Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
This is really getting old Jax. You obviously aren't able to construct an opinion for yourself without parroting the WAPO opinion pieces, which BTW are opinion pieces. You take them far to much as gospel and repost with any reason or vetting of them. Originally Posted by eccielover
I have a solution for you dumb ass, don’t participate.
  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2020, 09:31 AM
The "Cult" - is the unwavering devotion to the NYT and WaPo and their shameless lies against anything that makes any real sense in politics.

It is all about Trump hatred and TDS.

The cult is the Marxist Fascist DPST cult of j666.

Who is a true believer - shown time and again.

The rtm button is your little friend

j666 - a "Final Solution" for those of different opinions!!! Taken straight from Goebbels and the National Socialists, isn't your opinion.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Poor j666 - taking a page from Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi.

ANY argument Trump makes to defend himself against the fabricated, bogus Impeachment - is "bogus" to the Fascist DPST's.

you would happily remove all of the standard Constitutional protections for those accused from the POTUS.

Unless, of course, the POTUS is a fascist DPST - in which case the POTUS would not have been impeached by the fascist DPST House.
Face it - j666 - you are a Marxist totalitarian. Loves Mrax, Engles, Lenin, Stalin and their precepts of authoritarian government.

TDS and Marxist religioisity - 'Bad way to grow up, son - " to borrow from Dean Wormer. Originally Posted by oeb11
You better keep that bucket of Vagisil handy, the fat lying bastards trial begins tomorrow. That’s the reality you have denied for months.
  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2020, 09:40 AM
Thank you for the usual scatology and homophobic response, J666.

Denial is your little friend of the Fascist DPST's/
  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2020, 10:44 AM
As of Dec. 10, the fat lying bastards 1,055th day in office, Trump had made 15,413 false or misleading claims, according to the Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement he has uttered. That’s an average of more than 32 lies a day.

I’m guessing it’s a requirement to be a hypocrite to join the cult. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

J666 is so fixated on Trump and his personal hatred/ TDS - to track and follow meaningless sttistics as above - and foolish unsubstantiated - and meaningless to boot - numbers above in the Quote - indicates a cult-type dangerous fixation obsession and TDS.

J666 - please go get some professional help. you need it desperately!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Trump’s lawyers shouldn’t be allowed to use bogus legal arguments on impeachment

And the prosecution should decide which arguments a defendant chooses to make is bogus or not?

The argument that only criminal offenses are impeachable has died a thousand deaths in the writings of all the experts on the subject, but it staggers on like a vengeful zombie. In fact, there is no evidence that the phrase “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” was understood in the 1780s to mean indictable crimes.

Is there any evidence that it wasn't? The logical evidence would suggest that it did indeed mean indictable crimes since that is what our judicial system is based on for ordinary citizens and just as "nobody is above the law" as Democrats love to spout, no President gets less adherence to the law the the average citizen, hence only indictable crimes should be considered which you could argue is the more "progressive" understanding of the law.

Isn't it amusing that Democrats have now all become orginalist but argue it to the death when it comes time to nominate judges and they argue judges must change with the times regardless of what the Constitution says and the Founding Fathers had in mind at the time.

On the contrary, with virtually no federal criminal law in place when the Constitution was written in 1787, any such understanding would have been inconceivable. Moreover, on July 20, 1787, Edmund Randolph, Virginia’s governor, urged the inclusion of an impeachment power specifically because the “Executive will have great opportunity's of abusing his power.” Even more famously, Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 65 defined “high crimes and misdemeanors” as “those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust.”

Now imagine trying to use that "logic" in a court of law against an ordinary citizen, the same as a President. "Your Honor, while I can't site a specific crime the defendant committed, I believe he abused his power as a Congressman, a public person and therefore suggest he is guilty of "abuse of power". How do you think that would fly in a court of law?

But then we aren't in a court of law are we and Senators can decide anything they please just like they did against Clinton when they ignored specific crimes of today, lying to a grand jury. Did they have grand juries in 1787 and was testimony given in them easily ignored by Senators?

Any number of such violations of the public trust — such as working with foreign governments in ways that make the president beholden to their leaders, or cooperating with those governments to bolster the president’s reelection — clearly must be impeachable even though they might violate no criminal law and indeed no federal statute at all.

Or it could easily be seen as ignoring the crimes committed by Joe Biden ( which would require an investigation to prove ) in order to influence the outcome of an election, the very reason why Trump was investigated in order to insure a person having committed a crime wouldn't be elected. Imagine Joe Biden wins the Presidency and we do uncover evidence of criminal acts and we have to repeat impeachment and conviction on two Presidents in a row. Common sense would suggest that a thorough investigation of Biden would be the prudent thing to do and as to the old "there is no evidence that he committed a crime" I would say that the "appearance of impropriety" that everybody and their brother agrees is the case with Biden is often cited as a reason to start an investigation.

The related suggestion that, even if some noncriminal offenses might be impeachable, “abuse of power” is not among them is particularly strange. No serious constitutional scholar has ever agreed with it. The suggestion turns the impeachment power on its head.

Ah! Yes! In this case, a serious Constitutional scholar is defined as one that believes what you do and if he or she has a different opinion like Johnathon Turley did in the impeachment inquiry, then of course he must be wrong even though his "scholarship" is uncontested by most.

The logic of impeachment as applied to the presidency is that the president has unique authority conferred by Article II.

Along with all the rights given every American citizen. A President does indeed have more rights not less that the average American and can legally do things an ordinary citizen can't.

If he abuses that authority for personal advantage, financial or political, he injures the country as a whole.

And yet in his phone call, he said "I'd like you to do "us" a favor as in country not personal. Seeing it as personal and ignoring his actual words is subjective.

That is precisely why the framers rejected the idea of relying solely on an election to remove an abusive president from office. Indeed, waiting for the next election is an option that is obviously insufficient when the abuse of power is directed at cheating in that very election.

The fact is the fat lying bastard did violate the law by withholding funds to Ukraine

According to one government agency not tasked with deciding what is legal and what isn't.

and once again sought outside interference for an edge.

Which BTW was not proven in a three year investigation

But their isn’t enough Senators still loyal to the country to remove him from office, their more concerned about their bank accounts and self preservation. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Which is exactly what Democrats are most concerned with, preservation, knowing that on the issues, especially economic issues, they can not beat Trump in 2020 and many now suggest that this is all about trying to re-take the Senate full well knowing they can't beat Trump and this would be the best outcome they could hope for.
Jaxson66's Avatar
J666 is so fixated on Trump and his personal hatred/ TDS - to track and follow meaningless sttistics as above - and foolish unsubstantiated - and meaningless to boot - numbers above in the Quote - indicates a cult-type dangerous fixation obsession and TDS.

J666 - please go get some professional help. you need it desperately!
IMHO Originally Posted by oeb11
Yada, yada, yada but enough about me.

The only thing I need is a good blowjob and I’m waiting for a lady to make her rounds. It’s worth waiting for, deepthroat, sloppy ball sucki.....I digress.
Fuck that fat lying bastard.
Sextans's Avatar
Libtards are going to be sick tomorrow. I’m going to celebrate tomorrow.
I’ll be at bucks Dallas. Chungy you should meet for celebrations.

Day of reckoning. Big T is the Fuckn man.

Pelosi and Crew have No clue about the real Americans

Impeach my dick
LexusLover's Avatar
I have a solution for you dumb ass, don’t participate. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I have a solution for you! Go take a shit and relieve the head pressure!
LexusLover's Avatar
.... trial begins tomorrow. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
It does?
LexusLover's Avatar
..... I’m waiting for a lady to make her rounds. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Guys that talk about it don't get any!

Has she been working the parade route?
Jaxson66's Avatar
I have a solution for you! Go take a shit and relieve the head pressure! Originally Posted by LexusLover
What’s wrong little trumpster? Are you scared witnesses will be called?

You afraid Bolton might let the country in on the lie that the perfect call was far from perfect. A number of books are out claiming he’s ignorant and prone to sudden outrage. How do you know that the fat lying bastard didn’t openly threaten Ukraine. You weren’t there and neither was Hunter Biden.

Keep your tube of Vagisil handy, Bolton may get to testify.
  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2020, 04:04 PM
DPST Hopes are riding high - and will suffer the inevitable crash ans hatter into tiny little shards of nothingness.

j666 - just waiting on the doorbell. hh will be there when the door opens.
Jaxson66's Avatar
It does? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well the “Whitewash “ begins tomorrow at 1pm. Moscow Mitch is going to try to squash anything that puts a blemish on the delicate skin of the fat lying bastard, and that’s his prerogative but the court of public opinion is watching.
Jaxson66's Avatar
DPST Hopes are riding high - and will suffer the inevitable crash ans hatter into tiny little shards of nothingness.

j666 - just waiting on the doorbell. hh will be there when the door opens. Originally Posted by oeb11
Similar to the Horowitz report or the Crossfire Hurricane deep state that the nothingness you’re referring to?

You should be more concerned about who comes knocking at your door. The big guy in the sky told that Moses guy that it was a sin to lie.

Then again, that’s only hearsay.