For those who need proof of election fraud....

  • Tiny
  • 09-20-2021, 07:33 AM
No suprise you agree with a RINO Originally Posted by bambino
You and like minded Americans need to get a firmer grip on reality. Otherwise the USA will become a one party state at the federal level.
  • oeb11
  • 09-20-2021, 07:41 AM
Republicans who let Trump ‘bully’ party will seal midterms defeat, senator says

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Typical DPST marxist indoctrinated minion
'Trumps Fault - the go to excuse for all things
What we have here - is a DPST party complete failure to take any responsibility for destroying America.

95 does love his che' - with the long, hard, hot cigar clenched in sensuous Lips!!!!!
and has proven that statement repeatedly!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup agree tiny ,
bambino's Avatar
You and like minded Americans need to get a firmer grip on reality. Otherwise the USA will become a one party state at the federal level. Originally Posted by Tiny
Just stay out of the way. You can thank us later.
  • Tiny
  • 09-20-2021, 08:01 AM
It’s Trump’s fault Democrats are in a position to do whatever they damn well please. He lost the Georgia Senate runoffs with the Big Lie. The man lost his own election by 7 million votes. He’s a loser. Why do Republicans still kowtow to him? Do they have a death wish? They’re going to drink the Kool Aid like Jim Jones’ loyal followers?

We’ve got two rational Democrats in the Senate, in Sinema and Manchin. The way things are going, with Trump primarying every Republican who won’t countenance the Big Lie, the Democrats will win a few more Senate seats and Sinema and Manchin will become irrelevant.
  • oeb11
  • 09-20-2021, 08:12 AM
Trump should not run again
I think Trump's' influence" on the republicans - is an overblown propaganda campaign of teh fear-mongering and voter fraudulent DPST party.

republicans have a number of very capable candidates for 2024 - cotton, DeSantis, Abbott, and others.

'The big lie' - is DPST propaganda!
Republicans get the govt they deserve. It’s been a long time coming. They have hobbled together the nut job wing for political expedience and are paying the price. They started with the nutty right. Then the militia nuts. The rascist nuts. Then the gun nuts. Then the tea party nuts. Then the anti-immigrant nuts. Then the conspiracy theorist nuts. Now the election fraud nuts.

The republicans have stood by not denouncing these groups and empowering them. Or worse denouncing them with a wink and a nod which really empowers those groups. Mainly because republicans felt they needed those people as part of the coalition. Unfortunately they’ve also ceded their power to those nut jobs because they can’t control them.

The Republican establishment or more properly, traditional conservatives are a minority within their own party. Now it’s costing them.

No matter what y’all will push as a narrative, moderates still rule the Democratic Party. Hence Biden as president. And ultimately, though it’ll look nasty getting there, the policies that come under Biden will still be shaped by the moderates.

I hoped the traditional conservatives would take there party back but now I really don’t care. I kinda hope they all get wiped out by the nut wings claiming to be republicans. They really need to start over.
  • oeb11
  • 09-20-2021, 09:54 AM
1b1 - If One does not 'Care" - why is one on forum painting a picture of conservatives as 'Nuts'?????

Why not just go away - and vote for your senile fiden and HOe KumHoela.

Revel in Your Xinn Lies , and teh racist CRT and 1619 , and race-baiting of keni, hannah jones, Al sharpton, and Your Communist marxist party!

'Moderates' rule the DPST party - the most preposterous statement EVER from a DPST indoctrinated minion

"I hoped the traditional conservatives would take there party back but now I really don’t care. I kinda hope they all get wiped out by the nut wings claiming to be republicans. They really need to start over."

Hoping for violence to 'wipe out' 75 million Americans - is typical of Your mind-set and policies of teh genocidal , racist , marxist DPST party!

Advocating the deaths of over 785 million americans - shame on You - 1b1
advocating violence in America is not a political solution - but DPSTs minions/nomenklatura do it to foment a civil war - One You will Lose!
and Civil War is to be avoided - but not at teh cost of marxist Communist tyranny and destruction of ourConstitution.

If You - 1b1 - want to implement constructive change - rather than concentration camps and gas chambers for 75 million Americans - Join teh republican party - and advocate for constructive change from Within!

But - You won't - because DPSTs are callow and unable to stand up for their marxist communist idiotology.

DPSTs hate our military that protects them and their ideology/policy of demeaning those who protect us with their own lives - at every corner and turn.

The word 'Cowards" comes to mind.


One of the Gods of marxist DPST party =- a sociopathic mass murderer. Typical.
Word on the street is that the head of cyber ninjas was all tied in with the Trump campaign through 2019 and 2020. Not exactly an independent or reliable source. Can’t wait to see the results. Question is whether it’ll be laughably badly done or falling over laughably badly done.
  • oeb11
  • 09-21-2021, 07:57 AM
Thank u - 1b1
the usual marxist DPST "Trump's fault - Trump's fault' -

Hysterical bleating , screeching adn howling form teh DPST LSM and indoctrinated minions.

- thenly answer the marxist DPST party has for anything in their litany of corrupt, criminal acts of teh fiden crime cabal.
bambino's Avatar
Word on the street is that the head of cyber ninjas was all tied in with the Trump campaign through 2019 and 2020. Not exactly an independent or reliable source. Can’t wait to see the results. Question is whether it’ll be laughably badly done or falling over laughably badly done. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
“Word on the street”, what street??????? LMAO Mr Connected!!!
  • oeb11
  • 09-21-2021, 08:09 AM
'word on teh street '???
1b1 refers to the pier in Santa Monica where the street dumps into the pacific Ocean in teh DPST shit hole Socialist State of Kalifonria
rexdutchman's Avatar
American Marxist good book ,,, some people think Degrowth is a good idea Hmm
bambino's Avatar

Word on the “”street”, Dominion is in cahoots with the DNC!!!!!!
Trump campaign has known since November 2020 that its claims about Dominion and Smartmatic were falsehoods. Yet they kept stating it over and over lying to the public. Musta been good for the grift.

The internal memos from the campaign showed that there was no evidence to support the conspiracy theories they were spewing.

These documents are being released in court proceedings. That’s how evidence actually gets vetted rather than on Telegram or Redstate or any other place where people can just lie away. If trumps lawyers had any real evidence they would have presented it for the courts to vet instead of promising proof but never delivering.