Are you a God Fearing Christian?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pot meet Kettle.

IBGrubergruber is Grubering again! all he does is Grubergruber. Unless of course he also #grubered last night while he was busy Grubering his Grubered gruber.

Does that about cover it, you fucking sociopath?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
What lies and untruths? That you are a GFC who thinks he can sin with impunity? Don't try to reinforce your opinion by saying I you are a GFC. You are not. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Again as I stated numerous times you don't know me from Adam's house cat so how do you know if I am a GFC or not? Are you judging me base on my reviews? How do you know they are not a smokescreen? I love God and accept Jesus as the savior and I am aware that we all sin. You should feel ashamed for attacking my beliefs and ridiculing me because I profess my love for God and Christ. I bet you can't stand Tim Tebow either - aren't you a Christian and yet you attack me ? The Christians of today are acting like the Jews and the Pharisees in Jesus day. You do the exact opposite of what Christ taught us and you think you are the better Christian?? You have some internal issues going on and I understand you need to vent but if you think you will get me to follow you to the burning fires of hell you are sadly mistaken. Get lost COG go find another dark horse who you think will be the next POTUS and tell everyone how your high level inside sources give you accurate information. If you continue this verbal assault against me COG I am going to take this up with the MODS- you have went over board and I even politely sent you a pm to stop the harassment and to not indulge in my private affairs- you have tried to find out my church and who my pastor is to try and out me - you have an agenda against me for no reason and you need to tone it down.
Again as I stated numerous times you don't know me from Adam's house cat so how do you know if I am a GFC or not? Are you judging me base on my reviews? How do you know they are not a smokescreen? I love God and accept Jesus as the savior and I am aware that we all sin. You should feel ashamed for attacking my beliefs and ridiculing me because I profess my love for God and Christ. I bet you can't stand Tim Tebow either - aren't you a Christian and yet you attack me ? The Christians of today are acting like the Jews and the Pharisees in Jesus day. You do the exact opposite of what Christ taught us and you think you are the better Christian?? You have some internal issues going on and I understand you need to vent but if you think you will get me to follow you to the burning fires of hell you are sadly mistaken. Get lost COG go find another dark horse who you think will be the next POTUS and tell everyone how your high level inside sources give you accurate information. If you continue this verbal assault against me COG I am going to take this up with the MODS- you have went over board and I even politely sent you a pm to stop the harassment and to not indulge in my private affairs- you have tried to find out my church and who my pastor is to try and out me - you have an agenda against me for no reason and you need to tone it down. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
80 smokescreens? C'mon man. Just admit you like banging them whooores. Your private affairs? You're on a hooker board with 80 fucking reviews. If you wanted to keep shit private, you wouldn't be on here.
dirty dog's Avatar
Again as I stated numerous times you don't know me from Adam's house cat so how do you know if I am a GFC or not? Are you judging me base on my reviews? How do you know they are not a smokescreen? So your saying that the reviews were all made up? Wouldnt that make you a liar then. I love God and accept Jesus as the savior and I am aware that we all sin. You should feel ashamed for attacking my beliefs and ridiculing me because I profess my love for God and Christ. No one is attacking you for being a Christian, they are attacking the notion that you put out with your god fearing comment, which is a contradiction to your 80 reviews and comments made on this board. I bet you can't stand Tim Tebow either - aren't you a Christian and yet you attack me ? I love Tebow, I think he made a mistake in not changing positions to TE, but respect his choice and his lifestyle, but although he is certainly a Christian, he has not offered to the world that he is a GOD Fearing Christian which paints a picture of some kind of super Christian above all mortal downfalls.. The Christians of today are acting like the Jews and the Pharisees in Jesus day. You do the exact opposite of what Christ taught us and you think you are the better Christian?? But arnt you doing the same thing. You have some internal issues going on and I understand you need to vent but if you think you will get me to follow you to the burning fires of hell you are sadly mistaken. I don't think that's the point at all, you don't like the fact that your comment was hypocritical and you have been called on it. You put yourself out there as this super Christian. I know that you cant be so slow as to see the contradiction between your words and your actions. Get lost COG go find another dark horse who you think will be the next POTUS and tell everyone how your high level inside sources give you accurate information. If you continue this verbal assault against me COG I am going to take this up with the MODS- you have went over board and I even politely sent you a pm to stop the harassment and to not indulge in my private affairs- you have tried to find out my church and who my pastor is to try and out me - you have an agenda against me for no reason and you need to tone it down. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You remind me of the kid who goes to the end of the driveway, throws rocks and then runs inside and tells mama they kids are picking on me for no reason.
lustylad's Avatar
You fucking idiot. We were talking about apologetics using the wager as a way to prove the existence of god....You're now trying to turn it into something that deals with mathematics and probability. You lack the knowledge of religion to debate me proficiently on these grounds.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Can you fucking read? I will repeat for the third time – Pascal's wager neither proves nor attempts to prove God exists. That's a fact, dipshit. It is what it is. And this fact is repeated in the wikipedia source – the very source YOU quoted from. I will quote from YOUR SOURCE again - for the third time:

Pascal... did not advance the wager as a proof of God's existence but rather as a necessary pragmatic decision which is impossible to avoid for any living person.”'s_Wager

You started this ruckus by claiming Pascal's wager has been “refuted sooo many times”. After I challenged you to support this claim, the only thing I could get out of you is that it “has been thoroughly trounced as a way for apologetics to prove the existence of their god.” Straw man argument! As I keep shouting into your stubbornly deaf ears and your stupendously ugly and ignorant mug, the wager doesn't even attempt to prove God exists. It can't be “refuted” on the basis of what it doesn't argue in the first place.

Now you bitch about me “trying to turn it (the wager) into something that deals with mathematics and probability.” I'm not twisting or turning anything, you lying fraud. It is what it is. Pascal was a famous mathematician as well as a philosopher. Once again, the very wikipedia source YOU quoted from explains the wager in terms of a decision matrix involving uncertainty and probabilities:

Analysis with decision theory

The possibilities defined by Pascal's Wager can be thought of as a decision under uncertaintly with the values of the following decision matrix.

God exists (G)............God does not exist (¬G)

Belief (B)
+∞ (infinite gain)............−1 (finite loss)

Disbelief (¬B)
−∞ (infinite loss)............+1 (finite gain)

Given these values, the option of living as if God exists (B) dominates the option of living as if God does not exist (~B), as long as one assumes a positive probability that God exists. In other words, the expected value gained by choosing B is greater than or equal to that of choosing ~B

Instead of refuting Pascal's wager, all you've done is support and validate it through your abject inability to suggest any substantive critique. Over the years, plenty of thinkers have offered intelligent objections. You're not part of the discussion, undercunt. You're not even a mole on Pascal's hairy froggy ass. You're just a clueless fucktard who has no idea what the adults in the room are talking about. But then, that's true about every subject you opine on.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WE, I don't claim to be a GFC. The way I see things, there is no eternal hell, so you aren't going there. You can live your life under whatever delusion you like. I don't think I'm better than you. I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy using your own words and what you claim to believe. In my experience, GFCs are among the most judgmental and hypocritical people there are. I hate doing business with them, because they almost always try to rip me off, and then get very self-righteous when I call them on it, like you.

I have no "agenda" against you. I'm here to be entertained. Exposing your hypocrisy is a lot of fun, and your hateful, self-righteous responses are hysterical! Just what I'd expect from a "God Fearing Christian".
lustylad's Avatar
You do more than "refuse to play the game", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas: you lie and distort. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Undercunt is not only a liar, a fraud, a coward and a poseur. In this thread he gives ample proof that he is also INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST to his core. Whenever he stumbles onto a source from which he wants to cherry-pick or distort the data, he excludes the link. He did this twice already in this thread: 1) when he failed to identify his quote from wikipedia on Pascal's Wager and 2) when he failed to cite or provide a link to the Pew study he used for his distorted claim that only “33% of all scientists believe in a god.” Undercunt knows if he includes a link, it will boomerang on him – so he omits it, hoping no one will notice and call him out as the lying, sneaky disingenuous fraudster that he is.

We're on to you, undercunt! How does your stupid little taunt go? You've been weighed - you've been measured - you've been found wanting? LOL! Once again, you've been busted and exposed as the Grubered freelance faggot from Arkansas! Even Charlie Sheen knows you're a complete loser!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
You remind me of the kid who goes to the end of the driveway, throws rocks and then runs inside and tells mama they kids are picking on me for no reason. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I am very sorry if you think I am being spolied but I will not apologize for my love of my religion and for being a God fearing Christian- Jesus said if you deny my than I to will deny you before my Father(God). Please I just asked you to allow me to be a Christian - I have been very humbled I have not attacked any of you personally - I don't even attack those who don't share my beliefs- the records will show that I have defended Muslims and Jews in these forums. We are all God's children we all sin - please stop blowing this out of proportion.
As far as my 80 reviews - they date back nearly 6 to 7 years - I am pretty sure all of you have had sex more than 80 times in the last 7 years with someone other than your wife. So why are you throwing stones at me? Ask any lady who I have been with they will tell you that I am A Christian and have talked to them about God. I wish you guys would not attack me - if all you know the type of person I am - I am proud to be a Christian - Am I perfect - no? Never claimed I was a saint. Even when I am out to eat with my friends - you can ask them and they will tell you that I don't eat until my friends have eaten first. I am one of the most humble individuals you will come across. I am going to digress from this convo and forum.
dirty dog's Avatar
I am very sorry if you think I am being spolied but I will not apologize for my love of my religion and for being a God fearing Christian- Jesus said if you deny my than I to will deny you before my Father(God). no one is asking you too, no one doubts you are a Christian, its the god fearing part that makes people wonder. I know your not really this stupid to not understand what ha been said Please I just asked you to allow me to be a Christian - I have been very humbled I have not attacked any of you personally - I don't even attack those who don't share my beliefs- the records will show that I have defended Muslims and Jews in these forums. We are all God's children we all sin - please stop blowing this out of proportion. well maybe you are that stupid
As far as my 80 reviews - they date back nearly 6 to 7 years - I am pretty sure all of you have had sex more than 80 times in the last 7 years with someone other than your wife. So why are you throwing stones at me? you are seriously dense of you have to keep asking this question, when you portray yourself as a "god fearing" Christian you portray yourself as a saint. you may be a Christian but you certainly don't fear god or you wouldn't do as you do. Ask any lady who I have been with they will tell you that I am A Christian and have talked to them about God. I wish you guys would not attack me - if all you know the type of person I am - I am proud to be a Christian - Am I perfect - no? Never claimed I was a saint. well yes you have when you portray yourself as god fearing Even when I am out to eat with my friends - you can ask them and they will tell you that I don't eat until my friends have eaten first. I am one of the most humble individuals you will come across. I am going to digress from this convo and forum. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
you just don't get it
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am very sorry if you think I am being spolied but I will not apologize for my love of my religion and for being a God fearing Christian- Jesus said if you deny my than I to will deny you before my Father(God). Please I just asked you to allow me to be a Christian - I have been very humbled I have not attacked any of you personally - I don't even attack those who don't share my beliefs- the records will show that I have defended Muslims and Jews in these forums. We are all God's children we all sin - please stop blowing this out of proportion.
As far as my 80 reviews - they date back nearly 6 to 7 years - I am pretty sure all of you have had sex more than 80 times in the last 7 years with someone other than your wife. So why are you throwing stones at me? Ask any lady who I have been with they will tell you that I am A Christian and have talked to them about God. I wish you guys would not attack me - if all you know the type of person I am - I am proud to be a Christian - Am I perfect - no? Never claimed I was a saint. Even when I am out to eat with my friends - you can ask them and they will tell you that I don't eat until my friends have eaten first. I am one of the most humble individuals you will come across. I am going to digress from this convo and forum. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

It just gets funnier!
lustylad's Avatar
Too bad you're too stupid to understand Pascal's wager - or any wager. How much did you lose on the Kentucky Derby? Originally Posted by lustylad
We already had this discussion. I had my ass handed to me. Please don't do it again. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Losing horses or losing arguments - undercunt the loser knows how to pick 'em!
Losing horses or losing arguments - undercunt the loser knows how to pick 'em! Originally Posted by lustylad
Changing around someone's posts. It's the only way you can even come close to anything resembling winning an argument. Have your fun and enjoy your lowest common denominator activity.

PS - Shammy is right. You are without a doubt the lamest humorist on this board. Even worse than LL, and that's saying something.
lustylad's Avatar
Running away and imitating Baghdad Bob after you lose an argument is as lame and wimpy as it gets, undercunt.
Running away and imitating Baghdad Bob after you lose an argument is as lame and wimpy as it gets, undercunt. Originally Posted by lustylad
Just because you continue to say you emerged victorious doesn't make it so. Everyone saw your posts. Your idiocy was on full display. Look, you can't be a wiki expert on everything. So religion and theology isn't your area, it's ok. Now go take a metamucil and try not to shit yourself during nap time.

The fact that you cannot get it through your thick skull that what Pascal may have envisioned in the beginning and that it has been currently co-opted by apologists as proof that a god exists, illustrates your complete ignorance. You want to jump in and try and prove something that no one is even questioning in the first place. You don't like the way the argument is going, you can't win it in its current form, so you introduce a new paradigm in which you get to spin it in such a way as to make it look like you've done something. The problem is, you're a fucking moron and as transparent as the day is long. You need to change up your strategy. We're on to this one and it's getting old.
Can you fucking read? I will repeat for the third time – Pascal's wager neither proves nor attempts to prove God exists. That's a fact, dipshit. It is what it is. And this fact is repeated in the wikipedia source – the very source YOU quoted from. I will quote from YOUR SOURCE again - for the third time:'s_Wager

You started this ruckus by claiming Pascal's wager has been “refuted sooo many times”. After I challenged you to support this claim, the only thing I could get out of you is that it “has been thoroughly trounced as a way for apologetics to prove the existence of their god.” Straw man argument! As I keep shouting into your stubbornly deaf ears and your stupendously ugly and ignorant mug, the wager doesn't even attempt to prove God exists. It can't be “refuted” on the basis of what it doesn't argue in the first place.

Now you bitch about me “trying to turn it (the wager) into something that deals with mathematics and probability.” I'm not twisting or turning anything, you lying fraud. It is what it is. Pascal was a famous mathematician as well as a philosopher. Once again, the very wikipedia source YOU quoted from explains the wager in terms of a decision matrix involving uncertainty and probabilities:

Instead of refuting Pascal's wager, all you've done is support and validate it through your abject inability to suggest any substantive critique. Over the years, plenty of thinkers have offered intelligent objections. You're not part of the discussion, undercunt. You're not even a mole on Pascal's hairy froggy ass. You're just a clueless fucktard who has no idea what the adults in the room are talking about. But then, that's true about every subject you opine on.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Here's where you fucked up. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT PASCAL INITIALLY POSITED WITH HIS WAGER. That's where you go off the rails. That wasn't what I argued and it wasn't what I was talking about. I was talking about it being co-opted by present-day apologists as an argument for the belief in god. That's it. By using it as an argument for the existence of god, it also illustrates their misunderstanding of the original wager, but that is not the point I was trying to make. YOU brought in the straw man. You're arguing something that no one is even bringing up. The fact is that it IS being used by apologists currently, in the exact manner I explained. You can't disprove that and you can't win anything unless you make it about something else. Which is when you brought up what the wager was originally created for. I wasn't referencing that. I don't care.