Ban-a-palooza 2015! (someone had to do it)

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
...the bomb you it out:
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
this is how you multi-quote and edit quotes down to the nitty gritty
Mmmm I found a new MD 20/20 Flavor... Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
new MD 20/20?

pass (shudders)
You still need to get on the Night Train Express...ijs Originally Posted by Russ38
I looked for this last time it came up. I couldn't find anywhere that it was sold in Houston. just places to order it online. think I even found it on Amazon or maybe that was an old link. found lots articles where cities banned it basically thinking it would keep the wino bums from drinking. ha! of course they just moved on to some other cheap stuff (might have been Thunderbird. Don T. reminded me). oh yeah, stuff is cheap as hell. like 3 or 4 bucks a bottle where I found it online. that alone suggests trouble to myself. do they still sell it somewhere in town? maybe it's the areas some of us wouldn't normally frequent that don't maintain any online presence? ha!

Coco Loco sounds good, is it chocolate flavored? Cuz I loves me some chocolate. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
no it tastes like coconut but its not sweet.. Chocolate alcohol would be a disaster I can almost bet a case of shitty booty lol Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
it's not that bad. I remember seeing it at Spec's.

Chocolate Liqueurs

also remember getting these chocolate eggs with liqueur fillings. my buddies and I thinking we were skirting the rules of society getting alcohol when we weren't supposed to. things were pretty tasty. I can only imagine now how minimal the alcohol must have been and how much chocolate we'd have had to get to get a buzz.

sorta like these
liqueur filled chocolate eggs
except they were custom made I think. sold different alcohol flavors at some Galleria candy store.

I was going to break down that paragraph and show you where you fail but I feel I would be wasting my time. It does point out one thing know Jack and Shit. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
have to agree with you on this point. I started to break it down autopilot style mentally then just said no. waste of time.

... I Can't Believe It Made It Through A Shower Haha.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
I sure hope karma and the universe don't decide to be themselves since I'm going to comment on this -
sounds like some serious ass crack cement was going on smh
You probably have to go tothe hood to find night train thats where I go to get my specific MD 20/20 flavors lol... The cheap stuff is the best because you don't have to worry about anyone wanting your drink lol... Plus it gets the job done and you still have change left to buy some scratch offs... I like it because I don't drink alot so that stuff hits the spot... mmmm Plus I love to see the cashier's face when I walk up to the counter with it in my hand they have to do a double look hahaha... Its PRICELESS

Ass crack cement haha TFF

There is this other drink like MD but I can't think of the name at the moment because I haven't drank it in a long time lol but its in a plastic bottle and stronger than md that shit will put you on your ass within 10min... I love when people say MD isn't strong & they start drinking the grape wine one fast & then start throwing upcause they can't hang haha... Then they understand why I drink it slow in the beginning...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Add Doove to the list.
Russ38's Avatar
I looked for this last time it came up. I couldn't find anywhere that it was sold in Houston. just places to order it online. think I even found it on Amazon or maybe that was an old link. found lots articles where cities banned it basically thinking it would keep the wino bums from drinking. ha! of course they just moved on to some other cheap stuff (might have been Thunderbird. Don T. reminded me). oh yeah, stuff is cheap as hell. like 3 or 4 bucks a bottle where I found it online. that alone suggests trouble to myself. do they still sell it somewhere in town? maybe it's the areas some of us wouldn't normally frequent that don't maintain any online presence? ha!
Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG
If you go to Specs online, you can do a search on which stores carry it....there are a few around town that do....
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
Add Doove to the list. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
he's from New York! our Ban-a-palooza list is maintained for Htown frequenters. does he post here? if so my bad. I don't recognize him and his reviews all state NY.

who knows how long this list would be if we tried to keep up with Texas as a whole much less all of eccie-dom.

if NY wants to host a Ban-a-palooza have 'em contact Hardhat or kinkyorca and send the proper forms. they can contact Godzilla for appearances also.

If you go to Specs online, you can do a search on which stores carry it....there are a few around town that do.... Originally Posted by Russ38
ah. I thought I did search Spec's but I probably searched a store that was nearby. I remember having trouble locating mead and Laird's AppleJack or Apple Brandy at Spec's. only certain ones had either as you said.

btw, Mansion clashes with Sheen. just saying. ha! cool guy ≠ crazy guy (just messing with ya but that's my thought everytime I see it)
chicagoboy's Avatar
Doove's bancation will come as good news to many Houston members, so his inclusion on the list would be appropriate.
Doove's bancation will come as good news to many Houston members, so his inclusion on the list would be appropriate. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Doove gets my vote, on cb's word alone. I've personally never seen him post here, but cb's alright. If we can get orca's vote them we're unanimous. If you can't find him, look in the shallow waters of th BP pool. Trolling for mermaids and other mythical creatures.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
the banished of 2015
(recording started - 04/12/15)

(1) Sonya
(1) freakilicious
(1) Alyssa XOXO
(1) Anna Star
(1) Dorthy_Monroe
(1) LuckOfTheOrient
(1) tayresse04
(1) The Player
(1) wreckshop
(1) WTF
(2) Bombay
(1) KaitlynDior
(1) Dynomite Joe
(1) LatinaMoxie
(1) Tony Gambino
(1) Champagne Brown

* numbers indicate number of times banned. total members = 16 (providers = 7)

non-TX Honorary Additions by special requests
(no other statistics maintained)

Doove (NY)

feel free to copy, update, correct, and keep the list running. be interesting to see the total. (updated: 04/13/15)
(--end list!--)

I browsed some of his posts and the threads and was just too much to read. from what I perused NY has it's own mod/member drama. I see members from htown keep tabs up there but other than that I don't really see him as a connection to our ban-a-palooza. htown has plenty of its own drama that I'd imagine satiates most appetites.

that being said I'd also say NY could have their own ban-a-palooza as I saw many banned members in those threads. he'd no doubt be a serious performer in NY from what I gathered. does the majority in htown even know/recognize him?

in any case a special category has been added. carry on.
mead is good aswell & its hard to find.. I like fireballs to mmm

I still have to try Crown Apple I heard its good but crown makes me mean lol

Crown Maple Is Fucking Disgusting Thats The Last One I Tried..
Russ38's Avatar
Got a bottle of Apple Crown in the freezer.....pretty good shit...not something I would drink all night but a couple shots here and there taint bad at all.....
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
mead is good aswell & its hard to find.. I like fireballs to mmm

I still have to try Crown Apple I heard its good but crown makes me mean lol

Crown Maple Is Fucking Disgusting Thats The Last One I Tried.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
never tasted Crown Maple. really wanted to but everyone I've talked say it's not good. smh. damn, maple is good so that's just sad that it doesn't work I think.

mead is some damn good wine! I prefer it sweet opposed to dry. and the honey used can make a big, big difference! so far most of the mass produced stuff you find in Spec's isn't that good and not what I'd even really consider to be true mead. there is some that isn't too bad but most of the good stuff is home brewed or from specialty breweries. there's one in La Grange that's decent.
Got a bottle of Apple Crown in the freezer.....pretty good shit...not something I would drink all night but a couple shots here and there taint bad at all..... Originally Posted by Russ38
ha! Russ took the words I was going to type right from my post. got a bottle in my freezer to. everyone I know that's tasted it says it taste like liquid jolly ranchers.

it's smooth enough to drink straight and has a uniquely sweet taste. tried it with coke also and works either way in my opinion.

forgot to mention

Woodchuck Seasonals - Spring (if they still make it)
this was some good maple flavored hard cider
I will ask my best friends husband where he gets his mead at its pretty good... Maple crown is just bad and whoever likes it has to be weird lol... Its really sweet and so you cant mix it with anything its just horrible lol... You may like the maple crown but I would buy a small bottle first it was a sample in my crown box that's how I tried it.. I poured it down the drain it was just that bad lol...
Russ38's Avatar
I usually keep a bottle of Wild Turkey American Honey, Fireball and of course Jäger in the freezer as well....
Got a bottle of Apple Crown in the freezer.....pretty good shit...not something I would drink all night but a couple shots here and there taint bad at all..... Originally Posted by Russ38
That stuff reminds me of cough syrup...... And I like Crown.