Merlin... have a really nice day. Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
This maybe a strange concept but maybe the moderators of this board are the ones who should decide how this thread goes or when it ends. Not you.

ThatManFromTexas... have a really nice day too.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
The major players have conflicting stories of what happened. Maybe that doesn't interest you. Originally Posted by Merlin
There are conflicting stories of what happened because NO ONE knows with absolute certainty exactly what happened. This isn't a TV Show, where we all SEE what really happened and know for certain who is telling the truth, who is stretching the truth and who has other variations.

As CK has noted, there are a lot of FACTS. There are also a LOT of people who saw some of the events, yet have different recollections of what happened. I don't for a second believe anyone who was there doesn't believe the things they remember.....myself included.

As we know from numerous studies, eye witness testimony is inherently unreliable. There was a BIG FEAR factor going on while the 25 LE officers were running with MASKS on rounding us all up like a herd of cattle. then we all sat SILENTLY while the UC masked officers walked around pointing to different people, who were then taken to a staging area, handcuffed and questioned.

Pretty scarey - even for the majority of people who didn't do anything wrong.
There have been many variations of what happened from the people who were ACTUALLY THERE....as we should expect.

We will never know for absolute certainty what happened, who the rat(s) were (sorry RBJ not referring to your kin folk) BUT CK and I have a real good handle on what happened and why and changes have been made since then for additional socials.
AGAIN, any social is not going to be 100% secure - they never can be. Police can and do infiltrate anything they want.

Now we can have additional socials if the community is interested; or just resign ourselves that LE WON in Houston and successfully scared everyone from future large gatherings.

There have been small-medium private socials/parties and maybe that is the way things will go for a while. By limiting the invitees to people we ACTUALLY know personally, they will be more secure. But it also seemed having new (VOUCHED) people attend made things more interesting.

Or we can just continue this thread ad nauseam....

Maybe we should expand the social committee to expand the base of who is ACTUALLY known.

Maybe TMFT is right.....we MAKE every lady give the door guy a BBBJ to insure she isn't LE...without exception???? Anyone see any problem with this idea?

A friend of mine wanted to bring a UTR lady to a lunch social; however, HE never had a session with her. So, before they arrived he had her give him a BBBJ. When she came into the social, she was PISSED at me for not believing she was legitimate.

Are there flaws in the vouching system.....SURE.

I know providers who have given vouches for guys they haven't seen.....
(CK and I stopped using those ladies as valid vouches)

I had a provider call me to ask about another guy( WTF???) I told her I met him at the PS for a drink, but I didn't know anything else about him. She told another provider the guy was good to go based on the conversation with me,....SERIOUSLY WTF????

So how do we confirm the GUYS are not LE? Seriously, I believe the MALE LE officers would be happy to have a session.....so how do we ever know for sure?

Who wants to volunteer to be the one in charge of security, in addition to what is being done and guarantee that nothing bad is going to happen....

And of course, let’s put it all out in the open.....no need to be concerned about security on this Board, is there?
First, some facts and a very personal note.

(Personal) The enmity, griping and outright apparent hatred evidenced in several posts above are out of place for those interested in promoting the hobby, much less any fostering harmony on this or other boards. And as well noted, socials are not gonna stop.

Many unanswered questions about the Houston event and some may never be answered. In no particular order,

-- zero warrants issued -- including "search" (to the best of my knowledge)

-- zero arrests for drugs (based on arrest and court records)

-- zero convictions for any arrests made in connection with the bust (excepting, of course, anyone taken down on previously outstanding warrants -- one person, to the best of my knowledge)

-- five, possibly six DISMISSALS so far (personal knowledge)

-- whatever "john doe" or "jane doe" warrants were alluded to by the vice officer on TV have never been, to the best of my knowledge, executed or served.

We are now 133 days following the event, so it should be no surprise to anyone here that whatever "investigation" went on prior to the bust was basically fruitless based on court results to-date, except that 12 persons out of 130 were transported. Each of them has his/her own issues, data, recollections and impressions. Some are still hobbying, some are not.

Exactly why, how and what happened to bring the cops in may never be fully figured out. The organizers learned a lot and are continuing to learn. We owe no explanations nor excuses to anyone who was not present at the event, arrested or not. Anyone who has positive suggestions on the invitation and venue staging process should let me know those privately. We'll consider them all in due course.

As for December 2009, we believe we have determined the breach(s) and have addressed those issues in preparing for future events.

fwiw, the Houston luncheon event in January 2010 was (pardon the pun) uneventful.

Any event I organize is not sponsored by any review boards, and we certainly appreciate any bandwidth we are allowed to use to announce (not promote) the events.

Obviously, there is risk in the hobby, and some risk attaches to any event. The rules are very clear, however:

All events are only a "meet & greet" -- and all who attend are expected to follow the rules below. If you attend, it is presumed you have read the rules and have agreed to follow them. Those who don't will not be invited to future events.

No illegal activities. That means no play for pay, no drugs, absolutely nothing that can compromise the security of our members, guests and our host venue. If you don't understand the rules, please ask ck1942 to explain.

For the security of all involved - no cameras;
no uninvited/unsponsored guests; no haggling over services, etc. No recruiting for anything and no promoting of any web sites.

Please respect all attending by no inappropriate touching and by not disclosing their presence to others on or off any board.
Originally Posted by ck1942
I agree in the future for meet and greets all rules should be followed. Perhaps there should be a meet and greet prior to any acutal social event in the future.

Now we can have additional socials if the community is interested; or just resign ourselves that LE WON in Houston and successfully scared everyone from future large gatherings.
Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
How about a compromise? You and CK keep organizing socials, just keep eccie out of it. Completely. No mentioning of Houston socials in your posts, in your signature or in your reviews. Period.

You still don't "get it" - the biggest "security threat" to everybody that participates on this board is when a screenshot of an escort review site like eccie is (and aspd was) shows up on news at 10. Why? Because if a SO has a slight suspicion that the hubby might be cheating on her, she WILL remember the site she saw on News at 10, and she will visit the site... and just might recognize her hubby's writing style. Or find the link to the site on his computer. And it doesn't matter how many times you or CK repeat that "this is not an oficial eccie function, blah blah blah....", an investigative report WILL show a screenshot of a site where people comment on the social.

So, in the spirit of running a tight ship, eliminate that security threat that affects everybody who participates, regardless of whether they go to socials or not: don't mention them on eccie. Ever.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
How about a compromise? You and CK keep organizing socials, just keep eccie out of it. Completely. No mentioning of Houston socials in your posts, in your signature or in your reviews. Period.

You still don't "get it" - the biggest "security threat" to everybody that participates on this board is when a screenshot of an escort review site like eccie is (and aspd was) shows up on news at 10.

So, in the spirit of running a tight ship, eliminate that security threat that affects everybody who participates, regardless of whether they go to socials or not: don't mention them on eccie. Ever. Originally Posted by obiwansalami
The information regarding socials ONLY now goes out to the people on the invite list. We have asked the people who received the few invites that have gone out NOT to mention it to anyone. If the invitee wants to bring someone, they had to clear it with CK first.

WE get it/ we GOT it.
And maybe now the thread can finally fade away in peace. This was a controversial topic. There is always room for improvement and it appears that the organizers now understand that even moreso. It is theoretically possible that they really did nothing wrong but be the victims of circumstance. Obviously, there is some risk in attending socials and there is more risk at the larger socials.

This thread was created for some reason. I feel that some good has come from it. And if we stop the presses at a certain point, then we would have missed some valuable posts.
i like the bbbj offer....takes the entrapment page right out the window. In return they get to get in and maybe a tip. and put that on a camera phone....upload it to secure server or email address....for later use in court. I can see it now...HPD under fire as UC gives blowjob to fellow officer!!!! Wife kills UC for cheating at Undercover Sting!!!

Socials are just that, socials. Getting together to chit chat and engage in legal activities. Meet and greet and on your way.
GneissGuy's Avatar
How about a compromise? You and CK keep organizing socials, just keep eccie out of it. Completely. No mentioning of Houston socials in your posts, in your signature or in your reviews. Period.

You still don't "get it" - the biggest "security threat" to everybody that participates on this board is when a screenshot of an escort review site like eccie is (and aspd was) shows up on news at 10. Why? Because if a SO has a slight suspicion that the hubby might be cheating on her, she WILL remember the site she saw on News at 10, and she will visit the site... and just might recognize her hubby's writing style. Or find the link to the site on his computer. And it doesn't matter how many times you or CK repeat that "this is not an oficial eccie function, blah blah blah....", an investigative report WILL show a screenshot of a site where people comment on the social.

So, in the spirit of running a tight ship, eliminate that security threat that affects everybody who participates, regardless of whether they go to socials or not: don't mention them on eccie. Ever. Originally Posted by obiwansalami
I have a better idea.

How about a compromise? You guys keep seeing providers, just keep eccie out of it. Completely. No posting of reviews of providers. No ladies posting ads for "escort" services. Period.

You still don't "get it" - the biggest "security threat" to everybody that participates on this board is when a screenshot of an escort review site like eccie is (and aspd was) shows up on news at 10 because some gals who advertises here or some guys who post reviews here got busted. Why? Because if a SO has a slight suspicion that the hubby might be cheating on her, she WILL remember the site she saw on News at 10, and she will visit the site... and just might recognize her hubby's writing style. Or find the link to the site on his computer. An investigative report WILL show a screenshot of a so-called "internet prostitution" site where people review sessions with providers.

So, in the spirit of running a tight ship, eliminate that security threat that affects everybody who participates, regardless of whether they have escort sessions or not: don't mention them on eccie. Ever.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
This maybe a strange concept but maybe the moderators of this board are the ones who should decide how this thread goes or when it ends. Not you.

ThatManFromTexas... have a really nice day too. Originally Posted by Merlin
They always have.... I'm sure they will continue to do so...That's kinda the way it works around here.

As far as I'm concerned... this thread can run 'til the cows come home ... but we can all try to maintain some level of civility.

Have a Good One...
ratboy jam's Avatar
IMHO, the happenings at that social were "set-up" by people who had/have an ax to grind with the organizers and /or maybe had to make "deals". The reason I think it t be a possibility is the FACT that other socials held in the past actually had some "physical contact" even though it was not pay for play. What about the socials that were REGULARLY held at The Cave BEFORE the ck/CB organized socials? It was pretty damn well known that "things" were going on that LE most ASSURDEDLY would have "detained" the participants.

There were other socials BEFORE the ck/CB socials were the use of "medications" were pretty DAMNED obvious. Whether the participants had "medicated" before their entry or the "effects" were "obtaned" during the social(apparently the people arrived with "normal pupils" but later became "wide-eyed and bushy-tailed).

These socials were pretty damned OPEN and perhaps our "friends" were there too?? Who's shitting who?? Of course they were. It seems that at least SOME of the "holier than thou ..objective...editorials" were people who MIGHT not have been there?

There also semed to be a few people who had been there before who weren't in attendance on THAT particular evening. Coincidence on these thoughts of mine? Hmmm... Oh since it was the holiday season the people were abstaining from the social? Hmmm... The holiday social during the Christmas seasons of the past were usually some of the BEST attended socials because the community really came out to support the toy drives. Hmmmm

It's too bad that the "critics" seem to be sitting back and enjoying the "downfall" of the socials. ALL the ones I attended were very nice and LEGALLY speaking in my case, followed the rules. Except the one were a certain lady and I missed the wet t-shirt competition/free for all because we were "detained" upstairs!! AND it was MUTUAL and not..I repeat NOT any pay for play. Nothing that friends of mine, INCLUDING some LE friends, that have ALSO done in the bars and clubs..parking lots..etc. WHich by the way, would have gotten them arrested for indecent exposure.

Those without "sins" or indescretions, who will cast the first stone..or click the first handcuffs...or are reveling in the things that happened, how is YOUR conscience?
A friend of mine wanted to bring a UTR lady to a lunch social; however, HE never had a session with her. So, before they arrived he had her give him a BBBJ. When she came into the social, she was PISSED at me for not believing she was legitimate. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
I didn't know she got pissed at you. She turned out to be flakey anyway and then got pissed at me
ANONONE's Avatar
Please push the red button below to check the expiration date on this topic:
Please push the red button below to check the expiration date on this topic: Originally Posted by ANONONE
This is one of those threads that lives forever because too many people enjoy beating a dead horse
I would like to award ANONONE with the Blue Ribbon for his hint that this thread has run it's course. Thanks for participating, and have a good day folks!

St. C