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lilylivered's Avatar
Guess its just time to start contributing to some other site seeing this one is turning to shit
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Guess its just time to start contributing to some other site seeing this one is turning to shit Originally Posted by lilylivered
If you triggered male lesbians want to know what you sound like
check out some classic youtube video of transvestites and other male-hating oddballs reacting to The Donald walking all over Hillary on election night.
Wakeup's Avatar
Put your money where your mouth is, and maybe you'd get some respect. Originally Posted by elghund
While I'm trying to get my finances together, I'll contemplate how much the respect of faceless pixels on a computer means to me...wait for it...
If you triggered male lesbians want to know what you sound like
check out some classic youtube video of transvestites and other male-hating oddballs reacting to The Donald walking all over Hillary on election night. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
if they legalize this shit and start to regulate it

theses are the type people that will meander into government

and force guys through regulation to visit the worst sites and the worst whores

they can come dream up with

some sick fuck with whatever is going on upstairs ,

under the new deal




affirmative action

ECCIE is the one percenter , just not "fair"

and must be torn down with the Lee statues
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Don't worry MLs. Running up points and getting banned may not be all it's cracked up to be, but it's not the crisis you're making it out to be either.

Maybe take the time to reflect on waving the flag for 250 lb + super heavyweight hooks?

The Cuervo Gold, the fine Columbian.

We can't dance together, we can't talk at all.

Tomorrow is another day fellas!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
if they legalize this shit and start to regulate it

theses are the type people that will meander into government

and force guys through regulation to visit the worst sites and the worst whores

they can come dream up with

some sick fuck with whatever is going on upstairs ,

under the new deal




affirmative action

ECCIE is the one percenter , just not "fair"

and must be torn down with the Lee statues Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Yes meanwhile let's erect a Taj Mahal sized memorial to Crazy Horse, the most acclaimed barbarian in the history of the North American continent.

Pandering to the same collection of mentally ill sociopathic self-haters
who see fit to overpay morbidly obese smart-assed hooks.

Who is it that stands in opposition to these outrages against common sense?

Smart people, that's who.
Plastic Man's Avatar
remembers fat ...paulie before he done gots cucked by the shamu ...squad

...good times before the male ...lesbian plague strucks the beloved board
lilylivered's Avatar
If you triggered male lesbians want to know what you sound like
check out some classic youtube video of transvestites and other male-hating oddballs reacting to The Donald walking all over Hillary on election night. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Sounds to me as if you were one that was boo-hooing
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Sounds to me as if you were one that was boo-hooing Originally Posted by lilylivered
If that's the case then not only are you a shameless beta, but you can't read to boot.

Chins up, muffins.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
looks like Paulie is now among the missing Originally Posted by Justin Herpantz
all I can say is
sing it Freddy
Ceremony's Avatar
There's no shortage of complaints and whining to be found here on any number of topics.
lilylivered's Avatar
If that's the case then not only are you a shameless beta, but you can't read to boot.

Chins up, muffins. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Its nice to be corrected by such a self claimed genious like you. I must be special to even be noticed by such a person.
Inversion's Avatar
If that's the case then not only are you a shameless beta, but you can't read to boot.

Chins up, muffins. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
And what are you, an "Alpha" - with a Winnie the Pooh jumping AVI? Nice try NBT-shitlord. (Oh and btw, I'm not defending anyone here I'm just pointing out the obvious).
trojantide's Avatar
Listening to all you cucks....we deserve wakeup. Never thought I'd miss cc....or anyone from Texas for that matter.
Wakeup's Avatar
...we deserve wakeup. Originally Posted by trojantide
Careful what you wish's doubtful y'all would want me as a full time moderator up here.

Speaking of people you miss, the house cleaning is underway, but it's going to be a methodical patient...