understand it. One deals with belief, the other with knowledge. I see no knowledge, therefore I have no belief. End of story.
lustylad's Avatar
The fact that you think those two things are mutually exclusive illustrates your complete lack of understanding on the subject. I never said science could prove or disprove God. It has no need for him. The universe works without him. Your assertion about science being a guess is a misuse of the word guess and you're just too stupid to understand it. I don't have to leave science out of anything. All things that are possible, must by definition be probable. The same does not hold true in reverse. What is probable may not necessarily be possible. What's funny is I've seen where you were going from the beginning. I'm not sure why you are so wrapped up in labels. I'm an agnostic atheist, with or without your ability to understand it. One deals with belief, the other with knowledge. I see no knowledge, therefore I have no belief. End of story. Originally Posted by WombRaider

You say God is not a necessary condition to the existence of the universe. You also say science cannot disprove God. Both assertions leave the possibility open. Now look at what I just highlighted. You say "all things that are possible must by definition be probable." Bingo. Leaving the possibility open means the probability is greater than zero. You can argue that probability is as tiny or negligible as you want to make it, but it's not zero.

Btw, I'm not trying to prove or disprove anything other than your own logical inconsistency. I really don't give a fuck what you label yourself. But it would bother the fuck out of me if I couldn't properly articulate my beliefs or defend them in a logically consistent way. It would tell me I really haven't figured anything out.

  • shanm
  • 05-07-2015, 10:47 AM
Lookee at that - Shamfucker is talking about "an Abrahamic god". First time too. That's wombhater's signature expression. He uses it over and over. No one else does. The libtard duo is crumbling. They log into eccie interchangeably and forget who is posting. It's beginning to look like WombRaider = UnderConstruction = Shanm. Who else is in their little circle jerk rotation? Anyone putting money on Assup? Originally Posted by lustylad

LMAO aren’t you cute when you stutter..

Let’s recap shall we. LustyTard went from bitching about the difference between an agnostic atheist and an atheist, to whining for scientific proof of our creation and then to moaning about ME having multiple handles! stop backing your ass up all over the place, you little tease! You're giving us all raging hard-ons!

You are the biggest weasel out of anyone on this board. You make a stupid claim, get your ass burned and then run and hide behind your intellectual superior IB. Just calling some one else a weasel doesn't shift the focus off you, you back pedaling worm
You say God is not a necessary condition to the existence of the universe. You also say science cannot disprove God. Both assertions leave the possibility open. Now look at what I just highlighted. You say "all things that are possible must by definition be probable." Bingo. Leaving the possibility open means the probability is greater than zero. You can argue that probability is as tiny or negligible as you want to make it, but it's not zero.

Btw, I'm not trying to prove or disprove anything other than your own logical inconsistency. I really don't give a fuck what you label yourself. But it would bother the fuck out of me if I couldn't properly articulate my beliefs or defend them in a logically consistent way. It would tell me I really haven't figured anything out.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
What bothers the fuck out of you is irrelevant to me. I perfectly articulated my beliefs to you, several times. You simply fail to accept or understand them. I've explained to you that one issue deals with belief and the other with knowledge. I'm not sure how you still don't get that. You can continue to argue technicalities if you wish.

BTW, the probability of an outcome can still be zero.
lustylad's Avatar
BTW, the probability of an outcome can still be zero. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Of course it can - but then by definition that outcome is not possible.

Why do you go around in circles like this? Do you delight in being illogical or are you trying to give people headaches?
Of course it can - but then by definition that outcome is not possible.

Why do you go around in circles like this? Do you delight in being illogical or are you trying to give people headaches? Originally Posted by lustylad
Not exactly. In finite event spaces, yes. But with infinite outcomes, zero probability isn't necessarily impossibility. So actually, I'm correct. Again.
lustylad's Avatar
Not exactly. In finite event spaces, yes. But with infinite outcomes, zero probability isn't necessarily impossibility. So actually, I'm correct. Again. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Hold the self-applause. First, provide plausible everyday examples of events where "infinite outcomes" are possible. Second, explain how and why infinite possible outcomes generate zero probability of any specific outcome. Third, reconcile the assertion you just made with your previous statement that "all things that are possible must by definition be probable."
Hold the self-applause. First, provide plausible everyday examples of events where "infinite outcomes" are possible. Second, explain how and why infinite possible outcomes generate zero probability of any specific outcome. Third, reconcile the assertion you just made with your previous statement that "all things that are possible must by definition be probable." Originally Posted by lustylad
Finite event spaces and infinite event spaces account for the reconciliation of that assertion. You would need to first prove that the christian creation story is physically possible. Only then can you say its probability is greater than zero. As for the rest, I'm not your teacher and you're not my student. Go figure it out for yourself. I love how you demand that I provide this and provide that.

I don't have to provide you shit. If you don't believe what I said, it's on you to go figure it out. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.