For those who need proof of election fraud....

You really believe in this Liberal vs Conservative horse shit. Get your head outta every politicians ass. We argue and post stupid shit and they rob us blind.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Still no proof of fraud... A judge has already ruled that a technicality like this is no reason to throw out votes.

I call this one a nothingburger. Originally Posted by royamcr

It's true because he said it's true. Who needs evidence? Take his take on the massacre of bald eagles. Just take his word for it.

WTF is orange white?

A color?
Fuck he makes Biden sound like a genius.
Wow, Trump really is STUPID, as are the election fraud believers,
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Wow, Trump really is STUPID, as are the election fraud believers, Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Oh yeah, that was never fake news.

  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2021, 06:34 AM
The Liberal nonsnense is typical

'Just believe" what we tell you on Xinn - and everything will be all right.
so sad - the indoctrinated marxists - desperate for a tyrannical dictatorial government to control and tell them what to do, and give them no freedoms or choices.

such a price to pay for 'security' under marxist tyranny!

They do love their big Brother Che' - and his long , hard, hot cigars!
bambino's Avatar
Friday, September 17, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Statement from Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann Maricopa County agrees to settle with Arizona State Senate

"Under threat of losing hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue sharing, today Maricopa County settled with the State Senate, in a victory for election integrity and the Arizona taxpayer. The agreement sets up a Special Master paid for by the County, who will get the answers to questions the Senate has had concerning the routers and splunk logs used in the 2020 election. Former Congressman John Shadegg will serve as the Special Master, working with computer technology experts. The Senate will finally get the answers to questions asked for in subpoenas issued to the County months ago.

In addition, the County has agreed to drop its notice of claim of $2.8 million to replace election equipment delivered to the Senate as required in the January subpoena. Experts have told us there is nothing that has been compromised or damaged by the audit, and the Secretary of State failed to follow procedures regarding decertifying the machines. There is no reason taxpayers should be on the hook for purchasing unnecessary new election equipment.

I look forward to getting our final questions answered and wrapping up the review of the election in Maricopa County."

- AZ Senate GOP
bambino's Avatar
Summary: We won. They dropped their $2.8 meaningless claim for the machine replacement. We get the routers and spunk logs. Cyber Ninjas has full access. Maricopa caved.
Lol. The fact that you believe all this shit is hilarious.
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2021, 07:40 AM

Lol. The fact that you believe all this DPST nonsense is hilarious.

So sad - DPST minions cannot post without profanity, scatology, and indoctrinated nonsense masquerading as 'intellectual debate' by the marxist sheeples.
Learn to read.
Cyber ninjas will have no access whatsoever to the equipment.
Only the "Special Master" and gang will have access. Cyber ninjas are worthless.
The voting machines that left custody of the the county will not be re-used. The county will eat the 2.8 million
Nice job ninjas. You cost the taxpayers a bunch of cash because of your incompetence.

Summary: We won. They dropped their $2.8 meaningless claim for the machine replacement. We get the routers and spunk logs. Cyber Ninjas has full access. Maricopa caved. Originally Posted by bambino
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
This is a hooker board. You know, fucking for money.
People could say, "The information you provide is consistantly wrong, misstated, and intentionaly wrong." Or I could say you're full of shit. The word is frequently heard on tv (with the appropriate warning stated after each commercial) and its meaning is well understood. On a forum dealing with sex for money, you should understand you might hear adult language. Virtually every post you make there are violations of your own complaints. You call people names that you know are disrespectful, demeaning, and without evidence of being true.
We know what you mean when you say "DPST". It makes us calling you an asshole or a cocksucker small potatoes.
Those 2 "names" don't question your loyalty but your "McCarthy" like posts do. Many people have pointed out your name-calling hypocrisy. When you stop saying DPST, I'll still say shit if I want. Freedom of speech (actually not. This is a private site. They choose not to enforce many of the rules that Facebook and other sites that would flag many of you and yours posts and who would remove you.)
So what if you don't say "shit"?
When you learn how to proof read your own posts, maybe I' I'll use whatever words I want.
You spell "the", teh. You spell "and" adn. On many occasions, multiple times in a single post. The mistakes are easily seen. Spell checker underlines them.
You complain about people saying "shit" but you can't spell 2 words any 7 year old can spell. And here is a little fact for you.
Most HR (hiring folks) people would toss a resume in the trash with your mistakes.
You can't see your own errors and you ignore things when spellcheck tells you that you made a mistake.

Lol. The fact that you believe all this DPST nonsense is hilarious.

So sad - DPST minions cannot post without profanity, scatology, and indoctrinated nonsense masquerading as 'intellectual debate' by the marxist sheeples. Originally Posted by oeb11
winn dixie's Avatar
munchie is in a bad mood?