GOP Senators send a letter to Iran

Little Boy, let me explain something to you, very carefully.

You can't make me do shit! Are we now on the same page?

And as for your "translator" stick this in it and see what comes out:

Besa mi cula, nino!

(Out of some level of respect, which is minimal, I made it "masculine"!) Originally Posted by LexusLover
You can either defend it or admit you're incorrect. For la ultima fucking vez, it's culO you pinche gringo. That's a little spanglish for your ass. Stick THAT in your translator.

Besame mi polla gorda
  • DSK
  • 03-24-2015, 10:05 PM
Name one war the U.S. initiated in the Middle East that was FOR ISRAEL.

Then name one war the U.S. initiated in the Middle East FOR OIL.

Talk about contradictions.

If we have plenty of oil here, why do we need more?

If we fight Israel's wars, why do they need military equipment?

Were you conscious (alive) during the '67 War? How many U.S. troops were sent to the Middle East to fight the Arabs for the Israelis? Shit ask bigtex ... he probably volunteered! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Now that I think about it you are right. Sorry about that. However, we would fight for them if they were attacked, and that encourages them to push the envelope farther than they should. Obama is right to try and rein in the war loving madman Netan-yahoo.
Name one war the U.S. initiated in the Middle East that was FOR ISRAEL.

Then name one war the U.S. initiated in the Middle East FOR OIL.

Talk about contradictions.

If we have plenty of oil here, why do we need more?

If we fight Israel's wars, why do they need military equipment?

Were you conscious (alive) during the '67 War? How many U.S. troops were sent to the Middle East to fight the Arabs for the Israelis? Shit ask bigtex ... he probably volunteered! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Iraq. How is it a contradiction? People are greedy. Simply because we have enough oil doesn't mean they don't want more. That's naive and lacking understanding in basic human nature. Why do they need military equipment? Because our military industrial complex is always happy to have another customer, that's why. Money. It makes the world go around. Don't ever doubt it.
Now that I think about it you are right. Sorry about that. However, we would fight for them if they were attacked, and that encourages them to push the envelope farther than they should. Obama is right to try and rein in the war loving madman Netan-yahoo. Originally Posted by DSK
He's not right. Don't capitulate to his ass. They write checks that we are meant to cash.
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Timmy, you know I rarely agree with you, but DAMN! You come up with the best avatars!