ISIS beheads American journalist, Obama goes back on vacation

Are you really Bill Ayers? You sound more and more like him. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Speaking of Bill Ayers, why isn't this piece of shit in prison?
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How many do you think Cheney got? Originally Posted by WTF
How many did Bill Clinton get?

So, Obaminable is a what?
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Speaking of Bill Ayers, why isn't this piece of shit in prison? Originally Posted by Jackie S
I do not understand how he walks around a free man, either.
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I do not understand how he walks around a free man, either. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Due Process.
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  • WTF
  • 09-03-2014, 02:06 PM
I do not understand how he walks around a free man, either. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You do not understand how black people get to walk around free.

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You do not understand how black people get to walk around free.

Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 09-03-2014, 04:34 PM
Lame.... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Sometimes the magic works sometimes it does not...
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lame ... Like the jumpsuit IBHomo wears to his Jewish Defense Fund faggot night talent shows...
How many do you think Cheney got? Originally Posted by WTF
I don't know how many exactly, but he got them and so did Biden. Clinton on the other hand did dodge the draft and became the first pardoned federal felon to serve as president. One isn't better than the other. They all have their flaws and serious flaws at that. But because the country is caught up in this Right, Left paradigm nonsense we are all looking to find fault in the other guy and victory in the one we think will deliver us from our plight. I imagine they are all quite flattered how we take them so serious.

What Has Become of Liberalism?

By Jonah Goldberg
September 3, 2014 5:02 PM

Barack Obama encouraged people to compare him to Abraham Lincoln. For instance, here’s the opening from a 2007 ABC News piece co-written by Jake Tapper:

Standing outside the Historic Old State Capitol building where Abraham Lincoln gave a famous speech condemning slavery and calling for the United States to unite, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., a 45-year-old with two years of federal legislative experience under his belt, today announced that he will claim the mantle of Lincoln and as president heal a divided nation.

The piece goes on:

But most of all Springfield allowed Obama to immodestly and continuously compare himself to Lincoln.

It was in Springfield where Obama “was reminded of the essential decency of the American people,” he said, which is “why, in the shadow of the Old State Capitol, where Lincoln once called on a ‘house divided’ to stand together, where common hopes and common dreams still live, I stand before you today to announce my candidacy for president of the United States of America.”

And here’s Evan Thomas writing for Newsweek in 2008:

It is the season to compare Barack Obama to Abraham Lincoln. Two thin men from rude beginnings, relatively new to Washington but wise to the world, bring the nation together to face a crisis. Both are superb rhetoricians, both geniuses at stagecraft and timing. Obama, like Lincoln and unlike most modern politicians, even writes his own speeches, or at least drafts the really important ones—by hand, on yellow legal paper—such as his remarkably honest speech on race during the Reverend Wright imbroglio last spring.

There was, of course, so much more.

This was always nonsense, but then again so much of the hype about Obama in the early days of his presidency was nonsensical. Still it does contribute to the poignancy of the moment. I’m referring specifically to the Islamic State and their celebration of slavery. MEMRI has excerpts of Facebook chats between British and French supporters of the group as they discuss the great news that you can buy Yazidi women as sex slaves.

French IS Fighters And Supporters On Facebook, September 3, 2014

Abou Jjihad: ”350 dollars for the Yazidi girl in Mosul if you want LOL” . . .

Abu Selefie: “I heard there were slaves in Raqqa is it true?”

Abde-Rahman: ”I saw it was around 180 dollars per slave LOL”

Abou Muhammad: ”You have revived a tradition”

Abou Jihad: ”Yes I heard brothers say there are some in Raqq

a as well” . . . “180 dollars must be [the price] for the ugly ones”

Abde-Rahman: ”LOL I am laughing so hard”

Shinobi: ”LOL And how much is it in spare parts? Check and see if you can get kidneys or livers there is demand.”

And here is another conversation:

Dawla: ”What are the slaves for? Is it like your wife but without a marriage contract?”

Amine: ”If they become Muslim are they freed?”

Abou Jihad: ”It’s not really like your wife, they can be used for intercourse [the writer uses a vulgar French expression for sex], you make her work in the house, and you send her to work at your parents’, stuff like that.”

Cara: ”If she becomes Muslims it seems to me that you don’t have to free her. It’s obligatory if you have a child with her. . .” . . .

Dawla: ”You can have children with her?”

Cara: ” Yes but [then] she would then be free.” . . .

Abou Jihad: ”It’s the child that is free, not the woman (if she is not Muslim)”

Mehdi: ”Personally does not sound appetizing” . . .

“I prefer my future wife rather than a dirty slave.”

Dawla:” So you can be intimate with her without a marriage contract? And you can have more than one?”

Abou Jihad: ”Yes . . . they are idolaters, so it’s normal that they are slaves, in Mosul they are closed in a room and cry, and one of them committed suicide LOL and Yes I have 350 dollars LOL” . . .

Abou Selma: ”And what if the slave refuses the intercourse? And what if your wife refuses to let you have intercourse with the slave?

Mehdi: ” Wow those are good questions…”

Dawla: ”Women are so jealous, they will never agree” . . .

Abou Jihad:” A woman that stays at your house and that doesn’t want you, after a while she will crack, she will have to have sex with you. And also the slaves are scared of the mujahidin so they feel that they have to LOL”

Abou Selma: ”Second question: what if your wife refuses?”

Abou Jihad: ”She can’t refuse . . . It’s a tradition” . . .

Mouhamad: ”I have 3500 dollars to spare, I am going to buy 10, who wants one?”

It’s also worth noting that the president has done everything he can to claim that his domestic political opponents are engaged in a “war on women.” He won an election largely because he convinced enough women — and pliant journalists — to take this bilge seriously. Just this week the head of his party went on at great length to claim that the Republican governor of Wisconsin has been “giving women the back of his hand.”

Oh, and let us not forget, the president and his supporters work very hard to paint their domestic political opponents as religious extremists because some private businesses and religious groups don’t want to pay for procedures that violate their conscience.

Now compare this to the people who are celebrating the fact their faith allows them to enslave women.

Just think about it for a moment. The president surely knows about this. His administration surely knows about this. And yet, the president — this modern incarnation of Lincoln, protector of women and opponent of domestic religious extremism — defines his goal for the Islamic State as reducing it to a “manageable problem.” Does this mean that if the group renounces any designs on attacking the U.S. homeland (an impossibility given the tenets of their faith and ambition for a global caliphate) he will stand by as they continue to barter women as sex slaves and breeders? This is the same man who campaigned in Berlin as a “citizen of the world” and champion of global community.

Forgive me, but the term, “Lincolnesque” doesn’t immediately spring to mind.

The disconnect goes beyond mere inconsistency or hypocrisy. It is a moral sickness that is sickening to behold.
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Sometimes the magic works sometimes it does not... Originally Posted by WTF
Little Big Man?
It’s Only Homeland Blood That Will Awaken The American People

by Shoebat Foundation on September 3, 2014 in General
As the news bulletins report on the beheadings of American journalists, which has caught at least some attention of the public, but only those Americans who choose to be informed about what is going on the world. We have witnessed the apathy of the public as a whole with regards to the Benghazi scandal, the IRS scandal, The VET scandal and about every other so called “phony” scandal, which would have sunk any other President in past history, but not this one. We can blame the left wing media but the American people have choices to get their news and if they choose to be deceived by watching lies and cannot see the truth, shame on them.

So we ask, what will outrage the American people so much that will end this disastrous presidency? The answer is sadly a massive toll of homeland blood from a major terror attack on the same level or worse than 9/11.

The media both left and right try to explain away the President’s behavior as “disengaged,” “clueless” etc. Well do you remember how the fawning media were tripping over themselves to say that President Obama had an enormous IQ and was the most intelligent person to ever become president. If you do not believe me here is an interview conducted by Don Imus with one of those not so smart Obama sycophants just after the election in 2008.

So now Obama is “clueless.” How six years of this embarrassment things can change, even with our whacko liberal media.

The Iraqi Crisis in itself is a major scandal for two reasons, first the president seem to have failed to grasp the understanding that withdrawing all our troops from Iraq would cause a major power vacuum and allowed strife to take over Iraq, which rarely made headlines here in the USA, because it would have been a major embarrassment to the President. Remember every soldiers’ death was reported when George Bush was President but you never hear the causality list today and you won’t but you should, because 1500 soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama versus 575 under George W. Bush a statistic that the media also should mention but won’t. Muslim Afghan soldiers that were infiltrators into our ranks caused many of those deaths.

Secondly, Obama had been warned for about a year that ISIS was a clear and present danger that needed to be neutralized but Obama failed to act. There are only too possibilities as to why the President did not act; either his golf game was more important than the issues of National Security or he wished for ISIS to succeed. Obama blamed his own intelligence people but it has been well documented that the warnings were often and detailed and were given to Obama in his daily briefings which the President ignored, obviously the yardage cards for the golf courses he was playing made for more interesting reading. Obama blaming others for failure (or possibly success in the President’s world view) to do the job he was elected to do, is par for the course (the perfect pun) to describe his job performance and the American people if engaged in the future of their country should be sick of it. I personally believe that President Obama is not clueless or that his golf game is to blame, those are optics and bad optics to boot. Based on the past the President was very engaged in Libya and used “an imminent humanitarian disaster” to justify the overthrowing of Gadhafi. This was a barefaced lie. Gadhafi was very popular in Libya as many as 90% plus in polls. Why was Gadhafi so popular? It was because he was very generous to his people despite being a nut case. He was also helping us with providing valuable intelligence to fight the Islamists but Obama went after him, why? The real reason to empower his buddies the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama used the same policy on Egypt but failed as Al Sisi ended the Brotherhoods hold on Egypt to the disappointment of the administration and even John McCain.

The left wing media pronounced an Arab Spring, which gave cover to allow Obama to empower the terrorists known as the Muslim Brotherhood. You can put it down to bad judgment but I thought the president was the smartest man to ever be president and that I believe is true – smart and evil. The fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to Asisi also shocked Turkey who banked on this alliance. Turkey’s ambition for Caliphate has taken a setback at least temporarily. Then we have Obama’s eagerness to overthrow yet another secular leader Bashar Assad of Syria, that also failed, but the replacement strategy seems to have been to allow ISIS to take over Syria has now spiraled out of control when ISIS was able to move into Iraq and become very much strengthened with captured US weapons from the Iraqi army and hundreds of millions of dollars in looted currency and oil fields. Now ISIS threathens us which has even the liberal shaking in thier boots. I believe the President’s strategy and replacement strategy was deliberate based on the on going policies of this administration to empower the Islamists and help them to recreate the Caliphate.

We have shown on report Turkey and Qatar are behind ISIS both in training and initial financing, but yet again our clueless media fails to dig up what the real issues we are facing. Turkey is the West’s enemy yet is our ally, yet most Americans are clueless of the dangers it poses.

Whether you agree or disagree with my analysis, you must agree that even if Obama following these policies deliberately ( undermine our security and empower the Islamists),but if it is just incompetency then the case for Obama’s removal from office is just as warranted. The final question is what will it take for us to wake up?
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  • 09-04-2014, 07:38 AM
I don't know how many exactly, but he got them and so did Biden. Clinton on the other hand did dodge the draft and became the first pardoned federal felon to serve as president. One isn't better than the other. They all have their flaws and serious flaws at that. But because the country is caught up in this Right, Left paradigm nonsense we are all looking to find fault in the other guy and victory in the one we think will deliver us from our plight. I imagine they are all quite flattered how we take them so serious.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Two draft dodgers who turn around and support a least Biden had/has a son who served.

I would never vote for a person who voted for that war.

Little Big Man? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You talking about your weenie or the movie?
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Two draft dodgers who turn around and support a least Biden had/has a son who served.

I would never vote for a person who voted for that war.

You talking about your weenie or the movie? Originally Posted by WTF
The movie, you asked the question, crackpot!