a music thread for a break. post away.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwkTbNlblMY Originally Posted by JONBALLS

I watched Tom Petty at isle of Wight festival last night. I've loved him since mid 70's.

Here is a video of a new song, i will look for others.

America has, amongst other gifts, given the world great music, and I'm speaking as a classical musician.

I watched Tom Petty at isle of Wight festival last night. I've loved him since mid 70's.

Here is a video of a new song, i will look for others.

America has, amongst other gifts, given the world great music, and I'm speaking as a classical musician.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...=rSvlJe1mwlw#! Originally Posted by essence
I was a big time Tom Petty fan when he first hit in about 1977. I still am today.




my favourite (above)


The Old Grey Whistle Test was an iconic tv program run by the BBC and hosted by Bob Harris, who brought on lots of new bands and his personal taste ran the show. He had good taste.

These were early shows, which show TP at his most raw. The band are unbelievably tight. You can only leave all those silences with good musicians.
Just listened to Chuck Berry above.

One of my all time favourite tracks is his 'You are my sunshine' he is one of the very rare performers who actually understands what that song is about. On his Chess album, i think (I have it somewhere) but you will have trouble finding it on the web.

I tell a lie. There has been a recent upload.


It's not a comfortable song.
Blade78633's Avatar
Im sure this has been posted before but I don't want to scroll through 15 pages. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rot9uaVO8s