Fumbling Bumbling Idiots

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  • 02-01-2018, 07:50 AM
At the time of the vote, the dims didn't have a memo for anyone to read; yet, the dims wanted the Republicans to vote for something they hadn't even created yet ... let alone allowed them to read. Hence, it's the dims who are obfuscating when they whine that they are being stifled. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Actually that is not true, they had a memo....but the GOP said they hadn't read it yet!

Now what they could have done had they wanted transparency like they claimed....they could have then read the Dems memo and released them both.

Trumps man at the FBI does not want this released.

The GOP's on the committee are the legal Eric Snowden. They are no different. They just have legal cover.

Look....I hope they wind up releasing everything...all the FISA material in it's entirety. Let the country decide. Let's cut out these secret courts. Why have an intelligence committee? Let the people decide.

Hell let Putin have a say!

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Trump's self appointed man says don't release it. Contains omissions or what Trump calls fake news.
Will this really blow up int the republicans face if released?
Four pages out of lengthy report sounds cherry picked.
seems the dimocrats and their news organs have always backed losers, leakers, liars and traitors

down through the years they have

the why is a mixture of various things, a world view that breeds anti-americanism, racism, altruism if it hurts your opponent, for votes and power, or just for income

from cop killers to traitors to those thinking they know something that should be exposed, the left makes heroes out of, many times, non-heroes

obama making a hero out of bo bergdahl

pardoning bradley (chelsea) manning

mumia abul jamal

the faln

the weather underground and the black panthers

sacco & vanzetti

ethyl and julius rosenberg

erik snowden

glen greenwald

daniel ellsberg

all law breakers but heroes to the new york times or the washington post, to hollywood
and to the left

as to the leakers they claim its necessary to expose a corruptness in government, I suppose to hold those rascally republicans or the military or some authority, maybe white cops in the case of cop killers, in check

now comes exposure for the same reasons the left ostensibly has always given, only this time, the exposure is legal

and what do they do? try as hard as they might and claim all manner of things to keep americans in the dark

they even claim its an attack on the good people of the doj and fbi and remain uninterested in truth or exposure

I say if the leadership of the fbi or doj has some context to offer or mitigations of the facts, let them release those things as well

my how the hypocrisy drips

of course its mostly because it will expose them
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  • 02-01-2018, 08:51 AM
[QUOTE=nevergaveitathought;1060 44

of course its mostly because it will expose them[/QUOTE]

Eric Snowden for President!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It's Edward Snowden you twit......smh
It's Edward Snowden you twit......smh Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I typed it wrong and he's a copier

eric holder could have been listed as well
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  • 02-01-2018, 12:47 PM
It's Edward Snowden you twit......smh Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Him too!

You boys now love leakers and hate the FBI.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Edward Snowden is a true American hero that lives in exile forced on him by our government.
He exposed exactly what our government was and is doing. The FBI and their fake FISA warrant is just the latest of the criminal activity by our government on a citizen of this nation.
He exposed corruption and the violation of our constitutional rights.

Our government was intended to be controlled by the people, not the other way around.
MT Pockets's Avatar

erik snowden <---- no caps
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Eric Snowden for President!<--- Caps Originally Posted by WTF
It's Edward Snowden you twit......smh<--- too quick to judge Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I typed it wrong and he's a copier<--- Lying to cover mistake
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The point is nevergaveitathought made a mistake ( who cares) WTF made a funny T2D thought he would call him out and nevergaveitathought thought it would not be caught. Yep that pretty much sums it up.
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  • 02-02-2018, 07:33 AM
Edward Snowden is a true American hero that lives in exile forced on him by our government.
He exposed exactly what our government was and is doing. The FBI and their fake FISA warrant is just the latest of the criminal activity by our government on a citizen of this nation.
He exposed corruption and the violation of our constitutional rights.

Our government was intended to be controlled by the people, not the other way around. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

So Snowden is a hero and the FBI is treasonous?

bamscram's Avatar
Trump's latest tweet he threw all of them under the bus.
Anything to save his hide.
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  • 02-02-2018, 09:17 AM
I have said Trump only cares about Trump.

He wants to cozy up to Russia because they buy his properties.

He does not give a fuck about the United States.

The majority of the tax cuts were for the wealthy so they would spend more at his place.

He would sell us to Putin and may already have....

Guest123018-4's Avatar
It seems the leadership of the FBI has affected the ability of the rank and file to do their jobs. Maybe spending too much time covering up all of the Democrat criminal scandals to take the time to investigate not one, but two tips about the Florida school shooter. Looking more and more like the disease is infecting the rank and file and their ability to properly investigate real; threats.
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  • 02-16-2018, 02:39 PM
It seems the leadership of the FBI has affected the ability of the rank and file to do their jobs. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Maybe their boss at the very top is the real problem. Donald J Trump
Teal problem? So now you're afraid of a color? By the way, the problems are Comey, Holder, Obama, etc. McCabe's already done and a lot more people are sweating the IG's report. All the chickens are coming home to roost and this Russia "investigation" is going to backfire spectacularly.