Trumps approval rises while the Democrat Convention tanks!

  • oeb11
  • 09-15-2020, 03:22 PM
Bloomie announced a $100 million for Bidenin florida - obviously a pander for the treasury Secretary job - and he might be a beter choice - but Lizzie has that locked up if Biden wins.

It has been said - if a donor offered Trump that - the LSM , Xinn and etc would be screaming in outrage about 'buying elections' - but they pay no attention to their hypocrisy.

Only the bottom line for mansions for their nomenklatura - as did newsome, Bernie, and many other.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Trump has done a piss poor job at handling this pandemic, ... Originally Posted by Little Monster
Unlike Joe-mentia Hiden who would have done what exactly?
  • Close flights from chYna - nope, too xenophobic
  • Close flights from Europe -- nope, racist
  • Believe whatever Xi told him to believe -- yuppers
  • Listen to the Doctors - which Trump did to his and our detriment
...Trump will get his ass handed to him in all three debates no question Originally Posted by Little Monster
By Joe-mentia's telprompter?!? Trump is using a Zucchini as a debate stand-in for Hiden Biden. Reports are the zucchini is out performing Joe-mentia substantially.

Just to put a finer point on mental health -- voting for a mental patient (Joe-mentia Biden) says more about the voter than the candidate/patient.
LexusLover's Avatar
... voting for a mental patient (Joe-mentia Biden) says more about the voter than the candidate/patient. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Yes, it also says a lot about what the voter thinks about this country. And if they think that little of it .... they should move! There could be an executive order for the funding.

"National Emergency"!

And when I post "move" I don't mean one of those virtual pretend moves like YR ... I'm talking about get the fuck out of here! They are breathing good air and soil fine earth.

Making America Beautiful Again!
HoeHummer's Avatar


Little Monster's Avatar
it is except where biden is concerned. its all public record. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It's all a bunch of right wing bullshit nothing more.
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 03:34 PM
little tiny munster is back with more Chinese dis-information.

Politifact - contains no facts.

As per the rusian saying - "In Pravda there is no Truth.!

Kow tow Now - tiny munster:
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by HoeHummer

well, guess who made parole today! right on schedule

yep. Yssup Rider is a valid poster again. what will become of the great north poster now that his alter egotist has been "released"?

the forum awaits!
Little Monster's Avatar
LM is correct. It's verboten! I didn't notice the two in the upper right corner, even though they are public images. Trust me on this, there are plenty of super double-duper-creepy pics of Joe-mentia with kids around the internets and news sites. Odd that the picture of him putting a gun in granny's face is OK though. If you never hear from me again, just know that I'll wear sack cloth and walk through bramble bushes the rest of the day as atonement. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Trust me on this there are plenty of photo shopped & misinterpreted pics of Biden. There are also plenty more creepy pics of Trump floating around, not to mention a book about Trump raping a girl along with Epstein.

Here's a pic of Trump groping his own daughter when she is an adult, there's also some when she was a little girl. talk about disturbing.

  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 03:40 PM
Tiny munster posts photoshopped fakes - just the usual Chinese disinformation the DPST's love to parrot
Your deity - tiny munster

Big Brother

Little Monster's Avatar
Unlike Joe-mentia Hiden who would have done what exactly?
  • Close flights from chYna - nope, too xenophobic
  • Close flights from Europe -- nope, racist
  • Believe whatever Xi told him to believe -- yuppers
  • Listen to the Doctors - which Trump did to his and our detriment

By Joe-mentia's telprompter?!? Trump is using a Zucchini as a debate stand-in for Hiden Biden. Reports are the zucchini is out performing Joe-mentia substantially.

Just to put a finer point on mental health -- voting for a mental patient (Joe-mentia Biden) says more about the voter than the candidate/patient. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Joe would not have said some stupid shit like "the virus will just go away"
Joe would have listened to the WHO and CDC instead of contradicting them.
Joe would not have lied and hidden the truth about the virus like Trump has.
America leads the world in covid deaths. Third world countries have handled the pandemic better than Trump has
So yeah voting for a guy like Trump says a lot more about the voter than the candidate
Little Monster's Avatar
Yes, it also says a lot about what the voter thinks about this country. And if they think that little of it .... they should move! There could be an executive order for the funding.

"National Emergency"!

And when I post "move" I don't mean one of those virtual pretend moves like YR ... I'm talking about get the fuck out of here! They are breathing good air and soil fine earth.

Making America Beautiful Again! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, you care so much about America you vote for a guy who allows Russia to pay bounties on American soldiers, lies to the American people about the seriousness of the covid virus and is responsible hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Yeah, you love your country alright.
Little Monster's Avatar
little tiny munster is back with more Chinese dis-information.

Politifact - contains no facts.

Originally Posted by oeb11
Oh but let me guess your far right news outlets are much more truthful???

I think I will believe a site that actually does it's research over you any day
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Joe would not have said some stupid shit like "the virus will just go away"
Joe would have listened to the WHO and CDC instead of contradicting them.
Joe would not have lied and hidden the truth about the virus like Trump has.
America leads the world in covid deaths. Third world countries have handled the pandemic better than Trump has
So yeah voting for a guy like Trump says a lot more about the voter than the candidate Originally Posted by Little Monster

you're kidding right? the WHO has been the king of misinformation and the CDC right being them.

just today they reversed themselves .. again

CDC now recommends all people exposed to COVID-19 get tested, reversing earlier controversial guidance

yeah. what will they recommend next week?
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 06:42 PM
Oh but let me guess your far right news outlets are much more truthful???

I think I will believe a site that actually does it's research over you any day Originally Posted by Little Monster

tiniy munster believes his XiNN and LSM narrative of racism and marxism uber Alles.

Fine with me
Believe that Trump ordered people not to use bleach for wuhan virus
Now - go do the opposite.

Little Monster's Avatar
you're kidding right? the WHO has been the king of misinformation and the CDC right being them.

just today they reversed themselves .. again

CDC now recommends all people exposed to COVID-19 get tested, reversing earlier controversial guidance

yeah. what will they recommend next week? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

WHO is misleading, but Trump has been truthful??
The guy who called it a "hoax"
The guy who said it would just go away
The guy who knowingly withheld info cause "he didn't want to cause a panic"

Trump is responsible for the 200,000 deaths period. But keep trying genius.