Providers Under $

Crzytxn's Avatar
The ad for Nadia has been deleted. Did you get her number?
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
She's a real cutey. New post today. Good luck...
Texas_Seeker's Avatar
Just in case anyone is wondering, Debra (972-537-7871) is still out in Lewisville and still $100/hr.

Originally Posted by bicuspid
She quoted me $100 for a half hour about 2 minutes ago.
She quoted me $100 for a half hour about 2 minutes ago. Originally Posted by Texas_Seeker
I was thinking of setting something up, but think I will pass now.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Today's ad asks for a picture! You didn't send her one did you?

Saw Nadia in West Fort Worth. 30 for .75, although I opted for the hour for $25. GFE, went over on time, so not a clock watcher. Hour included MSOG, not sure about the half hour, although I wouldn't doubt if it did too.

Originally Posted by Brick Tamland
Brick Tamland's Avatar
The ad for Nadia has been deleted. Did you get her number? Originally Posted by Crzytxn
The picture I posted has a number in it, but it may not be good as it's different from the one in the BP ad.
Today's ad asks for a picture! You didn't send her one did you? Originally Posted by Iaintliein
I really can't remember. Although if asked I wouldn't have a problem sending one, so I probably did.
Bob Soldios's Avatar
I was thinking of setting something up, but think I will pass now. Originally Posted by Bartleby
I'd say if you can get her in at $120 an hour she's still well worth it. I swear I did a review of her, but I can't find it now.

Only problem I had with my date with her was that she had others around her room who she had to shoo away.... I didn't like that much.
Isn't devon gone??
Anybody seen Delilah lately?:

Any new info on her such as phone number and location?
Yes I thinks it harder to find a great gal who understand the economy these days.


Its a new year soon, we'll be sure to look for the old and new.

Happy Hobbying.

______________________________ _____________________________
Any updated info on Debra of dallas??? Her # 972 537 7871 not in service any email?
She quoted me $100 for a half hour about 2 minutes ago. Originally Posted by Texas_Seeker
Any updates info
Bamablacksnake's Avatar
Debra is legit I've seen her and those gigantic manmades a few times, bring your own lube though.
frnchlvr's Avatar
fib503's Avatar
Any body has one or two picture of Genie in the Bottle? Please PM me. Really want to her a try. Thanks everyone!