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Justin Heranus's Avatar
Offshore drilling? Originally Posted by annie@christophers
Damn, OSD, have you been holding out on us. Some pretty hot ladies on her showcase.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Damn, OSD, have you been holding out on us. Some pretty hot ladies on her showcase. Originally Posted by Justin Heranus
mmmm I have never looked at that showcase
Inversion's Avatar
some? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
With that avi, you're missin' a million!
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Join Date: Jan 28, 2010
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 43
Reviews: 1
oh well,
may he return unscathed by the heartless staff
may the reason for his ban now get needed help
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Apparently your schitt got old really quick whew

Thankyou, im new here,
just getting my feet wet, so to speak, Originally Posted by BNSF
oh well,
may he return unscathed by the heartless staff
may the reason for his ban now get needed help Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
We'll miss his contribution
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
looks like Paulie is now among the missing
Plastic Man's Avatar
looks like Paulie is now among the missing Originally Posted by Justin Herpantz

plastic man sad

...ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahah!

...ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahah!
jokacz's Avatar
looks like Paulie is now among the missing Originally Posted by Justin Herpantz
One more nail in Upset's coffin.

When they get done banning everyone worthwhile all they'll have left is a bunch of whales and asswipes.
Plastic Man's Avatar
guys f fer ...fat paulie
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm sure he'll find another website that he can devote all his time to...maybe it'll generate enough traffic that he doesn't have to pay out of his own pocket for it...or maybe not...
jokacz's Avatar
...and then someone will try to buy it...just to cover their ass
elghund's Avatar
I'm sure he'll find another website that he can devote all his time to...maybe it'll generate enough traffic that he doesn't have to pay out of his own pocket for it...or maybe not... Originally Posted by Wakeup
The reality is, if he is spending his own cash on a startup site, it speaks highly of him.

ECCIE didn't just appear out of nowhere either......someone had to have the balls to start it, not just be a hanger on.......

Put your money where your mouth is, and maybe you'd get some respect.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
elghund you are a lapdog beyond belief.

Paul's greatest crime is creating a friendly environment for fat ugly hookers. Everything else is secondary, including deliberately antagonizing the mods here who I cannot defend in any way.

The other board sucks, no other way to look at it.
lilylivered's Avatar
I'm sure he'll find another website that he can devote all his time to...maybe it'll generate enough traffic that he doesn't have to pay out of his own pocket for it...or maybe not... Originally Posted by Wakeup
How do you know about that. Been doing so trolling have you on such a "worthless" site