The GOP shows it's stupidity once again.....

"OK" (also spelled "okay", "ok", or "O.K.") is a word denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, or acknowledgment. "OK", as an adjective, can also express acknowledgment without approval.[1]

We know who the loser is... right, undercunt? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
OK... whatever you say
lustylad's Avatar
PJ O'Rourke said, "If you think healthcare is expensive now, just wait until it's free." President George HW Bush (George I) said that national healthcare would combine the efficiency of the DMV with the compassion of the IRS. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Great quotes! Never heard either before.
southtown4488's Avatar
Your inability to correctly repeat what you read illustrates the degree of your learning disorder, sotted-clown. Your lying deflection from how it was Saddam Hussein and UBL who started the wars, sotted-clown, is yet another clue that you are congenitally predisposed to remain stupid and a liar. You lie when you claim that Bush lied to start a war, sotted-clown, and, to your great consternation, sotted-clown, Bush's position regarding Iraq mirrored the U.N.'s.

BTW, sotted-clown, there is nothing to debate and your continuous deflection doesn't change the facts. It was Odumbo who said there were 58 states; it was a dim-retard who said man had landed on Mars; it was a dim-retard who said that too many troops on Guam might cause it "tip over", and it was Odumbo who first claimed he was born in Kenya:

You're still lying, sotted-clown. Bush's position regarding Iraq mirrored the U.N.'s, and it was Saddam Hussein and UBL who started those wars, sotted-clown. And your lies will never change those facts, sotted-clown, Originally Posted by I B Hankering
more thought out, well spoken retorts. . . "sotted clown" hahaha. at least ur anger filled insults are somewhat original. anyway, I have no interest in trading childish insults with children. good day sir.
I B Hankering's Avatar
more thought out, well spoken retorts. . . "sotted clown" hahaha. at least ur anger filled insults are somewhat original. anyway, I have no interest in trading childish insults with children. good day sir. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Your deflections do not change the substantive facts, sotted-clown. It was Saddam Hussein and UBL who started the wars, sotted-clown. You lie when you claim that Bush lied to start a war, sotted-clown, and your deflections cannot alter the facts regarding how Bush's position on Iraq mirrored the U.N.'s, sotted-clown.

Just a reminder, sotted-clown, it was Odumbo who said there were 58 states; it was a dim-retard who said man had landed on Mars; it was a dim-retard who said that too many troops on Guam might cause it "tip over", and it was Odumbo who first claimed he was born in Kenya:

southtown4488's Avatar
There's a point in here that gets lost and needs to be brought to the light. We aren't arguing that Democrats are perfect. Disliking the conservative agenda doesn't automatically mean I think the liberal agenda is perfect. Like he said, I believe it's less evil, less dangerous, less bigoted, etc. That's it. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Yeap, its a strawman argument. . . Repubs/conservatives tend to (not all) but far too many tend to see things in black and white, unwilling or unable to see the many shades of gray.
southtown4488's Avatar
Your deflections do not change the substantive facts, sotted-clown. It was Saddam Hussein and UBL who started the wars, sotted-clown. You lie when you claim that Bush lied to start a war, sotted-clown, and your deflections cannot alter the facts regarding how Bush's position on Iraq mirrored the U.N.'s, sotted-clown.

Just a reminder, sotted-clown, it was Odumbo who said there were 58 states; it was a dim-retard who said man had landed on Mars; it was a dim-retard who said that too many troops on Guam might cause it "tip over", and it was Odumbo who first claimed he was born in Kenya:

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
"sotted clown"? does that mean a clown who shits on oneself? or one who got his clown shoes stuck? a clown stuck in the past? haha, maybe I should come up with a clever insult for you. . . wait, I got one. . . Republican.
I B Hankering's Avatar
"sotted clown"? does that mean a clown who shits on oneself? or one who got his clown shoes stuck? a clown stuck in the past? haha, maybe I should come up with a clever insult for you. . . wait, I got one. . . Republican. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Noticed how you have repeatedly been unable to factually refute how it was Saddam Hussein and UBL who started the wars, sotted-clown. Noticed how you, by deflection, continue to lie when you claim that Bush lied to start a war, sotted-clown. Despite your deflection, sotted clown, you cannot alter the facts regarding how Bush's position on Iraq mirrored the U.N.'s.

Noticed also how you have repeatedly been unable to factually refute how it was Odumbo who said there were 58 states; and how it was a dim-retard who said man had landed on Mars; and how it was a dim-retard who said that too many troops on Guam might cause it "tip over", sotted clown.

Most noticeable is your inability to refute how it was Odumbo who first claimed he was born in Kenya, sotted clown:

southtown4488's Avatar
Both of you believe the conservative's are more hateful, racist, dangerous, bigoted and evil than the liberal's. The conservative's have exactly the opposite viewpoint. I believe that the left's agenda is tearing this country apart and will ultimately be the ruin of the US. I see us moving toward socialism and IMO this is a terrible outlook for the US. I am old enough that I don't think I will live long enough to see the collapse of the US but I honestly think my kids will and most certainly my grandkids. This thought breaks my heart. I was raised to work hard and earn my pay. Take advantage of the opportunities that are available but don't expect shit for free. Many people in this country have just the opposite attitude and are only looking for the handout. At some point you run out of other peoples money. The left's view is that if a conservative is against handouts it must be because of race. That is the furthest thing from the truth. I can honestly tell you that I personally don't know anyone that hates an entire race. We could argue back and forth forever and I'm sure neither one of us will change out fundamental views. We may come to some middle ground that we can agree on but I will never change my core beliefs and I'm sure you won't either. History will eventually determine which side was correct. Originally Posted by Budman
I was also raised to work hard and earn my pay, we have common ground here. but I believe in a helping hand, not a hand out. Job training for example, not everyone can go to college and many working class people get stuck in the middle, cant afford to go to college but have what it takes to be a medical imaging tech or dental assisant for example, doesn't take 6 years of college but pays way better than flipping burgers, so I think its a great idea for our Govnt to provide this education, the return this middle class worker provides back to the country is well worth it. problem is too many Repubs see this as a hand out and oppose funding for job training. Are there too many people who are takers and don't give back? Absolutely, and this applies to rich people as well, who cheat and don't pay taxes and/or hide their money in other countries, very unpatriotic.
southtown4488's Avatar
Noticed how you have repeatedly been unable to factually refute how it was Saddam Hussein and UBL who started the wars, sotted-clown. Noticed how you, by deflection, continue to lie when you claim that Bush lied to start a war, sotted-clown. Despite your deflection, sotted clown, you cannot alter the facts regarding how Bush's position on Iraq mirrored the U.N.'s.

Noticed also how you have repeatedly been unable to factually refute how it was Odumbo who said there were 58 states; and how it was a dim-retard who said man had landed on Mars; and how it was a dim-retard who said that too many troops on Guam might cause it "tip over", sotted clown.

Most noticeable is your inability to refute how it was Odumbo who first claimed he was born in Kenya, sotted clown:

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I have a policy of not debating fools, take a page out of Budmans book. . . he disagrees with almost everything I say yet he does so without caveman insults, I have no problem respectfully debating him.
  • shanm
  • 03-03-2015, 11:20 PM
I have a policy of not debating fools, take a page out of Budmans book. . . he disagrees with almost everything I say yet he does so without caveman insults, I have no problem respectfully debating him. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Don't worry. No one here talks to him and 90% have him on the ignore list. He's like that crazy old guy that lives under the highway 45.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have a policy of not debating fools, take a page out of Budmans book. . . he disagrees with almost everything I say yet he does so without caveman insults, I have no problem respectfully debating him. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Insults are insults, sotted clown. You're a genuine jackass if you imagine your insults are any way intellectually superior to any one else's insults, sotted clown.

Meanwhile, sotted clown, all you have done in your most recent posts is cast insults without in any manner factually refuting how it was Saddam Hussein and UBL who started those wars, sotted-clown. Furthermore, by deflection, you continue to lie when you claim that Bush lied to start a war, sotted-clown. Your insults, sotted clown, do not alter the facts regarding how Bush's position on Iraq mirrored the U.N.'s.

Your insults do not factually refute how it was Odumbo who said there were 58 states; and how it was a dim-retard who said man had landed on Mars; and how it was a dim-retard who said that too many troops on Guam might cause it "tip over", sotted clown.

Most noticeable is how your insults cannot refute how it was Odumbo who first claimed he was born in Kenya, sotted clown:

Don't worry. No one here talks to him and 90% have him on the ignore list. He's like that crazy old guy that lives under the highway 45. Originally Posted by shanm
The 90% who have had their asses handed to them and can't handle the facts, like you, shamman.
Budman's Avatar
I was also raised to work hard and earn my pay, we have common ground here. but I believe in a helping hand, not a hand out. Job training for example, not everyone can go to college and many working class people get stuck in the middle, cant afford to go to college but have what it takes to be a medical imaging tech or dental assisant for example, doesn't take 6 years of college but pays way better than flipping burgers, so I think its a great idea for our Govnt to provide this education, the return this middle class worker provides back to the country is well worth it. problem is too many Repubs see this as a hand out and oppose funding for job training. Are there too many people who are takers and don't give back? Absolutely, and this applies to rich people as well, who cheat and don't pay taxes and/or hide their money in other countries, very unpatriotic. Originally Posted by southtown4488
I think we differ on what constitutes a helping hand versus a handout. The typical welfare payment is nothing more than a handout. Absolutely nothing is expected in return. No type of schooling, work or community service is required. IMO anyone that is receiving welfare needs to be doing something to improve their situation or that of the community. It needs to stop being a way of life to be passed on from one generation to the next. I also don't see "free" college as something that is feasible or beneficial to the country. Students are almost guaranteed student loans if they are needed. The other thing is college has been touted as a must for you to succeed. That's bullshit. Many people are not suited for college and going will only put them in debt for spending 4+ years partying. I believe that middle & high schools need to bring back the shop classes that were around 30 years ago. Kids need to learn a trade and look at that as another option. Another thing that needs to be instilled in the young people today is that attitude, appearance and punctuality will go a long way towards success. I have owned several businesses in my life and employed a lot of people. What I look for is someone to be on time and have the appearance and attitude that they want to be there. You can teach damn near anyone to do what most of us do if they have these qualities. Another thing that many refuse to acknowledge is that the reason they are "on the job" is to make the company money. Period. I don't hire people because I want a friend. I hire them to fill a need I have and if they can't or won't fill that need I will do it myself or find someone else.

FYI, I never went to college. In fact I dropped out of high school in the 10th grade and have supported myself since I was 16. I did eventually get my GED but it hasn't mattered in the least little bit on what I have done.

Hard work doesn't guarantee success but not putting in the time and effort almost guarantees failure. People need to get off their ass and quit expecting others to do it for them.
I think we differ on what constitutes a helping hand versus a handout. The typical welfare payment is nothing more than a handout. Absolutely nothing is expected in return. No type of schooling, work or community service is required. IMO anyone that is receiving welfare needs to be doing something to improve their situation or that of the community. It needs to stop being a way of life to be passed on from one generation to the next. I also don't see "free" college as something that is feasible or beneficial to the country. Students are almost guaranteed student loans if they are needed. The other thing is college has been touted as a must for you to succeed. That's bullshit. Many people are not suited for college and going will only put them in debt for spending 4+ years partying. I believe that middle & high schools need to bring back the shop classes that were around 30 years ago. Kids need to learn a trade and look at that as another option. Another thing that needs to be instilled in the young people today is that attitude, appearance and punctuality will go a long way towards success. I have owned several businesses in my life and employed a lot of people. What I look for is someone to be on time and have the appearance and attitude that they want to be there. You can teach damn near anyone to do what most of us do if they have these qualities. Another thing that many refuse to acknowledge is that the reason they are "on the job" is to make the company money. Period. I don't hire people because I want a friend. I hire them to fill a need I have and if they can't or won't fill that need I will do it myself or find someone else.

FYI, I never went to college. In fact I dropped out of high school in the 10th grade and have supported myself since I was 16. I did eventually get my GED but it hasn't mattered in the least little bit on what I have done.

Hard work doesn't guarantee success but not putting in the time and effort almost guarantees failure. People need to get off their ass and quit expecting others to do it for them. Originally Posted by Budman
You understand there are people who get welfare while working? They simply don't make enough and qualify for social programs. Don't say they all get and don't give, because that's not entirely true. That's the picture that Republicans like to paint.
Budman's Avatar
I think we differ on what constitutes a helping hand versus a handout. The typical welfare payment is nothing more than a handout. Absolutely nothing is expected in return. No type of schooling, work or community service is required. IMO anyone that is receiving welfare needs to be doing something to improve their situation or that of the community. It needs to stop being a way of life to be passed on from one generation to the next. I also don't see "free" college as something that is feasible or beneficial to the country. Students are almost guaranteed student loans if they are needed. The other thing is college has been touted as a must for you to succeed. That's bullshit. Many people are not suited for college and going will only put them in debt for spending 4+ years partying. I believe that middle & high schools need to bring back the shop classes that were around 30 years ago. Kids need to learn a trade and look at that as another option. Another thing that needs to be instilled in the young people today is that attitude, appearance and punctuality will go a long way towards success. I have owned several businesses in my life and employed a lot of people. What I look for is someone to be on time and have the appearance and attitude that they want to be there. You can teach damn near anyone to do what most of us do if they have these qualities. Another thing that many refuse to acknowledge is that the reason they are "on the job" is to make the company money. Period. I don't hire people because I want a friend. I hire them to fill a need I have and if they can't or won't fill that need I will do it myself or find someone else.

FYI, I never went to college. In fact I dropped out of high school in the 10th grade and have supported myself since I was 16. I did eventually get my GED but it hasn't mattered in the least little bit on what I have done.

Hard work doesn't guarantee success but not putting in the time and effort almost guarantees failure. People need to get off their ass and quit expecting others to do it for them. Originally Posted by Budman
You understand there are people who get welfare while working? They simply don't make enough and qualify for social programs. Don't say they all get and don't give, because that's not entirely true. That's the picture that Republicans like to paint. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You need to read what I wrote. If someone is working and needs some assistance then welfare is appropriate. I never said all and the republicans do not advocate cutting all welfare. This is another example of you, as a lib, spreading false info about what conservatives mean or want. Welfare fraud is a problem. Some people need it and are doing something to improve their situation. Many are content to sit on their ass and live off of welfare forever. Fuck them.
  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 06:05 PM
I also don't see "free" college as something that is feasible or beneficial to the country. Students are almost guaranteed student loans if they are needed. Originally Posted by Budman
I disagree. Having a loan for your education is no different than taking a loan for your house; you wont, unless you can definitely pay it back. There is no guarantee that youll be able to get a decent job after college and even if there is, theres no reason for you to start your working career with a six figure indebtment already on your back. That is what puts people off from attending college in the first place. People who buy a house or a car have a steady income and they have to PROVE that they can pay all of it back. How come there is no similar requirement for student loans?
Although I partially agree with what you said about college not being a requirement to be successful, I would say that times are changing and it is, increasingly so. And no question, it increases your chances of finding better employment. Education should be provided freely because it helps our economy by making our resources (people) better and smarter, and that is only a reward to the country as a whole. if you wonder what that would be like, take a look at germany. Education is free there and their population is all the better for it. They have a better economy than ours and they are leading europe in just about everything.
I do agree with you on bringing back shop classes and teaching people trades, that is equally important, especially because we have a lot of people that just arent smart enough to warrant a college education. College shouldnt be a requirement but it should be an option to anyone and everyone regardless of their wealth.