Rush Limbaugh acts like a prick, woman recieves call from Obama

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
LOL, what you did is so simple that it insults the intelligence. I expected better. You put it in quotes but I don't think you got it exactly right...anyway, Rush is NOT talking about women using birthcontrol as you want to claim. Rush was talking about women like Ms. Fluke who wants the rest of us to pay for her birth control.
Also you should know what a Fema-Nazi is before you comment. You could google it you know. What a Fema-Nazi is not; a woman who believes in fair play, a woman who is willing to fairly compete with men, a woman who honestly states the case over her grievances, etc. What a Fema-Nazi is: a woman who say just about anything to win, a woman who wants special treatment and not fairness, a woman is more interested in politics than gender inequities, a woman who sees everything in terms of inequality, etc.

Many of the women in this site should be insulted if you, yes YOU, referred to them as Fema-Nazis.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-07-2012, 01:10 PM
you dont seem to understand how women in general accepted what Lush said ...

pssssst ... its all over the news, pay attention.

as for me insulting the women on this site they know better, unlike you, JD.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-07-2012, 01:15 PM
Read the fucking article before you post. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It has been in at least a one year decline. I did not go back further.

I read the article and did some research....that stock has been in a yearly nose dive. Graph the one year chart of that piece of chit stock. Like I said, learn the meaning of Causality.
Rush has spewed his "femnazi" rant for years but honestly I think this time he hit home with a lot of women on this issue. Women related to Sandra Fluk and most take contraceptives for a myriad of reasons. There are many many women and men who are offended by his attack on Sandra Fluk because they see it as an insult to their wife, daughter, grand daughters, sisters, mothers. So this issue has gotten more attention than any other and Rush has definitely hurt himself. Will he bounce back? Oh I am sure he might. Morals and money do not go hand in hand with advertisers, unless of course people start boycotting and then that is where you see them pull out.
GP, you are right. Thanks to the mainstream media, many women felt insulted by what Rush said. Problem is, while he used unfortunate words to describe Ms. Fluke, his real attack was on the entitlement mentality...."someone other than me needs to pay for my birth control".
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-07-2012, 02:04 PM
his real attack was on the entitlement mentality...."someone other than me needs to pay for my birth control". Originally Posted by Egrbvr
Rush has no problem with Corporate entitlement , thus the entitlement BS is just a facade.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-07-2012, 02:19 PM
Rush is NOT talking about women using birthcontrol as you want to claim. Rush was talking about women like Ms. Fluke who wants the rest of us to pay for her birth control. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He was talking about both.

So your position is that what Rush actually said was that any female who thinks birth control should be covered under their health insurance is a slut.

Not sure how that's any better than what we're saying Rush said, but ok, whatever.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-07-2012, 02:22 PM
GP, you are right. Thanks to the mainstream media, many women felt insulted by what Rush said. Problem is, while he used unfortunate words to describe Ms. Fluke, his real attack was on the entitlement mentality...."someone other than me needs to pay for my birth control". Originally Posted by Egrbvr
It's truly amazing just how many people in here have never received anything that was paid for by their health insurance.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You really don't understand the difference between insurance and government mandated benefits, or welfare. I've explained it before, Doofe, but you obviously didn't pay attention. You really love the straw argument definition, and you bring one up in almost every other post.

Keep sounding stupid. We've tried to help you, but you need to want to help yourself.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-07-2012, 03:44 PM

girlie mag posts half assed Lush apology #2
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You really don't understand the difference between insurance and government mandated benefits, or welfare. I've explained it before, Doofe, but you obviously didn't pay attention. You really love the straw argument definition, and you bring one up in almost every other post.

Keep sounding stupid. We've tried to help you, but you need to want to help yourself.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Neither do you, apparently. The Congressional hearing at which Ms. Fluke was supposed to originally testify was about the coverage of birth control by employers' insurance carriers. Her original interviews on the day she was not allowed to testify by the Repube chairman completely was concerned about birth control pills for NON-BIRTH CONTROL health problems and the consequences to her classmates when GWU's insurance refused to cover it since they have "religious" qualms. Didn't make a rat's ass what the medication was treating, period - the freaking end (no pun intended). The subsequent and separate Congressional hearing put on by the Dems was also about the same topic. Start paying attention yourself and quit doing exactly the same things you accuse others of doing, Karl Rove, Jr.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Even the Dems called it a mock hearing. Sorry, Randy.

And Ms. Fluke was never originally scheduled to testify at a hearing, she was a last minute substitute for Barry Lynn. The Chairman of the committee did not allow the last minute substitution, as is the case for most committee hearings, controversial or not. And the original hearing was about the birth control mandate and the separation of church and state, something Barry Lynn is eminently qualified to talk about.

It was grandstanding by the Democrats. Hey, I already admitted it worked. Politically, it was a brilliant move by the Dems. But in substance, it is nothing more than horseshit.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-07-2012, 06:15 PM

Keep sounding stupid. We've tried to help you, but you need to want to help yourself.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This from the guy who complained about the devolving level of discourse in The Sandbox.

But then again, he also said he was going to get a life and stop posting so much.

The "women need birth controle for more reasons than avoiding pregnancy" thing is the same as the pro abortion crowd always bringing up the "rape and incest" issue with abortion.

The fact is, 99 percent of all abortions are performed as a means of birth controle. While I might not know the percentage, I would venture a guess that as high as 95 percent of all contraceptions are sold for the exact same reason.

"I want to fuck all I want with no consequences" is fine, just don't ask me to pay for it.

That is what Rush was saying.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-07-2012, 07:04 PM

"I want to fuck all I want with no consequences" is fine, just don't ask me to pay for it.

That is what Rush was saying. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Let him say that to 53% of the voting population and see how far that gets him.

They don't wanna pay for his Viagra but they do , so ole Rush is full of shit on this one.

It is a losing political battle.

Reminds me of the Tea Folks with signs of "Keep the Government out of my Medicare!" LOL