What should the U.S.’s role be?

Well in that case, he is certainly blessed and must be on the side of all that is right and good. Originally Posted by pjorourke
i never said that.
Just because he isn`t on someone`s payroll doesn`t mean what he does is solely good. He at least saves no one the embarrassment. Like some other people e.g. I think what he did is really great. Its well deserved, and WTF is right, that is what journalism should be like, not the lukewarm political propaganda we get fed every day and get sold as objective

Same as like on a board like eccie i don `t believe in moderation (sorry mods no offense...) . I believe grown ups should be capable of choosing of information what they like and able to pick up the piece of reality they are most comfortable being confronted with.

Prohibition and moderation reminds me of the safety of a mental hospital. Reality is not for the faint hearted. ;-)
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  • WTF
  • 03-04-2011, 10:05 AM
Lets not forget our all time favorite: "No piece of ass is worth..." or NPOA for short.

Originally Posted by pjorourke

My favorite thread would be NPOA is worth it in the end , butt they all are worth it at the start!

Anything else is just true love

If we are going to move to moderation and people discussions I think we need to bring in a discussion on abortion as well; might as well concentrate all the hot buttons in one place. Originally Posted by discreetgent
As long as you have unbiased moderation......
If we are going to move to moderation and people discussions I think we need to bring in a discussion on abortion as well; might as well concentrate all the hot buttons in one place. Originally Posted by discreetgent
I think if people are not capable of discussing things like abortion in a moderate and rational way then love labour`s lost. Hot buttons make for fruitful discussions. Maturity shows in the capability to sail the seas of cheese :-). At a certain age i expect people to have the capability to learn vs. admit mistakes and to discuss hot button matters without needing external help. Everything else is fundamentalism and we see how that goes in the world of wars and nuclear weapons nowadays.

To get back to the original topic: just because someone has the Power to moderate his folks - like Gaddaffi - does not necessarily mean he is right or correct. Things change as we have seen in egypt. Some stupidity only can persist for some time til someone (or somefew) get smart and realize the difference. It all evens out eventually, which must be a relief for the one`s who believe in Karma
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I think if people are not capable of discussing things like abortion in a moderate and rational way then love labour`s lost. Hot buttons make for fruitful discussions. Maturity shows in the capability to sail the seas of cheese :-). At a certain age i expect people to have the capability to learn vs. admit mistakes and to discuss hot button matters without needing external help. Everything else is fundamentalism and we see how that goes in the world of wars and nuclear weapons nowadays.

To get back to the original topic: just because someone has the Power to moderate his folks - like Gaddaffi - does not necessarily mean he is right or correct. Things change as we have seen in egypt. Some stupidity only can persist for some time til someone (or somefew) get smart and realize the difference. It all evens out eventually, which must be a relief for the one`s who believe in Karma Originally Posted by ninasastri
There are hot buttons and then there are hot buttons. Some people, including myself, can be pushed to breaking points. Even the most mature of us all can be pushed off that razor's edge. Spirited debates can and will bring out the worst in people.
There are hot buttons and then there are hot buttons. Some people, including myself, can be pushed to breaking points. Even the most mature of us all can be pushed off that razor's edge. Spirited debates can and will bring out the worst in people.
Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I wholeheartedly agree. I consider it mature to be aware of that and be capable of handling it. The world would never change if it wasn`t for people stepping out of line every once and a while.
Decades ago it was considered rude for a woman to wear short skirts and even have an opinion.
So to be capable of handling changes is maturity. and growth. Hiding behind "how things should be or always have been" is old fashioned and rigid and lacks reality. And truth and reality is not pleasant at all times.
That was what i meant to say. I love heated debatte. Everyone does it. Pretending it does or should not exist is shortsigthed. People usually fight for what is theirs. If you manage always to keep a cool head, you`re either phoney or not very personally involved in discussions. That is my opinion at least.

I can debatte things that don^t matter to me with a cool head any time. But if someone tries to argue with me that my cat deserves to get put in the microwave and eaten ...well another topic :-)
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I can debatte things that don^t matter to me with a cool head any time. But if someone tries to argue with me that my cat deserves to get put in the microwave and eaten ...well another topic :-) Originally Posted by ninasastri
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Moderator(s), this thread is luffing at present. Please close.
As per the OP's request. Nighty night to this thread