
Frankie Fine's Avatar
I'm oldfashioned, and manners mean a lot.
gaijin1969's Avatar
I'm oldfashioned, and manners mean a lot. Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
Why, Ms. Fine.... you surely look lovely tonight.... may I have this next dance?

(((Snort! Giggle!!!)))

I said that in my best Southern Gentleman's accent. (Which sucks BTW, hence the laugh.)
Came out sounding more like Foghorn Leghorn.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-17-2013, 04:25 AM
It is near impossible to "fuck with" a rarely seen mod.....that is the whole point of being rarely seen. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Apparently you missed the part where i said "...and what they're tasked to do".
gaijin1969's Avatar
omg Originally Posted by CLAMCHOWDER2000
Hmm yes sorry about that. Back to the topic.

Seems "it's" been revised again.

Who's in charge of sharing the link if OSD is gone???

dearhunter's Avatar
Apparently you missed the part where i said "...and what they're tasked to do". Originally Posted by Doove
I can appreciate your inability to fathom the concept of a moderator fulfilling his "tasks" while rarely being seen doing it..........really, I can.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-17-2013, 07:39 AM
Gentlemen, if you could PLEASE take your exchange to PM's. You of all people should know this dearhunter, you ARE on staff.
dearhunter's Avatar
Gentlemen, if you could PLEASE take your exchange to PM's. You of all people should know this dearhunter, you ARE on staff. Originally Posted by GP

GP, if you could PLEASE reread post #1. You of all people should know that Doove and my exchange is on topic, and we don't have to take it to PM, you ARE on staff.
Guest042416's Avatar
dh u on staff lol'
Guest042416's Avatar
stay on topic girls
dearhunter's Avatar
bj, the clue is found under your avatar..........



But, we are on topic......I just gave you modtard information.
I'm going to hopefully express my concerns and some other rank-in-file members about this in a way that doesn't attack the mods or fellow members. I was going to voice those concerns privately but apparently I'm a 'fool' or an 'idiot' for listening to someone's bullshit but hey I've been called worst. I have always been of the opinion that the mods do a good job in tough situations but discussion of the mods actions should be warranted when appropriate. Rationally there are three points that should be addressed but things get so secretive around here so no one knows what to think.

Point 1- A member, XY, feels he has been railroaded based on the word of a provider(s). His remarks have been discredited by the mods through ad hominem comments with little to address the actual remarks. According to him, mods have taken the provider's side with little supposed evidence and with evidence provided to contradict supposed provider statements. Do you I believe him? I sure as shit don't believe anyone so I admit I have no clue. But more importantly, has this happened before? Where a provider's word has shut-down a member's reputation with little evidence. I think so. What's going to happen when the next provider calls some bullshit on another guy here? I don't know what the real story is with XY, I'm just worried about history repeating itself.

Point 2- If (and I clearly state if) mods are allegedly getting freebies, that's a problem for both the men and women here. I've made those comments earlier so I won't repeat myself. Point 2 generally predicates Point 1.

Point 3- "something is rotten in the state of Denmark" Where is everyone? It seems half the active vocal members have been banned or had their accounts disabled. Tons of threads have been closed. Posts edited. It just doesn't look good. Granted mods have a job to do but appearances lately are threatening.

Either XY and/or the offended providers may be lying dirtbags and got everything they deserved. I really don't know. My true concern is history repeating itself where this place falls into irrelevance.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-17-2013, 02:09 PM
I can appreciate your inability to fathom the concept of a moderator fulfilling his "tasks" while rarely being seen doing it..........really, I can. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Says the mod with nearly 15000 posts.

It seems every time you show your face in here, you're trying to tell us how to act.

"...rarely seen doing it" my ass.

But keep thinkin' it if that's what you wanna do.
notanewbie's Avatar
Good luck fucktards of Uppset, you have a loong road ahead.
dearhunter's Avatar
Says the mod with nearly 15000 posts.

It seems every time you show your face in here, you're trying to tell us how to act.

"...rarely seen doing it" my ass.

But keep thinkin' it if that's what you wanna do. Originally Posted by Doove
I am hurt to the quick that you misinterpret my comments to be modtard instructions on how you should act.........although, I can most assuredly understand how you would jump to that appear to be quite used to it........ijs

See, more moderator information.