Interesting or Funny Show Cases

Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, picture #8.... lets clean up the in call damn it. And if your going to use WD-40 for lubricant, you better be banging a robot. IJS.
Still Looking's Avatar
OK, Picture #2. Lets do out provider check list, shall we?

Bar Soap CHECK
Sizzors CHECK
Face Cream CHECK
Tooth Brush CHECK
Hair Clip CHECK
Contact Lens Case CHECK
Black Bra CHECK
Two Screw Drivers CHECK

Two screw drivers? Is this an ad for vibrator repair?
Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, I asked for "head" check out picture #11....
Still Looking's Avatar
OK picture #1.... Lots of happy guys here... YES?
Ok, picture #4.... Driver? Body Guard? Booker?
Still Looking's Avatar
OK, picture #1. Does that say "I"ll have the duck with orange sause"? One of the hottest show cases I've seen in a while! This girl knows sexy shoes!
Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, picture #5 How many hands do you see?
Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, picture #5. Can you say Camel Toe? I knew you could! LOL And very cute Camel Toe I might say!
Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, picture #9. I don't know what kind of magic vodoo is going on here, but I think I like it!
Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, I'm not sure but pictures 5-8 were taken at Walmart!
Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, picture #5. When banging against the wall, is a penis stop really necessary? Geez...
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Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, picture #13. So this is what girls look like after they take a dump in the woods.
Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, picture #3. Is that a cat toy or a chicken tampon?
Still Looking's Avatar
Ok, picture #1. Looks like you get snacks with this cutie!
Still Looking's Avatar
Large Show Case picture... the toilet is super clean and the plunger... well that just throws everything over the top!