Tucker Carlson or the CDC: Who Do You Trust More for Advice About Masks?

matchingmole's Avatar
don't master bait too hard. things get kinda raw. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

soft wear
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Maddow is mud...and her writers are racists Originally Posted by matchingmole

matchingmole's Avatar
Tucker is pond scum...and his writers are racists
rexdutchman's Avatar
That's funny really whats racist please explain
That's funny really whats racist please explain Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Liberals are afraid of three things Racism, Covid and Donald Trump, lol.
  • Tiny
  • 05-11-2021, 09:54 AM
Tiny, we've been discussing this in detail and I realize I don't really remember what you mean by this statement.

What impression? That he was trying to convince people not to get vaccinated? That if you got vaccinated you would die? Just break it down to a couple of sentences.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Hedonist, I can provide documentation for what I wrote, but it's going to take a lot more than a couple of sentences. It would involve a lot of cutting and pasting. It might be easier if you go to Google News and search for something like "Tucker Carlson Vaccine." You'll find a lot of headlines that repeat more or less what I said. Including the conservative Fox News commentator who had essentially the same sarcastic response I did in my first post on this subject - Tucker Carlson is right, 100% of people will die after blinking.

I'd be interested in your thoughts about a question I posed earlier to you or anybody else who'd care to comment,

A question for Hedonist or other Tucker Carlson fans. It appears that whether or not Tucker Carlson has gotten the COVID 19 vaccine is a closely guarded secret. Why is that? Originally Posted by Tiny
The Fox and Friends people have all said they got vaccinated. This morning I heard Bill Hemmer say he'd gotten it. Why won't Tucker Carlson say? My theory is he's gotten the vaccine. However, a decent percentage of his viewership incorrectly believes the risks of getting the vaccine outweigh the benefits. He wants to appeal to that audience. That helps keep his ratings high. He sells more pillows. If he tells everyone he was vaccinated though the anti-vaxxers will be disappointed and some will be less likely to watch his show..
matchingmole's Avatar
Liberals are afraid of three things Racism, Covid and Donald Trump, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Originally Posted by matchingmole
I guess his parents too, lol.
Appreciate your reply Hedonist. I think my main concern is that many people regard Tucker as a journalist reporting the "news", which he is not. He is better characterized as an opener or perhaps political commentator and his "experts" are carefully chosen to support his "message". And I'm also saying that "talking heads" on the other "side" aren't equally guilty. I will say that when I listen to my little head talking I sometimes reach rash decisions...he may say do your own research...but the urging of the little head are strong and many go for the immediate self satisfying gratification. Again, not strictly limited to Tucker.

Opinions are like assholes, and I have/am one, but "news journalism" died when Cronkite retired.
The CDC is a political entity.
All you have to do is to answer a simple question?
Which one has put out conflicting recommendations and decrees about the efficacy of masks?

And you can go one further, which one has been wrong multiple times since this virus hit?

The answer to both questions is the CDC.

THE CDC.....don't wear a mask, wear a mask, wearing a mask does not prevent you or others from contracting the virus.....get the vaccine and you don't have to wear a mask....you have to wear a mask even after you get the vaccine...wear 2 masks before and after the vaccine....you must wear a mask outdoors....you don't have to wear a mask outdoors....your should continue to wear a mask outdoors after the vaccine...you don't have to wear a mask outdoors after vaccine....and you can't spread the virus if you are participating in a blm riot/protest....the list goes on....

I took the time to look up the various CDC recommendations and decrees. There are actually more ridiculous recommendations and contradictions made by CDC reps.
winn dixie's Avatar
fauxi cant even keep up with his own lies and contradictions. Complete idiot!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hedonist, I can provide documentation for what I wrote, but it's going to take a lot more than a couple of sentences. It would involve a lot of cutting and pasting. It might be easier if you go to Google News and search for something like "Tucker Carlson Vaccine." You'll find a lot of headlines that repeat more or less what I said. Including the conservative Fox News commentator who had essentially the same sarcastic response I did in my first post on this subject - Tucker Carlson is right, 100% of people will die after blinking.

I'd be interested in your thoughts about a question I posed earlier to you or anybody else who'd care to comment,

The Fox and Friends people have all said they got vaccinated. This morning I heard Bill Hemmer say he'd gotten it. Why won't Tucker Carlson say? My theory is he's gotten the vaccine. However, a decent percentage of his viewership incorrectly believes the risks of getting the vaccine outweigh the benefits. He wants to appeal to that audience. That helps keep his ratings high. He sells more pillows. If he tells everyone he was vaccinated though the anti-vaxxers will be disappointed and some will be less likely to watch his show.. Originally Posted by Tiny

What's funny to me is I'm accused of taking Tucker's word as fact when I have been vaccinated and it didn't depend in any way shape or form on whether Tucker has been vaccinated or not. I couldn't care less whether Tucker has been vaccinated or not and it's funny that you and others do care. You are hanging on what Tucker does, not me.

So while on one hand, you and others are telling us, "you can't believe what Tucker says" and on the other hand, are demanding to know what Tucker says. Can you see the problem there? It's called "unhealthy obsession", well, that's what I call it but lets go to the articles.


And then later in the rant,
The "rant"? Does that sound like an unbiased journalist?

he appeared to suggest that the vaccines may not work at all, and that it’s possible that a conspiracy of some sort might be covering that up. If you don’t believe us, here is what he said, verbatim:
“Experts say it is not entirely clear when it will be considered okay for people who are fully vaccinated to stop wearing masks.

Fact! The CDC says if you are vaccinated, you can not get or give Covid, so why then can't you stop wearing a mask and if the answer is because some mutant variant may come along, then we can never take off the mask, right?

At some point, no one is asking this but everyone should be, what is this about? If vaccines work, why are vaccinated people still banned from living normal lives?

That's the question I and I would guess literally millions of people are asking and I think if you are being truthful, you have asked that question too. So is it fair to take from the question, that he is saying he doesn't believe it works or is it just a reasonable question brought up to encourage debate?

Honestly, what’s the answer to that, it doesn’t make any sense at all.

Exactly what I keep saying. If I'm vaccinated and the CDC says I can no longer get Covid or pass Covid, why can't I stop wearing a mask? To give any answer other than "you can" is to dispute what the CDC has said IMHO.

If the vaccine is effective there’s no reason for people who’ve received a vaccine to wear masks or avoid physical contact.

Exactly what I think.

So maybe it doesn’t work and they’re simply not telling you that.

Impossible you say. Want to put that question to the surviving Tuskegee Airmen?

Well you’d hate to think that especially if you’ve gotten two shots but what’s the other potential explanation? We can’t think of one.”

I can't think of one either.

Yes, Tucker actually said this. Perhaps it was just a rhetorical device, already hedging but if so, he didn’t say that was the case.

Some people believe you don't have to explain rhetorical references, that people should be smart enough to understand but as I have said, this is Tucker's style and if you don't watch him often, like I do, you don't understand his "rhetorical devices" and his sarcasm. I guess you can say that's his fault but since I know what he is doing, I don't say that.

“We assume they have detailed studies showing that it does work. We still think that. The only reason we’re asking the question is because the people in charge are acting like it doesn’t work.

Tell me that isn't a truthful statement!

You see the President of the United States wearing a mask outside. You see his vice president doing the same thing. You see the guy in charge of coronavirus response telling us that again, after you’ve had the vaccine you must remain under the restrictions.”

“So we’re asking questions that is rooted in science,” Tucker continued. “Which is ‘why, if the stuff works, why can’t you live like it works?’ What are you really telling us here? And by the way, this again is not a trick question, we’re not playing word games here. What’s the answer? If the coronavirus vaccine prevents you from catching the coronavirus, why are you wearing a mask? Why can’t you eat in a restaurant? And if it doesn’t prevent you from catching the coronavirus, why are we taking it in the first place? Both can’t be true.”

“So that’s the question. It’s not a conspiracy theory. As an American, you should ask it too. If they’re telling you you can’t fly on a plane until you take a vaccination, which by the way won’t allow you to live as you did in 2019, what are they saying? Let’s hope they explain it really soon, before people lose faith not just in them but in science itself,” he concluded.
As we said above, Tucker had some fair points about confusing messaging from authorities on post-vaccination behavior, and the risk this confusion might lead to widespread distrust. But let’s be real: His other comments sound an awful lot like “doubting” that the vaccine works, and the idea that “they” are hiding the truth about vaccine effectiveness or safety sure sounds like a conspiracy theory to us.
Yeah, everything sounds like a conspiracy theory if you want to make it a conspiracy theory to suit you narrative. "Everything sounds like a conspiracy theory until you prove it isn't". Who said that? I said that.

But again, it could have just been a rhetorical device that he didn’t bother clarifying.

So after all that, they are saying "but we could be wrong"! Good fucking grief!!!!

"Actually" asked a question? We can't ask questions about our government and what they may or may not be doing? Again, no statement from Tucker that it doesn't work. He is "asking" if it does work, why can't we take off the mask and there is no good answer and when they do try and answer it, we end up with a picture of Joe and Jill Biden, shoulder to shoulder with former President Jimmy Carter and wife, both in their 90's, inside, with no masks, exactly what the CDC recommends you don't do around the most vulnerable people but guess what, Joe and Jill wore their mask outside which is un-necessary, took them off inside around old people and put their masks back on when they went back outside. WTF? What is it they believe because it sure as hell isn't being outside with a family member and both of you are vaccinated, you don't have to wear a mask and it sure as hell isn't "don't go inside around old people and take off you mask". A cynic just might be asking. "what the fuck do these people believe and is it that they just get confused on what script they are suppose to be following.

Then we have the VP and her husband, outside on a tarmac, better than 6 feet from a bunch of other people all vaccinated and they don't take their masks off to kiss. WTF? Why not? Be cause someone might question their dedication to the script and not the science?

There are a hundred questions to be asked by this behavior. "Follow the science they say" and then they don't. Get vaccinated and you won't get or give Covid but do not act like that. So what the fuck are we supposed to believe? And questioning these people, these experts is tantamount to treason?

I've checked out quite a few sites on the subject of Tucker Carlson and vaccines.


Tucker Carlson, 'Have You Been Vaccinated?' Dr. Reiner Blasts 'Saboteur' Fox News Host

"Saboteur" he says. Gee, I wonder if this piece will be unbiased?

Dr. Jonathan Reiner challenged Tucker Carlson to tell his viewers whether he has been vaccinated after the Fox News host claimed thousands had died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
The doctor's comments came after Carlson suggested last week that a higher-than-normal number of Americans had died after receiving the vaccine since last year.
During the Wednesday night episode of the Tucker Carlson Tonight show, the host said: "Between late December of 2020 and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccine in the United States.

You know what you do not see in that statement Tiny? That it was a government report Tucker was quoting "VAERS. Sure, without that necessary bit of information to give it context, one might very well think Tucker just made up a bunch of numbers to scare people when in fact, he was questioning a government report.

Appearing on a segment with CNN anchor Jim Acosta on Sunday, Reiner hit out at the Fox News host's comments about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Reiner said: "I think he's really a saboteur, that's what I think of Tucker Carlson. Every night he has a million questions about this vaccine and, somehow, magically he has no one on his show that can answer these questions.

That's a flat out lie. Every single segment has some form of expert from virologist to pediatricians.

And wait for this. This is the good part. After just seeing Tucker get slammed for "reporting deaths".

It added: "A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy and medical records has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines.

"However, AH OH! Never a good way to start a sentence to confirm what was previously said recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths."

The CDC has recorded that more than 245 million doses of the vaccine have been administered in the U.S. from December 14, 2020, to May 3, 2021.
Over this period there were 4,178 reported deaths (0.0017 percent) among those who had the vaccine.

WTF! Didn't Tucker just get slammed for saying exactly that?

OK, even I'm getting tired of hearing myself talk and I'd bet most of you if you read any of this at all, quit long ago.

So what was your question Tiny? Oh yeah I remember, has Tucker been vaccinated. I couldn't care less. I don't depend on what Tucker does to decide what I should do. I know that will come as a shock to you.

So, can we now have a lengthy discussion on how many deaths VP Harris's comments might have caused? Oh wait, there are no news articles debating that are there. Funny how that works huh?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What's funny to me is I'm accused of taking Tucker's word as fact when I have been vaccinated and it didn't depend in any way shape or form on whether Tucker has been vaccinated or not. I couldn't care less whether Tucker has been vaccinated or not and it's funny that you and others do care. You are hanging on what Tucker does, not me.

So while on one hand, you and others are telling us, "you can't believe what Tucker says" and on the other hand, are demanding to know what Tucker says. Can you see the problem there? It's called "unhealthy obsession", well, that's what I call it but lets go to the articles.


"Actually" asked a question? We can't ask questions about our government and what they may or may not be doing? Again, no statement from Tucker that it doesn't work. He is "asking" if it does work, why can't we take off the mask and there is no good answer and when they do try and answer it, we end up with a picture of Joe and Jill Biden, shoulder to shoulder with former President Jimmy Carter and wife, both in their 90's, inside, with no masks, exactly what the CDC recommends you don't do around the most vulnerable people but guess what, Joe and Jill wore their mask outside which is un-necessary, took them off inside around old people and put their masks back on when they went back outside. WTF? What is it they believe because it sure as hell isn't being outside with a family member and both of you are vaccinated, you don't have to wear a mask and it sure as hell isn't "don't go inside around old people and take off you mask". A cynic just might be asking. "what the fuck do these people believe and is it that they just get confused on what script they are suppose to be following.

Then we have the VP and her husband, outside on a tarmac, better than 6 feet from a bunch of other people all vaccinated and they don't take their masks off to kiss. WTF? Why not? Be cause someone might question their dedication to the script and not the science?

There are a hundred questions to be asked by this behavior. "Follow the science they say" and then they don't. Get vaccinated and you won't get or give Covid but do not act like that. So what the fuck are we supposed to believe? And questioning these people, these experts is tantamount to treason?

I've checked out quite a few sites on the subject of Tucker Carlson and vaccines.


Tucker Carlson, 'Have You Been Vaccinated?' Dr. Reiner Blasts 'Saboteur' Fox News Host

"Saboteur" he says. Gee, I wonder if this piece will be unbiased?

Dr. Jonathan Reiner challenged Tucker Carlson to tell his viewers whether he has been vaccinated after the Fox News host claimed thousands had died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
The doctor's comments came after Carlson suggested last week that a higher-than-normal number of Americans had died after receiving the vaccine since last year.
During the Wednesday night episode of the Tucker Carlson Tonight show, the host said: "Between late December of 2020 and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccine in the United States.

You know what you do not see in that statement Tiny? That it was a government report Tucker was quoting "VAERS. Sure, without that necessary bit of information to give it context, one might very well think Tucker just made up a bunch of numbers to scare people when in fact, he was questioning a government report.

Appearing on a segment with CNN anchor Jim Acosta on Sunday, Reiner hit out at the Fox News host's comments about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Reiner said: "I think he's really a saboteur, that's what I think of Tucker Carlson. Every night he has a million questions about this vaccine and, somehow, magically he has no one on his show that can answer these questions.

That's a flat out lie. Every single segment has some form of expert from virologist to pediatricians.

And wait for this. This is the good part. After just seeing Tucker get slammed for "reporting deaths".

"However, AH OH! Never a good way to start a sentence to confirm what was previously said recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths."

The CDC has recorded that more than 245 million doses of the vaccine have been administered in the U.S. from December 14, 2020, to May 3, 2021.
Over this period there were 4,178 reported deaths (0.0017 percent) among those who had the vaccine.

WTF! Didn't Tucker just get slammed for saying exactly that?

OK, even I'm getting tired of hearing myself talk and I'd bet most of you if you read any of this at all, quit long ago.

So what was your question Tiny? Oh yeah I remember, has Tucker been vaccinated. I couldn't care less. I don't depend on what Tucker does to decide what I should do. I know that will come as a shock to you.

So, can we now have a lengthy discussion on how many deaths VP Harris's comments might have caused? Oh wait, there are no news articles debating that are there. Funny how that works huh?

Originally Posted by HedonistForever

TL;DR still "liked" it

  • Tiny
  • 05-11-2021, 11:22 PM
What's funny to me is I'm accused of taking Tucker's word as fact when I have been vaccinated and it didn't depend in any way shape or form on whether Tucker has been vaccinated or not. I couldn't care less whether Tucker has been vaccinated or not and it's funny that you and others do care. You are hanging on what Tucker does, not me.

So while on one hand, you and others are telling us, "you can't believe what Tucker says" and on the other hand, are demanding to know what Tucker says. Can you see the problem there? It's called "unhealthy obsession", well, that's what I call it but lets go to the articles.


"Actually" asked a question? We can't ask questions about our government and what they may or may not be doing? Again, no statement from Tucker that it doesn't work. He is "asking" if it does work, why can't we take off the mask and there is no good answer and when they do try and answer it, we end up with a picture of Joe and Jill Biden, shoulder to shoulder with former President Jimmy Carter and wife, both in their 90's, inside, with no masks, exactly what the CDC recommends you don't do around the most vulnerable people but guess what, Joe and Jill wore their mask outside which is un-necessary, took them off inside around old people and put their masks back on when they went back outside. WTF? What is it they believe because it sure as hell isn't being outside with a family member and both of you are vaccinated, you don't have to wear a mask and it sure as hell isn't "don't go inside around old people and take off you mask". A cynic just might be asking. "what the fuck do these people believe and is it that they just get confused on what script they are suppose to be following.

Then we have the VP and her husband, outside on a tarmac, better than 6 feet from a bunch of other people all vaccinated and they don't take their masks off to kiss. WTF? Why not? Be cause someone might question their dedication to the script and not the science?

There are a hundred questions to be asked by this behavior. "Follow the science they say" and then they don't. Get vaccinated and you won't get or give Covid but do not act like that. So what the fuck are we supposed to believe? And questioning these people, these experts is tantamount to treason?

I've checked out quite a few sites on the subject of Tucker Carlson and vaccines.


Tucker Carlson, 'Have You Been Vaccinated?' Dr. Reiner Blasts 'Saboteur' Fox News Host

"Saboteur" he says. Gee, I wonder if this piece will be unbiased?

Dr. Jonathan Reiner challenged Tucker Carlson to tell his viewers whether he has been vaccinated after the Fox News host claimed thousands had died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
The doctor's comments came after Carlson suggested last week that a higher-than-normal number of Americans had died after receiving the vaccine since last year.
During the Wednesday night episode of the Tucker Carlson Tonight show, the host said: "Between late December of 2020 and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccine in the United States.

You know what you do not see in that statement Tiny? That it was a government report Tucker was quoting "VAERS. Sure, without that necessary bit of information to give it context, one might very well think Tucker just made up a bunch of numbers to scare people when in fact, he was questioning a government report.

Appearing on a segment with CNN anchor Jim Acosta on Sunday, Reiner hit out at the Fox News host's comments about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Reiner said: "I think he's really a saboteur, that's what I think of Tucker Carlson. Every night he has a million questions about this vaccine and, somehow, magically he has no one on his show that can answer these questions.

That's a flat out lie. Every single segment has some form of expert from virologist to pediatricians.

And wait for this. This is the good part. After just seeing Tucker get slammed for "reporting deaths".

"However, AH OH! Never a good way to start a sentence to confirm what was previously said recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths."

The CDC has recorded that more than 245 million doses of the vaccine have been administered in the U.S. from December 14, 2020, to May 3, 2021.
Over this period there were 4,178 reported deaths (0.0017 percent) among those who had the vaccine.

WTF! Didn't Tucker just get slammed for saying exactly that?

OK, even I'm getting tired of hearing myself talk and I'd bet most of you if you read any of this at all, quit long ago.

So what was your question Tiny? Oh yeah I remember, has Tucker been vaccinated. I couldn't care less. I don't depend on what Tucker does to decide what I should do. I know that will come as a shock to you.

So, can we now have a lengthy discussion on how many deaths VP Harris's comments might have caused? Oh wait, there are no news articles debating that are there. Funny how that works huh?

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Honestly I'd be surprised if you hadn't gotten the vaccine, as you come across as rational, intelligent and well informed. I'm not sure why I think that -- probably either your writing style or the sports jacket in your avatar.

I just think you're inclined to jump through hoops to defend Tucker Carlson, maybe like I would do to defend Jeff Flake, even though I'm far apart from him on some social issues.

Kudos for bringing up the Wrap article. I ran across that before because I remember having to battle about 10 pop up windows before I could read the article. This article would indicate that Carlson is slippery. He's trying to have it both ways -- appeal to informed individuals like you and also to the anti-vaxxers.

People wearing masks after they get vaccinated, or when and where Joe Biden chooses to wear a mask, or whether Kamala insists on her husband wearing a mask while they fuck (just like Yoko in the AMP a couple of blocks away from where I live), what does all that have to do with anything? Yes, Democrats are peculiar creatures. So what? No rational person should consider any of that when making the decision whether to get vaccinated. Did you? No. You considered the risk and the benefits. The relative upside and downside. And based on that it was an easy decision.

As to this in your post:

The CDC has recorded that more than 245 million doses of the vaccine have been administered in the U.S. from December 14, 2020, to May 3, 2021.
Over this period there were 4,178 reported deaths (0.0017 percent) among those who had the vaccine.

WTF! Didn't Tucker just get slammed for saying exactly that?

Yeah, and if he was aware that health care providers must report all deaths that occur after the COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, but they do not have to report deaths after other types of vaccines, then he was disingenuous. Actually the health care providers are falling down on their jobs. Over 100,000 people have died after getting a COVID vaccine in the USA. I can say that with 100% confidence, knowing that about 8200 people die in the USA every day, and knowing that about 48% of the population has received at least one dose. But as of May 3, only 4178 people had died after receiving the vaccine according to the VAERS database.

Carlson should have explained this, if he knew it. But he didn't. It's very possible that some of his viewers who are not as rational as you saw this, took it at face value, decided not to get vaccinated last week or this week, caught COVID, and are now going to die.

Carlson has every right to say what he said. But he should be more responsible.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Tucker Carlson != Responsibility