st4488, you'll soon find out that LL offers up no solutions...all he does is bitch about what others have the balls to do. Originally Posted by WTFHuh? You're babbling about "solutions" and "balls"? Really? Have you completely lost sight of how all of this unfolded over the past 4 years? When it comes to Syria, Odumbo has never had a strategy or a solution. And he has never had "the balls to do" what his own military advisors have suggested all along - such as impose a no-fly zone to protect the refugees so they don't have to flee to the EU or the US in the first place.
And now you have the CHUTZPAH to say Odumbo's critics are the ones with no solutions and no balls??? Give me a fucking break! If that fucking wimp in the Oval Office had addressed the problem 3 years ago instead of wringing his hands and destroying our credibility with imaginary "red lines" we wouldn't be in this goddamn predicament!
Fucking libtard assholes. Fiddle and blame your critics while Rome burns!