YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

DallasRain's Avatar
From time to time, yes. Maybe tomorrow...

Tonight is zucchini and parmasean crusted chicken with roasted green beans and potatoes. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
universalenergy's Avatar
Originally Posted by YummyMarie

Hah! I made a new recipe tonight: Italian Sausage and mushrooms with Israeli Couscous, Spinach, and Parmesan Cheese. It was a fail on the taste test. I'm glad I tried it. It was super healthy, but yeah....no. My poor munchkins did their best, but it was not nearly as delicious a dinner as they are accustomed to.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Hah! I made a new recipe tonight: Italian Sausage and mushrooms with Israeli Couscous, Spinach, and Parmesan Cheese. It was a fail on the taste test. I'm glad I tried it. It was super healthy, but yeah....no. My poor munchkins did their best, but it was not nearly as delicious a dinner as they are accustomed to. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Just curious, but what's different about Israeli couscous than the normal kind?
Good question...I have no idea...

PS...it was much better the second time around as leftovers
I have found that many dishes are better the second day. Something about them sitting overnight allows the flavors to blend together and smooth out. There's this one dish I make, a three cheese penne pasta with shrimp and chorizo, that is so good I literally had a girl crawl across the table and attack me in thanks when I fed it to her, that believe it or not is even better the next day. I may not have survived had I fed her leftovers LOL
Hahahahahahahahaha love it!

ˇFelíz El Día de los Muertos!

ˇFelíz El Día de los Muertos!

Originally Posted by YummyMarie
That reminds me. When is the rodeo held in Houston?
Good question. I need to start planning for what events I want to attend.
Marie you were missed at the Hollow Weeine party. We still talked about you and your lovely body. I can't mention any names until they post that they were there.
Awww thanks. I just had too much going on here in Houston to get away. I'm glad you had fun!
fun2come's Avatar