Okay, lets really talk about the latest airliner to go down.

LexusLover's Avatar
You do know France requested him not to come, however he did anyway. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So? He with the Jewish community in France have more class. Even though they have been persecuted in France, he was showing his respect for the French citizens who were slaughtered.

The Israelis have been on the front line in the war on Muslim terrorists for a long time. They have also been directly attacked numerous times with their children and other innocents slaughtered by Muslim terrorists. In every conflict in the Middle East since 1948, they have been at "ground zero."
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Kiss my ass, you are so old you can't even beat your meat much less kick someone's ass. Butt fucking prick bet if you had as many dicks sticking out of you as have been stuck in you it would look kike a porcupine. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Was the "kike" intentional?
Was the "kike" intentional? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
LOL no should be like, typo.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
LOL no should be like, typo. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
OK, thanks.
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  • WTF
  • 01-13-2015, 09:45 AM
Awwww what's a matter JL , you'd take umbrage in being called a JewishPrick?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Awwww what's a matter JL , you'd take umbrage in being called a JewishPrick?
Originally Posted by WTF
Yes I do ChristianPrick!
Yes I do ChristianPrick! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Only difference is the foreskin LOL.
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  • WTF
  • 01-13-2015, 04:35 PM
Yes I do ChristianPrick! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You lose any more IQ points and your Jewish brothers will March you over to the West Bank...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You lose any more IQ points and your Jewish brothers will March you over to the West Bank... Originally Posted by WTF
If you had any IQ points you might be worth shooting!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You lose any more IQ points and your Jewish brothers will March you over to the West Bank... Originally Posted by WTF
Is that you WTF?

Oh damn that has to be the funniest thing I have ever looked at. I will sent that to every Jewish person I know
LexusLover's Avatar
Awwww what's a matter JL , you'd take umbrage in being called a JewishPrick? Originally Posted by WTF
The "infection" surfaces.
The pilot's last words (from recovered black box) was "Allahu Akbar".

Was this pilot suicide?

What if he had said God help us? Suicide?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The pilot's last words (from recovered black box) was "Allahu Akbar".

Was this pilot suicide?

http://shoebat.com/2015/01/14/just-c...-allahu-akbar/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I think it is worth investigating seriously. However, if I were flying a plane and going down to my death, no telling what my dying utterance would be.

If it were an intentional suicide, I think it would behoove the pilot to give us some narration on the way down, both to create a record for the future, and to insure his 72 virgins in heaven. Just a WAG, but I could imagine something like this, "Death to the West! Death to the Infidels! Charlie Hebdo sucks! Fuck you, non-Muslim assholes! I hate Juice! Allahu Akbar!!!

Personally, I would also want to insure my 72 virgins were pretty, young, long haired and skinny. However, I don't know that Islam addresses that adequately, and until they do, I'm not inclined to try my luck.