Whales, Spinners & Mucho Dollars City

Beau Derierre's Avatar
Suck a mods dick and get a free pass, or become friends with one and get a free pass. This is like high school for real! I have met some on the inside of the "IN" crowd and I wasn't impressed! I am not for that. I do what I do best and honestly as I can. And the fact that I stand up to the big boys means I might be joining you sooner than later with getting banned lol. Originally Posted by bustyamy
I wish I had 10 minutes with mojo I would blow him so good he wouldn't know how to keep sending me them dam Pm's! Just 10 minutes sweetie I will have you speaking a whole new language.I did enjoy having JAD in my box. I felt special. Mr tall dark handsome never sends me chit. He probably has a NSS policy.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
(I just gotta ask..so please excuse the hijack)

SS, is that really you in your avatar?
If so, I thank you for your having one fine hind-end.
That is all.

carry on


SexyCassandra's Avatar
I have wondering the same thing.
dearhunter's Avatar
I don't wonder one bit
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
JaD, you gotta at least see that MANY are outraged by being called whales. Do you think everyone is wrong? Or are we all wrong? He never had a legitimate thread that was worth 2 cents it was all about the first word in the title ment to be mean! He knew that! What does the future hold? Who the hell knows, how are we suppose to know. He was just being ugly! I read it, and so did MANY. So my question is, are we all wrong? Originally Posted by bustyamy
I do see that there are more than one here who have a great big edge when it comes to that word.... If it was not clear to me earlier, it is more than clear to me now...... For that I apologize if ever you felt your feeling were belittled by me. Not at all my intent, but re reading some of what I posted it could easily have been taken that way. Not cool on my part. I am sorry to all who took offense by my posts. Tracer, I owe you one too sir..... Bad week at work compiled with other issues on my end lead me to read your posts with a tone..... Which is NEVER a good thing.... I read condesension in your post where there almost certainly was none.... Sorry about that sir.... In my attempt to explain myself I allowed myself to get overly worked up and unable to explain myself properly, and then took your responses as shots at me..... You don't need to take that from me, so please accept my apology there.......

I'll wear this one as a fuckup on my part if you guys will kindly let me do so......

I've said more than enough on this one......

Sarunga's Avatar
Is it a poor analogy? Are you saying that you could not see yourself posting a question like ivan did? Again.... Re read the first post. Read it with zero tone & tell me where you couldn't see anyone, even yourself, posing a question just like that. Again, perhaps the one word in the title could be changed, or perhaps he was playing on DH's sandbox thread or whatever..... But the core context is one devoid of drama and uncivility....... If he puts BBW in the title instead of whale does that change the entire complexion of the thread? Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I don't want to stir up this anymore....but OFS answered your question for me...with his comment below.

The OP wasn't the problem at all. It was the title....

Whales, Spinners & Mucho Dollars City Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
The providers influx for the past year has been very interesting in the looks, service and price department. Without too much drama, what does the future looks like for Houston? Originally Posted by ivan
And, there is no doubt that ivan was expecting drama (based on his OP)....and looks like he got a kick out of it too. Many of us could learn from this.

Well, certainly appreciate all the discussions/arguments in this thread....especially JaD's participation.

I think, it's obvious that we could argue endlessly about most "issues"....without any real resolution....especially in a dynamic environment such as this.

However, if we really wanted to do something about these "issues"....we could do that too....and perhaps....that is a discussion to be continued in BP's thread.
WoW just managed to catch up with this thread. If the "whales" term didn't go well with some of you I genuinely apologize and I mean it. English is not my first lingo and I tend to use my own language slang translated into English, and you can see the result Don't ask me what "whales" is used for in my own country we will never end this thread and it will only get better :-)

But this is some funny shit as in some of you read so much into it.
So back to the topic, what does the future looks like? And no more drama please :-)

Or maybe now is a good time to close this one entertaining topic :-) Originally Posted by ivan
You seem to articulate your thoughts pretty well for someone who doesn't speak English all that well Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
True that mate, but I don't have control over them answers and all the excitement
But to your point, I think we totally missed the value of this thread so closing it is probably the most natural step. But man it was fun to see the workout on some members Originally Posted by ivan

I think this was Ivans intent all along folks.. he wanted drama, he got drama. Good job Ivan.. clap clap clap.. you accomplished what you set out for.

Now to all the others who think its funny to be cruel, more than half of you (some I have personally met) are old, bald, pot bellied and fat. Which I think is so incredibly ironic about your carrying on in this thread to somehow defend Ivan or yourself and put so much dribble toward this. The fact that the mods keep it open to me is just a sure sign they are enjoying all the drama as well.
Just look at the number of views this thread has gotten. (guilty) Unfortunately, controversy is more interesting than love and rainbows. I suppose it just happens more often on the TX boards because the market is larger than most.

More "depends on what the definition of is, is" bullshit. Do you parse words into something other than their clearly intended meaning for a living or just for fun and defending your pals?

You can say what you want about increasing membership, but the silent majority here would choose an alternative with less drama if given a viable alternative. I don't personally give a damn enough to stomp my feet and swear off this place, but I would gladly pursue a better policed alternative. Actually, I would not even care if you just wanted to do away with any rules, guidelines, etc.. Admit that it is a free for all for some with rules applying if you want them to and I would not object at all. The annoying part is those spewing that line of crap about how some people here are just such geniuses that they walk a fine line. That is bullshit. This isn't a court of law. Those gray areas you cling to exist only because you let them. The idiots in question are bullshit artists, not geniuses. Chess players? Oh, please. They fancy themselves chess champions because they play either even more ill-equipped people or an opponent who was forced to play without a queen because it is in your pocket.

Reading the drama was fun for a while and then it wasn't. Poking the offending morons in the eye was fun for a while and it, too, got boring. So now I don't venture in as often and will eventually join the inevitable migration elsewhere.

Never had a point or been banned here before, but I suspect that is changing soon! Have a great day all... Originally Posted by tracer
  • ivan
  • 07-26-2012, 11:59 AM
You see the problem is that most of you are over killing this. Now the drama continues on my intent. Stop putting words in my mouth. The intent was not to create drama and have fun at your expense.
I did anticipate drama and hoped that we can keep that under control given the level of maturity we expect here. But in a very cynic and sick way it was fun to watch it unfold. It does bring the best out of some of us.
It amazes me, the idiots that some how stumble in to the hobby and think they know shit.
It's supply and demand baby! Some of us pussy peddlers don't offer a face value appointment, rather a skill that no one else does the same. The smart hookers have a twist, and a following. Smart seasoned hobbyist, stfu when it comes to waltd.
blowpop's Avatar
Go back to your squabbling. OR, you could go write or call or hug someone and tell them how much you appreciate them and would miss them if they just suddenly disappeared. Way more important than the definition of whales, zebras, donkeys, hooktards, fucktards, haters, bigots, NBA, CIA, FUBAR. Get OFF the damn keyboards and your soapboxes. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I'm sorry for your loss, Fancy. Thanks for giving us some perspective.
so... about those mucho dollars in the city....
so... about those mucho dollars in the city.... Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne

THAT is very prominent in Houston esp compared to other major cities in continental USA. But, THAT is on pace to dry up over the next 10years if not sooner. Due to environmental issues, global economic shifts and mandatory economic power shifts in the works as we FUCK our dollars away, oil demand will become a minor player. Ex: BMW looking into H2 powered vehicles let alone electric power progressing. Moral: if you're 18, @28 you need to shift fron fucking these rich ass oil Co. execs to your local electrician. LMAO! (sorry if I offended anyone, I respect all jobs/people)
dearhunter's Avatar
I have to agree with that assessment to some degree.......you have to thinck global to make "mucho money" these days.......the shift has already started.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Once again, you people haven't a clue...