southtown4488's Avatar
before Obama care I child with cancer could be denied medical insurance due to the "pre-existing" condition, with Obama care - that child cannot be denied medical insurance, and can get the treatment needed to possibly save his/her life.

I know the profits of fortune 500 insurance companies are more important to most Republicans than the life of a poor child with cancer (after all, if the child was worth saving then why aren't his parents rich?)
lustylad's Avatar
The bottom line is Obamacare IS NOT DRIVING UP THE COST OF EMPLOYER BASED HEALTH INSURANCE in comparison to the time period before the law enacted. Originally Posted by flghtr65

Ok flighty, let's keep it simple. Two questions, yes or no.

1) Has the cost of employer based health insurance gone up since 2009? Yes or no.

2) Did you write in post #199 that "the cost of health insurance has gone down since 2009"? Yes or no.

Are you honest enough to answer these two simple fucking questions? Or will you squiggle and squirm like a maggot again to avoid answering?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fluffy's Kool-aid sotted brain is incapable of understanding that the BS he's being fed is lies.
Well then why are the people who paid ALL their lives into SS, which was where Medicare "was" getting their money from, now now being forced to pay for a percentage of Medicare, so the people in the coffers of Obummer care have more money.

And having been with United Health for well over 20 years, they have advised me that they will be dropping my PPO plan, next year, forcing myself and probably everyone else on HMO. PINKO at its best???????? Its comin
rioseco's Avatar
Well then why are the people who paid ALL their lives into SS, which was where Medicare "was" getting their money from, now now being forced to pay for a percentage of Medicare, so the people in the coffers of Obummer care have more money.

And having been with United Health for well over 20 years, they have advised me that they will be dropping my PPO plan, next year, forcing myself and probably everyone else on HMO. PINKO at its best???????? Its comin Originally Posted by Cherie

Well done +10

Yssup Rider's Avatar
More ignorant hate talk from low Information lemmings.

Where are the death panels when we really need them?
lustylad's Avatar
More ignorant hate talk from low Information lemmings.

Where are the death panels when we really need them? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

So you complain about "hate talk" while calling for death panels? Gotta hate the haters, right assup? Oh wait, does that make you a hater too? Do you deserve the death panels? See what Odumbocare is doing to us!

flghtr65's Avatar

1) Has the cost of employer based health insurance gone up since 2009? Yes or no.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Is 24 < 72? Yes or No.

If Obamacare was causing employer base insurance to go up 72% then you would have something to cry about.

Back in 2004 when health insurance was going up 72% did you cry about it then? Bush43 gets a free pass on everything from you.

flghtr65's Avatar
Well then why are the people who paid ALL their lives into SS, which was where Medicare "was" getting their money from, now now being forced to pay for a percentage of Medicare, so the people in the coffers of Obummer care have more money.

And having been with United Health for well over 20 years, they have advised me that they will be dropping my PPO plan, next year, forcing myself and probably everyone else on HMO. PINKO at its best???????? Its comin Originally Posted by Cherie
Have you ever seen a Paul Ryan budget plan? He proposes steeper cuts to Medicare than that. WE ALL NEED HEALTH INSURANCE, not just people who are over 65 or people who don't have pre-existing conditions. The individual market prior to the ACA simply did not work. If it did the USA would not have 40 million uninsured citizens prior to the ACA being implemented. Prior to the ACA people with pre-existing conditions were not sold a health insurance policy, HMO or anything else. Health Insurance companies did not want to insure people who were "already sick".

Anyone who works and gets a W2 is paying the Social Security and medicare tax. When you turn 65 you can start to receive the benefit.
lustylad's Avatar
Ok flighty, let's keep it simple. Two questions, yes or no.

1) Has the cost of employer based health insurance gone up since 2009? Yes or no.

2) Did you write in post #199 that "the cost of health insurance has gone down since 2009"? Yes or no.

Are you honest enough to answer these two simple fucking questions? Or will you squiggle and squirm like a maggot again to avoid answering? Originally Posted by lustylad

Is 24 < 72? Yes or No. Originally Posted by flghtr65

Squiggle, squiggle, squirm, squirm.... you can't do it, can you maggot? You can't answer simple, dumbed-down questions! All you need to do is come out and say "oops, I made a mistake" or "lol, I was exaggerating to make a point" or "I meant to say..." But for some strange reason, you're afraid of losing face here if you admit the obvious. So instead you try to duck the obvious and make yourself look like a squiggly maggot. But maybe I am being too hard - on maggots. After all, maggots have more vertebrae than you do, flighty!

flghtr65's Avatar
So instead you try to duck the obvious

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Were you happy when health insurance costs were going up by 72%? Or did you skip over that part of the link? 26 is a lot smaller than 72.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fluffy, you're hopeless!
flghtr65's Avatar
Fluffy, you're hopeless! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You forget to take your Alzheimers meds? Go take your meds and the go FUCK YOURSELF FAGGOT.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fox News talking points, when repeated often enough and loudly enough begin to sound oddly ... Like .... Something we'd expect from the uneducated, unwashed masses left behind by the Republican elitists during the 80s and who feel so horribly threatened by educated minorities.
rioseco's Avatar
Fox News talking points, when repeated often enough and loudly enough begin to sound oddly ... Like .... Something we'd expect from the uneducated, unwashed masses left behind by the Republican elitists during the 80s and who feel so horribly threatened by educated minorities. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You are the stupidest "educated minority" I have ever heard from.
I bet you graduated "Cum Loaded" from ghetto school, Prarie View A & M.
Fuck you, you pants down arrogant douche bag !