
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
3.3 million views? wow!!!
Almost 3.4 million views? Holy fucking shit!

I'm just checking in to say, "Hey! Have a nice evening!" to whomever is the NSA desk jockey who happened to get stuck with the task of surveilling me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Almost 3.4 million views? Holy fucking shit!

I'm just checking in to say, "Hey! Have a nice evening!" to whomever is the NSA desk jockey who happened to get stuck with the task of surveilling me. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
let's not forget the FSB too! ..
dobroy nochi!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
FREE Edward Snowden!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nice bump to the hackers, Whiny!
the chimp will get a real Hardon over that
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the chimp will get a real Hardon over that Originally Posted by gary5912
oh i hope not, may the chimp die impotent
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
3.8 million views .. come now comrades we can do better than that!! let's go for 4 million...

comrade kat is watching!!!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Guest123018-4's Avatar
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  • 06-08-2017, 06:45 AM
Iam a bit puzzled why so many people regard Snowden as a traitor, or someone out to harm the National Security of America. In essence what this guy really did was give the American citizen the heads up that the NSA was indeed looking into a part of our lives that we would ordinarily regard as private. In other words Snowden saw activity that was in violation of our Fourth Amendment rights. If the Government agency NSA came to a person's house and demanded to see their phone records, email accounts, Bank Account statements, access to their computer to see what kind of activity they engaged in online, all without a warrant, Probable Cause or the written consent of the citizen. I wonder how many people would go for that degree of invasion to our Fourth Amendment rights, that is what was essentially taking place. Now he did betray the NSA in a sense but that was only because of what he discovered.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
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  • 06-08-2017, 06:50 AM
Which is worse, our own government spying on private citizens, gathering personal information that is private, and being exposed for it or telling the terrorists what they already knew. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
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  • 06-08-2017, 06:55 AM
Snowden couldn't work within the system, so he went outside the system. Technically he is a criminal and subject to prosecution, but he did the American people an enormous service by revealing what was happening.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are consistent. Better than most.