NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Was a good game.... but I gotta say.... I enjoyed watching the Cowboys lose.

That Dez Bryant "almost" catch was pretty friggin awesome. Originally Posted by klutz
What he said!!!!!
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The only teams I've enjoyed watching lose lately have been the Detroit Tigers and Penn State.

I read some of the grades by the general, so what do y'all think of him? I mean, I think he's a smart guy, obviously he's been around for a while, I have respect for the guy, but I think he does say some things that are obvious/dumb a little too much for my liking. I don't really listen to 610 anymore tho, I'm more of a 790/1560 guy. I think I like listening to Lance Zierlein the most, his dad is pretty good to.

Man, I guess this is the stuff we get to talk about during the bye week lol
The only teams I've enjoyed watching lose lately have been the Detroit Tigers and Penn State.

I read some of the grades by the general, so what do y'all think of him? I mean, I think he's a smart guy, obviously he's been around for a while, I have respect for the guy, but I think he does say some things that are obvious/dumb a little too much for my liking. I don't really listen to 610 anymore tho, I'm more of a 790/1560 guy. I think I like listening to Lance Zierlein the most, his dad is pretty good to.

Man, I guess this is the stuff we get to talk about during the bye week lol Originally Posted by TheDon
I normally agree with The General. With that said, I do not agree with KJ being the most improved Texan. He has improved significantly but he also had (and has) a long way to go. I believe the most improved Texan from last year has to be JJ Watt. He was good last year but he wasn't playing at this elevated level. He began stepping up his game in last years playoffs but I certainly would not have predicted that he would be consistently playing at this level, especially this early in his career.

The only overall grade The General gave that I disagree with was the solid A he gave to the DB's. I believe it should have been no higher than a B+. Obviously KJ has improved but due to a nagging injury, JJo has played fairly well but certainly not at last years level. I believe the CB's deserve a B, at best. Hopefully JJo will get his game back on track prior to the playoffs. The Safety's have played well but not at a level that it would elevate the entire Defensive Backfield to a solid A. Perhaps a B+ would have been more appropriate for the entire D Backfield..

Other than those two things, I believe The General was pretty close in his assessments!
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  • Satin
  • 10-29-2012, 08:09 AM
And I would have to say I agree 100% with your comments about The General and his grades.

I like 610...."J & R" at 2 is my favorite show. Josh is nuts, but I like listening to him most of the time. But I've never listened to any of the other shows, so I don't have anything to compare it with.
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  • klutz
  • 10-29-2012, 11:46 AM
I tune in to listen to 610 to hear about football... and they end up just laughing and getting off topic 99% of the time.... and I still listen and laugh along with them... lol. Although I have to say I really like the addition of Seth Payne... super knowledgable... good guy.

You cant blame the McClain for being the way that he is... I think he may say and do most of what he does as a method to protect himself... I know I have to do that otherwise I get too excited about our team... it's hard to be a fan of any team in Houston (since the Rockets World Champ runs...) just because we always get let down in some form or fashion. The Oiler never made the big game.... Astros made it and got swept....

I have respect for any person who roots for Houston... it means you've seen the same rough days that I have... and it's means you're not a f'ing bandwagon fan for sure.
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Forgot to post this last week, but it's worth looking at!:

This week's...:
I have respect for any person who roots for Houston... it means you've seen the same rough days that I have... and it's means you're not a f'ing bandwagon fan for sure. Originally Posted by klutz

All Htown, all the time! Fuck the Boyz!!!!!
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  • Satin
  • 10-30-2012, 09:20 AM
And now comes our favorite ex-player....Sorrio.....:shakehea d:

I actually felt bad for the boys. They should have won that game...I'm not sure what's wrong with Romo. That "catch" Dez made was sick. If his fingernail would have stayed in, they would have gave him the keys to the city....
kerwil62's Avatar
Forgot to post this last week, but it's worth looking at!:

This week's...: Originally Posted by TheDon
Awwww man this shit is FUNNY AS HELL!!!!!! Especially the part when Romo joins the convo!!
...I'm not sure what's wrong with Romo. ... Originally Posted by Satin
"the big plays don't win games as much as the mistakes lose the ballgame."

Tony Romo: The NFL’s most bipolar quarterback -

In addition to the Seattle fiasco in 2007 and the others mentioned in the article, I recall him seriously choking against Washington and the Jets on Monday night games.

He needs someone besides Garrett and his staff over him to develop any further.
klutz's Avatar
  • klutz
  • 10-30-2012, 12:07 PM
Awwww man this shit is FUNNY AS HELL!!!!!! Especially the part when Romo joins the convo!! Originally Posted by kerwil62
These crack me up =P thanks!
TheDon's Avatar
TheDon's Avatar
These crack me up =P thanks! Originally Posted by klutz
Before you guys start laughing...

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  • klutz
  • 10-30-2012, 12:55 PM
LOVE IT!!!!!!

Is it Sunday yet?!
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  • klutz
  • 10-30-2012, 01:02 PM
Roflmao... just heard a joke.

Who has as many receiving touchdowns as Megatron?

Jaguars OT Guy Whimper...