Do you take offense to being called a whore on a SHMB?

U ARE a wise man wtf Noticed the slut has gone crazy I think everyone on the board would agree its time for OH to shove her pejorative up her overly fat whore ass Originally Posted by JESSE JAMES
Go ahead JESSE, tell the nice people why you don't like me.

The more you blather on the less sense you make In the meantime you exhibit all the lowest , base qualities of humanity

Y Originally Posted by JESSE JAMES
Shall we take a poll on who is more base? A prostitute or a drunken thief? We're all waiting to hear what little nuggets of wisdom you have on the subject.

To All:

The wording of my poll was simple. Do you believe the word whore is pejorative or not. If you do not, do you call your female loved ones whores which three people answered in the affirmative to.
dearhunter's Avatar
Just don't talking shit about my dog.........we might get all crazy up in this bitch.......ijs
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  • WTF
  • 01-14-2014, 10:41 AM

The wording of my poll was simple. . Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
And the wording of LD's poll was simple. That you and a few others can't understand it does not change that fact. Not to many folks take offense to being called a whore on a whore board. No matter how wrong you think that is. Just like not many black folks are offended by a rapper using the Nword at a rap concert . If you could acknowledge those simple facts maybe we could move on from you lying and distorting other people's poll to suit your agenda.
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  • Old-T
  • 01-14-2014, 11:13 AM
The wording of both LD and OH poll were not accidental nor were the results suprising. The word whore out in the real world is not used often. On a hooker board it is used much more so. If Olivia asked if we thought we would see a Lion today, most folks would answer no . If LD asked folks going to the zoo if they expected to see a Lion , the answer would be yes. Olivia seems to think those are the exact same question and that there is something wrong with people who answer LD honestly. It is like Olivia hates Lions and thinks there is no place in the world they should be. What a wack job. Originally Posted by WTF
I agree with what you are saying to a point. I think both of them actually do understand the difference, but both of them refuse to "give in" to the other. It clearly isn't about the supposed topic any more, but some much longer running Houston food fight.

I agree that "whore" is used here more than in the "real world", but I do not agree that it is remotely universally accepted as an OK term by the ladies in general. Some are OK with it, many I know in the business are absolutely not. I find it rather disingenuous that LD says she wants to know which ladies are/are not OK with it, and then proceeds to throw it in the face of several who clearly said they DO consider it an insult.

Personally, I think both of them have embarrassed themselves with some of their posts on the two threads.
I agree with what you are saying to a point. I think both of them actually do understand the difference, but both of them refuse to "give in" to the other. It clearly isn't about the supposed topic any more, but some much longer running Houston food fight. Originally Posted by Old-T
I don't see there is room to give in. It's that simple. I've not attacked her personally but rather done my best to keep the point on track. I have no personal issue with LD. I don't care for her, but I have no desire inflict damage - her word not mine - on her or any women here at work.

I agree that "whore" is used here more than in the "real world", but I do not agree that it is remotely universally accepted as an OK term by the ladies in general. Some are OK with it, many I know in the business are absolutely not. I find it rather disingenuous that LD says she wants to know which ladies are/are not OK with it, and then proceeds to throw it in the face of several who clearly said they DO consider it an insult. Originally Posted by Old-T
And THIS is the crux of the entire debate. Literally. It all started with LD trying to pile on to SL unsuccessfully - as usual. Then the mud fight began in earnest when VJ took offense to being called a whore and LD lit into her. Then she lit in to Miss March. Then she said she could care less about the collateral damage - again her words not mine - she inflicted.

Personally, I think both of them have embarrassed themselves with some of their posts on the two threads. Originally Posted by Old-T
You are entitled to your opinion. Clearly I do not share it. This entire matter would have been put to bed were it not for the real long standing Houston food fight between WTF and any one he disagrees with for one reason or another. I happen to be one of his particular objects of passionate ire.
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  • Old-T
  • 01-14-2014, 11:46 AM
And THIS is the crux of the entire debate. Literally. It all started with LD trying to pile on to SL unsuccessfully - as usual. Then the mud fight began in earnest when VJ took offense to being called a whore and LD lit into her. Then she lit in to Miss March. Then she said she could care less about the collateral damage - again her words not mine - she inflicted.

I agree. You have stated you position on this issue--which I have publicly agreed with more than once. She has stated hers, and has done it by intentionally insulting a number of ladies and claiming somehow it is in fun, or for the betterment of the English language. But at this point there is nothing new to be added that I can see, and neither camp is going to change the minds of the other.

This entire matter would have been put to bed were it not for the real long standing Houston food fight between WTF and any one he disagrees with for one reason or another. I happen to be one of his particular objects of passionate ire. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
And that too was my point, this is no longer about the acceptability of the word "whore"--it is the Hatfields and McCoys, with many other readers caught in the cross fire.

The horse is dead. Died days ago.
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  • 01-14-2014, 11:50 AM
Old-T, dearhunter had it pegged a page back. This is really a tongue and cheek poll that just as easily could have been worded..."Fuck all you hookers that get offended for being called a whore on a hooker board". OliviaHoward played right into LD's hand and is to ignorant to see it.
And that too was my point, this is no longer about the acceptability of the word "whore"--it is the Hatfields and McCoys, with many other readers caught in the cross fire.

The horse is dead. Died days ago. Originally Posted by Old-T
And yet, here still are - including you I might add. In my opinion, there is no acceptable use of the word. The poll was in no way meant to be light and funny any more than it was meant to be about the word whore itself. It was a blunt instrument LD used to throw a world class temper tantrum, show others she was indeed not wrong and whore is a fab-o fucking word. Well that and she was acting on the behest of her handler for a crumb. Period the end.

I am more than willing to leave it at we agree to disagree about my motives or LD's motives when she started the thread. I hope you've enjoyed yourself as much as I have. Peace -
Gotyour6's Avatar
Whore by definition is what you do.

Not sure why you would take offence to a job title

Definition of WHORE

: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also : a promiscuous or immoral woman
: a male who engages in sexual acts for money
bambino's Avatar
What's up with WTF and his references to the zoo and zoo animals? Must be something to it.
What's up with WTF and his references to the zoo and zoo animals? Must be something to it. Originally Posted by bambino
Who the fuck knows. I've always had trouble following his bizarre analogies.

Whore by definition is what you do.

Not sure why you would take offence to a job title

Definition of WHORE

: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also : a promiscuous or immoral woman
: a male who engages in sexual acts for money Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Then use the word prostitute. It is significantly less socially charged. No one is ever arrested for being a whore. They are arrested for being a prostitute. One is a legal definition and one is a social definition.

Your sugar baby - your words not mine - takes money from you. She also carries on with a married man which I would say that most would consider immoral. Would you label her a whore?

Some of my thoughts on the subject:
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  • WTF
  • 01-14-2014, 01:37 PM
Has this turned into another threAD for Olivia's blog?
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  • WTF
  • 01-14-2014, 01:40 PM
Whore by definition is what you do.

Not sure why you would take offence to a job title

Definition of WHORE

: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also : a promiscuous or immoral woman
: a male who engages in sexual acts for money Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Most hookers on a hooker board do not take offense. Even that Pittsburgh Monkey bambino don't take offense! Olivia needs to give up the whore crusade. Word been around for a long time and it ain't going no where!
Gotyour6's Avatar
Who the fuck knows. I've always had trouble following his bizarre analogies.

Then use the word prostitute. It is significantly less socially charged. No one is ever arrested for being a whore. They are arrested for being a prostitute. One is a legal definition and one is a social definition.

Your sugar baby - your words not mine - takes money from you. She also carries on with a married man which I would say that most would consider immoral. Would you label her a whore?

Some of my thoughts on the subject: Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
She no longer takes money from me and is now a GF.
But yes, same definition if it were only sex. Fine line and some would call her a whore. So yes, she was a whore.

I would have a link to thoughts on that but I posted them right here for you to look at.