Some Thoughts On Hunter Biden, “The Big Guy”, and Those that Dismissed This…..

HedonistForever's Avatar

Hedonist, Why did Joe tell Bobulinski to keep an eye on his son and his brother. Because he knew they were crooks or incompetent or both? It looks like the "crook" part maybe is true, based on the $4.8 million they made off with. Originally Posted by Tiny

That will some up the impeachment of Joe Biden. He knew exactly what his son Hunter was doing and "that meeting" with Joe saying nothing about any deal, will not get Joe Biden off the hook.

There is no way that a reasonable, un-biased person can't connect these dots. I know why 1bm1 doesn't want to connect them, I was just a bit taken a back when you didn't seem to want to.

I don't think you share the same agenda as 1bm1, you just sounded like him for a minute there.

Prove Joe Biden is the "Big Guy" to the grand jury looking into Hunter and Joe is toast. Hearsay evidence or no hearsay evidence.

HedonistForever's Avatar
What other mountains of evidence? Tucker doesn't count. Trump proved it is impossible to impeach a president so Biden can do whatever the fuck he wants. At least he isn't a dumb fuck like trump. Originally Posted by royamcr

Trump was impeached twice, he just wasn't convicted in the Senate which is why I have said it doesn't really matter whether any of this is true regarding indicting Biden on criminal charges, he can't be indicted but come Feb. ( I think it is ) when the new House of Rep. controlled by Republicans, takes office, I'm hoping this "Impeachment of Joe Biden",( I was completely un-aware Greene had done this ) will be presented once again. And if this all shakes out the way I think it will, there will be at least x amount of Democrats will do their duty and convict an already impeached Joe Biden.

After that statement you just made, you might want to ease up on calling anybody a dumb fuck because that was a pretty dumb thing to say.
  • Tiny
  • 04-05-2022, 09:35 PM
Prove Joe Biden is the "Big Guy" to the grand jury looking into Hunter and Joe is toast. Hearsay evidence or no hearsay evidence.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Why Hedonist? What did he do wrong? He was a private citizen. And he apparently never got the 10% if what LustyLad wrote was true. Joe’s son and brother pocketed all the payola.

What I wrote earlier:

As to the 10% deal, so what? I see this whole Bobulinski thing happened after Biden had left office, in 2017. Joe Biden was a private citizen. This looks like a deal with a Chinese company that fell apart, so Joe Biden got nothing out of it, while Joe's son and brother pocketed payola, that perhaps was meant to butter up Joe, probably at a time when nobody knew whether the old man would ever run for office again. I don't see how this is a bigger deal than Trump's many connections with companies connected to the Chinese and other foreign governments. See

The Forbes article describes $5.4 million in rent that the Trump organization pocketed from a bank 70% owned by the Chinese government, DURING THE TIME HE WAS PRESIDENT. Originally Posted by Tiny
Now he might get prosecuted on some sham charges like lying, like Michael Flynn did. But I doubt it.
You know what I meant.... It is impossible to remove from office with the threshold as high as it is in the Senate. It is a pipe dream that he will face impeachment at all. Nothing he has done even comes close to the dumb shit trump did to face impeachment... A few Republicans have now come forward saying it was a mistake they didn't vote to convict.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
as a kindness to humanity Biden should not be impeached .. as a monstrosity to America he should be executed.

bahahahahaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I'm surprised you think it would be a monstrosity to have him offed. Why?

Really. I'd'a thought you would have thought it a euthanization. A monstrosity for the U.S.? Wow.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Tiny, are you un-aware of the many, many times Joe Biden told us that he had no knowledge of his sons business deals and never met any of Hunters business partners?

This is only a single instance, there are many others, that Joe lied. Joe said the laptop wasn't Hunters. He lied. Joe said this is nothing more than Russian dis-information. The NYTimes and Washington Post has now confirmed that it was Hunter writing those e-mails and not Putin. Joe lied. And they just told us he lied and that's not a big deal?

Now, does any of that mean Joe did something illegal pertaining to that meeting that Bobulinski described? No, it does not UNLESS you want to include the MOUNTAIN of other evidence that supports what we do know about what happened in that meeting.

You and 1PerryMason1, seem to be taking the stance that as long as Joe Biden didn't say anything about a Chinese business deal and only asked Bobulinski to watch over his idiot brother and crack head son, there was nothing to cause Joe any trouble.

But you don't want to ask any more questions like "why did Joe go to that meeting"? There had to be a reason and I and millions of other people believe exactly what Bobulinski said, it was so that Joe who had final approval over all Hunter's deals, could vet the man that Hunter wanted to put in charge of the Chinese "pay to play" deal.

But I'm certainly open to a different story. Why would Joe Biden want to meet Bobulinski? You think that question isn't being asked by the Grand Jury now in session in the matter of Hunter Biden and this laptop?

Someone leaked from the Grand Jury that the question has been asked, "who is the big guy"? Why the leak didn't include an answer is a bummer but still, that question is central to blowing up the life of Joe Biden. If the Times and Post after hearing all the evidence presented to the grand jury conclude that indeed, Joe Biden was the big guy and had full knowledge of everything Hunter was doing and even flew Hunter to China with him on Air Force 2 to consummate a Chinese deal, Joe is done.

I think Joe is a dead man walking.

You also don't want to go there for some reason when the answer to that question could very well prove intent to corrupt. If in fact Joe Biden is proven in direct testimony by one of the other people in that room or anybody for that matter having dealt with Hunter and the grand jury believes it further proof not withstanding, it's over for Joe. How could he possibly survive that "hold back 10 for the Big guy".

I guess you are telling the truth about not following this story all that close because it seems that you are unaware of all the things Hunter says in those e-mails. Have you really never heard any of them? You didn't hear Hunter telling his sister to "just be thankful you haven't had to give dad half your salary for 30 years"? If true, did Joe report that money? The money Hunter says he gave his dad to make home improvements? YES, I know that each and every one of those things seems "circumstantial", but lot's and lots of circumstantial evidence has sunk more than one person.

And yes, the legal and the non-legal issues do get mixed up in all these discussions but a President doesn't necessarily have to have committed a crime to him impeach him. Joe Biden lying about not knowing what his son was doing, will sink him in my opinion. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

I was once pointed for mentioning the same about Oprah many moons ago.

In case he doesn't read this (yeah right), warn him. Unless things have changed.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Why Hedonist? What did he do wrong? . Originally Posted by Tiny

Tiny, this is like that discussion on pornography when Justice Stewart said "I may not be able to describe it, bit I know it when I see it".

You now have all the evidence/ speculation you need to arrive at a conclusion and if that is, you just don't see it, far be it for me to say you are wrong.

Joe Biden lied, the Times and Post have now confirmed that. That's what we know he did. What I think he also did was act as the head of a crime family documented in Schweizers books.

The Post, without admitting wrong doing, laid it out in detail for anybody wanting to read it. The Democrat party, along with Big Tech. and media, conspired to keep this story away for the public to protect Joe Biden to the point of actually punishing anybody that wanted to discuss it on social media sites. The Post now sees how that was wrong, conveniently 16 months after the story broke in one newspaper market and on the most watched cable TV station, Fox News.

Better late than never I guess.

... NEW revelation today!

Fox-News is the MOST WATCHED cable news channel - by DEMOCRATS!

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
You know what I meant.... It is impossible to remove from office with the threshold as high as it is in the Senate. It is a pipe dream that he will face impeachment at all. Nothing he has done even comes close to the dumb shit trump did to face impeachment... A few Republicans have now come forward saying it was a mistake they didn't vote to convict. Originally Posted by royamcr

No, actually I thought you were just that dumb from your collection of writings.

If these shakes out like I think it will, enough Democrats will not be able to look the other way if Joe Biden can be shown to have benefited from his son's deals with China. It's all right there in the e-mails for anybody to read that wants to but that won't happen unless all this is either proven to a grand jury and they indict Hunter and put him on trial which Joe would never allow.

In a Marlon Brando voice "my son, it's now time for you to take one for the family, do the right thing for the family".
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm surprised you think it would be a monstrosity to have him offed. Why?

Really. I'd'a thought you would have thought it a euthanization. A monstrosity for the U.S.? Wow.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

for the far leftist radicals like Obama and his lackey Biden euthanization is unworthy. they must be tortured until death in public so all will know the price of betrayal of the glorious whiteness of America, founded by white men for white men and no one else.

all hail the brilliant whiteness of America!


in the parking lot of Nau's near Clarksville, Austin, TX USA YR is having a conniption fit over this post.

No, actually I thought you were just that dumb from your collection of writings.

If these shakes out like I think it will, enough Democrats will not be able to look the other way if Joe Biden can be shown to have benefited from his son's deals with China. It's all right there in the e-mails for anybody to read that wants to but that won't happen unless all this is either proven to a grand jury and they indict Hunter and put him on trial which Joe would never allow.

In a Marlon Brando voice "my son, it's now time for you to take one for the family, do the right thing for the family". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
What the fuck does it matter if Biden made money on an investment? Nothing illegal about it. You are just so used to trump doing extremely shady shit all the time you figure Biden does it too.

And if you didn't know what I meant on the impeachment then you are just a dumbshit.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No earthly idea how you can be that tone deaf. Maybe it's a weak-assed attempt at Mott-and Bailey Doctrine. The point is NOT whether The Big Guy profited or stuffed some buck-os in the wallet or got some bills paid.

The point is whether The Big Guy is compromised in decision making and/or influencing the kids business partners via things like assurances on policy decisions. Some could be as simple as looking the other way on certain sanctions or favoring one thing over another - in short anything that would compromise the USA's interests to favor the kid's wallet.

Net-Net: Hunter was other peoples back-channel to The Big Guy - for fun and profit.

And if you didn't know what I meant on the back-channel then you are just a dumbshit.
What the fuck does it matter if Biden made money on an investment? Nothing illegal about it. You are just so used to trump doing extremely shady shit all the time you figure Biden does it too.

And if you didn't know what I meant on the impeachment then you are just a dumbshit. Originally Posted by royamcr