For those who need proof of election fraud....

winn dixie's Avatar
russia russia russia

  • Tiny
  • 05-08-2021, 08:54 AM
U.S. Military has everything it needs, will not wait for completion of audits. Trump won. They know it, will expose it and all involved. No one will live in The White House again. Trump will be back. May, June, July. D.C. Military operations underway now. Trigger.

�� @GenMFlynn

NCSWIC Originally Posted by bambino

Trump’s no George Washington or Hugo Chavez. He doesn’t have the guts to lead a military coup. And it would interfere with his golf game.
bambino's Avatar

Trump’s no George Washington or Hugo Chavez. He doesn’t have the guts to lead a military coup. And it would interfere with his golf game. Originally Posted by Tiny
If you say so.
  • Tiny
  • 05-08-2021, 09:07 AM
If you say so. Originally Posted by bambino
Well, hats off to the Waco Kid. If he’s as successful on Twitter as he is on eccie the whole nation will be spouting Wacoisms.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
please gain a little comprehension before posting

for instance the difference between the words verified and verfiable Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Whether or not I used an inappropriate word is irrelevant.

What are your "verifiable" claims of fraud? Hopefully not Dominion servers changing votes.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Without an audit there are no "facts". We have to have an audit. In fact, if elections are going to be this close then an independent audit should be par for the course.
You post conspiracy theories (I have not heard that one) and use that as "proof" of no fraud. Aren't you guilty of the same thing as the tin foil hat squad? I don't think you believe t so I think you're being intellectually lazy in your opposition to the investigation. You might as well own up to it Speedy, you and your ilk will not accept any proof as being sufficient to show fraud.
Let me ask you (if you're honest), what constitutes PROOF for you? A confession? Video? Forensic "fingerprints" that can be proven? I mean we have had mailing addresses that do not exist. Signatures that do not match (what's the point of having a signature if they are not going to be compared). No signatures. Names of verified people voting in other states at the same time. I don't know if ballot harvesting is illegal in Arizona as. it is in other states but ballot harvesting is suspicious. What constitutes PROOF for you? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
We have had 2 audits in Arizona and a third is underway. It is hardly "independent" for reasons I have given on at least 2 occasions".

I will accept proof that is proven to be real. Right now my "conspiracy theory" that Biden won is supported by the January 6th electoral vote verification.

Show me in Arizona, where 10,000+ votes were cast for Biden that should have not been counted or should have been counted for Trump. Do that and I will concede that Trump won Arizona and it casts doubt on elections in 4 other battleground states.

You do realize that when it comes to mail-in voting the overwhelming majority of mail-in votes come from Democrats so when mail-in votes, which are most of the examples you just gave, are eliminated it would hurt Democrats much more than Republicans. There is absolutely NO proof to support your claims that voter fraud existed in the number required to come close to overturning the results of the election in Arizona, Georgia, or any other state.

Regarding "ballot harvesting":

Arizona says no one other than a family member, household member or caregiver can return your ballot.
bambino's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
We have had 2 audits in Arizona and a third is underway. It is hardly "independent" for reasons I have given on at least 2 occasions".

I will accept proof that is proven to be real. Right now my "conspiracy theory" that Biden won is supported by the January 6th electoral vote verification.

Show me in Arizona, where 10,000+ votes were cast for Biden that should have not been counted or should have been counted for Trump. Do that and I will concede that Trump won Arizona and it casts doubt on elections in 4 other battleground states.

You do realize that when it comes to mail-in voting the overwhelming majority of mail-in votes come from Democrats so when mail-in votes, which are most of the examples you just gave, are eliminated it would hurt Democrats much more than Republicans. There is absolutely NO proof to support your claims that voter fraud existed in the number required to come close to overturning the results of the election in Arizona, Georgia, or any other state.

Regarding "ballot harvesting":

Arizona says no one other than a family member, household member or caregiver can return your ballot. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Don't you mean recounts, two recounts? Goes back to the main thing...if you're confident that Biden won and/or the election was valid, then what is your problem with the GOP, or anyone, wasting money on audits? Do you know how many years they kept recounting the votes in Florida after 2000? 42 separate recounts and Bush won them all.

As for Arizona, have you noticed the election officials are refusing to give up their set of passwords on the Dominion system? Why? There are two sets of passwords needed to fully access the system. Maybe they're afraid of having it found that they had access to the system when the story has been that they didn't. Or that the system was online when the officials actually testified that it wasn't accessible online. Perjury, voter fraud, and just bottom dealing are all on the table and the democrat election officials know it. But I could be wrong and they're just being assholes like some people around here.

Now that I think of it, this could be the reason that Joe Arpaio lost his reelection bid even if he was the most popular man in the state. He went from winning by 6 pts to losing by 13 pts in four years.
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There haven’t been 2 audits. They ran the same ballots through the same machine, big difference between that and seeing if each ballot is actually valid.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
There haven’t been 2 audits. They ran the same ballots through the same machine, big difference between that and seeing if each ballot is actually valid. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

right, that was a different type of audit.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That was the point. Speedy is conflating recounts with audits.
bambino's Avatar
Doing the same thing over again and expecting different results IS the definition of insanity.