What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

And I always thought a diamond started with simplicity, a single element, that over the years is exposed to experiences, pressures if you will, to become a complex and sparkling gem.

What saddens me is when I meet someone who charges $200 an hour who lets her rates define her (and usually not in a good way) or conversely someone who charges $2k an hour and does the same. What a load of old tosh! Originally Posted by Camille
Word! As was already said, it seems to be far more to the women that it be defined then the men.

Rates aren't about "class". They aren't about education or your ability as a companion. They're about the lifestyle expectations, requirements and comfort zones of each individual lady.

Men want to spend time with women that are HAPPY.
Bless your heart, that's probably the most brilliant thing posted!

The reason most ladies gravitate to this lifestyle is the freedom that comes with it, the ability to be self defining, organic, and ever changing. Some generalizations can always be made, but it's silly to try and classify us with specific rules and points.
When I returned to college there were single moms, married moms etc. doing one, two or more jobs, taking care of their kids AND getting 4.0 grades. Those are truly talented and blessed people. And they didn't even have to juggle jokers like me. But it would have been fun to meet a hottie when I attended (they were there, just no into me). Originally Posted by SR Only
I'm always in silent awe of those people, working two jobs that may not pay great, studying for a degree and taking care of their children - I always hope they find time for themselves. I do this precisely because I don't consider it "work". I prefer flirting and playing with men then sitting at the office in front of my computer.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar

I guess my point was that I have met providers at all ends of the spectrum....from $200 an hour to $2k an hour.
What saddens me is when I meet someone who charges $200 an hour who lets her rates define her (and usually not in a good way) or conversely someone who charges $2k an hour and does the same. What a load of old tosh! Same for reviews. $200 donations do not entitle people to expect nothing more than to be treated like second class citizens...and $2k an hour doesn't entitle a woman to expect her arse will be kissed before she will even consider having dinner with you. It's all about middle ground. Find your comfort zone, market appropriately and the rest will follow. Men want to spend time with women that are HAPPY. Some can afford to pay more, some less...but you should never expect to be treated as a lesser/better person because of your rate/what they can afford. The ONLY person you ever have to justify yourself to is YOU. Don't worry what others say/think/post...they are not running your business. You are the only one responsible for your happiness....and once anyone stops being happy in this biz it's time to quit. Thanks for the kind words too..I'm not a snob but I can be feisty and do need a nudge now and again so never be afraid to be the one if you feel I am stepping on your toes


Camille xxx Originally Posted by Camille

I love your mind, girlie!
Truer words have never been spoken to all the ladies out there in the demimonde.
Words of wisdom to all the sisters in the demimondaine. Originally Posted by NicholetteM
Gee babe, you made me have to go look that up and learn a new word (from your earlier post). I feel so emasculated.
Sisyphus's Avatar
What a load of old tosh! Originally Posted by Camille
Is that highlands or lowlands Scotch? It's not too "peaty" is it? I really don't care for that...

Ok... now that I've gotten in touch with my inner smart-ass.... well said!!!
Is that highlands or lowlands Scotch? It's not too "peaty" is it? I really don't care for that...

Ok... now that I've gotten in touch with my inner smart-ass.... well said!!! Originally Posted by Sisyphus
YOU, are a very cheeky monkey
Naturally, that resonates well me with so I'm NOT complainin'...just sayin'

My sis had me in hysterics the other day when she used a term that has dropped completely out of my vocabulary set over the last 7 years.
I was asking her how she was managing with the heavy snow they have had in the North (of England) and she said, "Oh I've been fine. My car is the SNIZZLE in the snow!!"

I haven't used/heard that word since I moved here lol.
"Snizzle" of course being a northern colloquialism (sp?) for "great".

C xx
Dickhead's Avatar
I think the undercurrent of what has been discussed here is that if you believe you're a diamond (or tuxedo), you are. There will always be those that try to convince you that you're wrong, but that's life, right? Personally, I'm not much of a tuxedo... More of a jeans-n-t-shirt who's party-crashing. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
I think the undercurrent of the thread seems more like.
"If you aren't sure you are a diamond, like us, then perhaps you should play someplace else"
The thread is insulting, and seems like references to inside jokes.

Can't anyone buy a diamond if you have the cash? I'm a blue collar guy, but I can find and wear a tux if I need. I can even look good in it.

I'm amazed at how much some people can kid themselves. Come on, don't we all shit? Does some smell better than others?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2010, 09:25 PM
Does some smell better than others? Originally Posted by Dickhead
Well mine does not stink. Does that count?
Gfe Referrals's Avatar
I think the undercurrent of the thread seems more like.
"If you aren't sure you are a diamond, like us, then perhaps you should play someplace else"
The thread is insulting, and seems like references to inside jokes.

Can't anyone buy a diamond if you have the cash? I'm a blue collar guy, but I can find and wear a tux if I need. I can even look good in it.

I'm amazed at how much some people can kid themselves. Come on, don't we all shit? Does some smell better than others? Originally Posted by Dickhead
After reading this thread it appears to me that all you need is a Thesaurus and a penchant for quoting the obscure that the majority of people do not know or could care less about. Be yourself and just relax, have fun and don't take yourself so seriously.

BTW, For the record I am for sure not a tux but I can wear one if needed. I am educated and I know my business very well from all ends of the spectrum whether it be building a website for a lady who charges 200 or 2,000 an hour. Or designing and placing ads and getting the most out of them by knowing when and where to place them. Not being judgemental and being able to communicate with everyone should be more of a concern it seems rather than trying to see if you are above the rest. It can get pretty lonely on that pedestal. Speaking of which, let me get off mine now.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
I think the undercurrent of the thread seems more like.
"If you aren't sure you are a diamond, like us, then perhaps you should play someplace else"
The thread is insulting, and seems like references to inside jokes.

Can't anyone buy a diamond if you have the cash? I'm a blue collar guy, but I can find and wear a tux if I need. I can even look good in it.

I'm amazed at how much some people can kid themselves. Come on, don't we all shit? Does some smell better than others? Originally Posted by Dickhead
Well it was an inside joke -- as Nicholette noted a few pages back, this bit and references to a "List" are an old newbie hazing stunt that was quite common on HDH.

But you have misread this place if you think that we are about insulting "non Diamonds". We had guys and gals at all economic levels that populated the old HDH board. Some ladies had minimums of $3K (or more) and there were ladies that charged $200/hr and offered half hour rates. There were guys that were multi-millionaires and guys that could barely afford the $200/hr rates. About the only thing we had in common was an enjoyment of conversation that was generally somewhat hobby related and a willingness to be generally civil to each other. Nothing more nothing less.

Nobody here requested the D&T name for the forum, but we are grateful to have this new clubhouse. You are certainly welcome to stay and participate, whether you have a tux or not.
About the only thing we had in common was an enjoyment of conversation that was generally somewhat hobby related and a willingness to be generally civil to each other. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I think the undercurrent of the thread seems more like.
"If you aren't sure you are a diamond, like us, then perhaps you should play someplace else"
The thread is insulting, and seems like references to inside jokes.

Can't anyone buy a diamond if you have the cash? I'm a blue collar guy, but I can find and wear a tux if I need. I can even look good in it.

I'm amazed at how much some people can kid themselves. Come on, don't we all shit? Does some smell better than others? Originally Posted by Dickhead
Ok, let's bring up the big..no massive...no actually friggin' ginormous elephant in the room. There is no underlying inside joke or condescending snobbery going on in this place that requires people to go "someplace else." The common denominator that (understandably) is not visible to all is that several longer standing members of this group have met in person. Sometimes for dates, sometimes platonically but a high percentage of us have met. That is not typical of most boards unless an official M & G has been arranged. The reason that people don't often mention or speak of it is because it's just not necessary...or so I thought. There are many people in here that I have met, but other participants are as unlikely to know exactly who those people are as someone new entering. What you often "see" on here is often interaction between people that have met in the flesh. The communication is different because they have met, not because they are pushing people out or being snobby. So now that's out of the way, are you gonna stay? If you are I'll get the drinks in...what would you like :-) (and where have the icons gone?)
Several longer standing members of this group have met in person. Sometimes for dates, sometimes platonically but a high percentage of us have met. That is not typical of most boards unless an official M & G has been arranged. The communication is different because they have met, not because they are pushing people out or being snobby. Originally Posted by Camille
So true. Many ladies and gents on the board do a lot of traveling, the chances are that someone passing through a city will take the time to meet those they've befriended online.
I think the undercurrent of the thread seems more like.
"If you aren't sure you are a diamond, like us, then perhaps you should play someplace else"
The thread is insulting, and seems like references to inside jokes. Originally Posted by Dickhead
I don’t believe there is any intent to exclude, as has been pointed out the discussion tends to flow freely.

Can't anyone buy a diamond if you have the cash? I'm a blue collar guy, but I can find and wear a tux if I need. I can even look good in it.

On this point there has been discussion that if there are “diamonds” it isn’t based on price (I’m reading that you believe “diamonds” are at the higher end of the scale), but there is a strong sense of self-worth that does mean that having the cash is not the only requirement for a meeting.