McCabe Fired.

A FOUR year investigation into Clinton over Benghazi turned up just what?

E-mails server!

I didn't see you wanting to shut that down because of nothing found in the original probe.

Quit crying bitch boy , this is the way of politics.

Originally Posted by WTF
the difference is one of substance

obama, hellary et all lied their butts off and stonewalled

trump was framed and hasn't done one thing
LexusLover's Avatar
the difference is one of substance

obama, hellary et all lied their butts off and stonewalled

trump was framed and hasn't done one thing Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Was a special prosecutor appointed to investigate the Benghazi massacre? I don't remember one having been appointed.

Congress has completed it's investigation of Russian-Trump Campaign Collusion with findings, if I recall from recent press releases. Conclusion: "None"!

Kinda difficult to say that with this pic re Benghazi .... !!!!

HillariousNoMore sure takes care of her "friends," doesn't she?

Since WhatDaFuckDoIKnow aka WTF is "pro-military," he'll have all the inside scoop on why they COULDN'T RESPOND in time when HILLARIOUSNOMORE requested the DOD to send help!

I'm sure glad his candidate, HillariousNoMore, didn't win!!!!

Now that we know how she "FIRES" people!
themystic's Avatar
oh please.. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

I sleep like a baby to. I wake up crying every 2 hours
Hotrod511's Avatar
His firing of Comey led directly to the Muller investigation you political novice. Jesus're barely above Gay Rey in political intelligence. Originally Posted by WTF
You and lipstick are leading in the race for DOTY for 2018.
LexusLover's Avatar
"Austin Ellen" ... be careful. WTF will RTM you for posting baby pics!!!!
themystic's Avatar
Comparing a Special Counsel to a Congressional investigation is like comparing the MOAB to a cherry bomb.

Mueller has almost unchecked prosecutorial powers and discretion. He can haul anyone in front of a grand jury. He can indict the proverbial ham sandwich. A Congressional committee can't indict a fly. They can only make recommendations to the DOJ. Ask Eric Holder how that works.

If a Special Counsel's subpoena is ignored, he can order a dawn raid on your home and seize whatever he finds. Ask Paul Manafort how that works. If a Congressional subpoena is ignored, the investigation hits a wall. Unless, of course, they're lucky and a Romanian hacker named Guccifer discovers why no "responsive" documents were found in the State Department's email system... because hildebeest diverted them all to an illegal private server!

Gee, I wonder if that's why the Benghazi hearings dragged on for so long???

Funny how you fail to mention Trey Gowdy serves on the House Intelligence Committee, which last week closed its own investigation into possible Russian collusion due to lack of evidence after interviewing 70+ witnesses. Gowdy is also calling for the appointment of a second Special Prosecutor to investigate odumbo's FISA abuses. You cool with that idea, missed dick? Or is that a scandal you don't want to look at, you partisan twaddletwat?
Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey Bro 22 indictments and counting. TrumPutins campaign manager is wearing a bracklet on his ankle. I wonder why. Is it becauce he might try to run? They found 4 diffirent passports during thier raid. Muellers looking at the money now. Trump is a scared little whiny bitch

Just like you Bro. Hes a liar
themystic's Avatar
You and lipstick are leading in the race for DOTY for 2018. Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Be nice son. Remember Im the one paying youre child support
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2018, 10:36 AM

trump was framed and hasn't done one thing Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Then he should have nothing to worry Trey Gowdy said.
LexusLover's Avatar
Then he should have nothing to worry Trey Gowdy said. Originally Posted by WTF
Who said Trump was "worried" about being convicted?

You? Or those dumbass pundits you worship?

I'm beginning to realize where you fools get your material!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2018, 11:00 AM
"Austin Ellen" ... be careful. WTF will RTM you for posting baby pics!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
So now you too are advocating posting pictures of minors on eccie? Let me introduce you to Iffy , bambino and lustyturd.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2018, 11:02 AM
oh please.. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Trump is wanting to sign legislation that will allow the government to shutdown eccie you oh please ignoramus
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2018, 12:09 PM
Was a special prosecutor appointed to investigate the Benghazi massacre? I don't remember one having been appointed.

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Maybe Congress can investigate the Niger massacre with the same enthusiasm as they did Benghazi.

Maybe because one of the soldiers was black it is not as big a deal as Benghazi.

The four American soldiers who were slain in Niger were sent into harm’s way on Donald Trump’s orders, even though the military had made clear that there was not adequate support in the area.
The L.A. Times reports that “for months before the ambush” the military had requested the presence of drones, other surveillance aircraft, and additional military medical support to back up operations in the theater of operations.
Those requests were resisted by the U.S. ambassador to Niger, who was “reluctant to increase the American presence in the country.”

The military, acting on orders from Trump, who is the commander in chief of all armed forces, went ahead with the doomed mission.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey Bro 22 indictments and counting. Originally Posted by themystic
How many times do you want to strike out using the same discredited talking point? Here you go, asshole. Every time you throw out your bullshit about 22 indictments, this is what I will bitch-slap you with:

Maybe Congress can investigate the Niger massacre with the same enthusiasm as they did Benghazi. Originally Posted by WTF
You are an even bigger lying fool than missed dick. The two of you are the Dumb and Dumber of this forum. This is the fourth time you have struck out with your phony Niger comparison. Don't you get tired of using the same discredited nonsense? Call the DNC and tell them you need new talking points. Every time you throw out your Niger-as-Benghazi bullshit, this is what I will bitch-slap you with:
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2018, 01:04 PM

You are an even bigger lying fool than missed dick. The two of you are the Dumb and Dumber of this forum. This is the third time you have struck out with your phony Niger comparison. Don't you get tired of using the same discredited nonsense? Call the DNC and tell them you need new talking points. Every time you throw out your Niger-as-Benghazi bullshit, this is what I will bitch-slap you with: Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh so there weren't four dead soldiers in Niger.....Hmmmmm. Thats right you and Trump do not count the black one...
lustylad's Avatar
Oh so there weren't four dead soldiers in Niger.....Hmmmmm. Thats right you and Trump do not count the black one... Originally Posted by WTF
Melting down again, snitchfuck?

Here you go... read the story from my link carefully. Then write out on a chalkboard "Niger Is Not Trump's Benghazi" 500 times. The author and the publication (Slate) both lean left but try to be logical and fair-minded, unlike you and that lezzy cunt bitch Rachel Madcow who got everything wrong in her coverage of the story.

This Is Not Trump’s Benghazi

The deaths of U.S. troops in Niger were a tragedy, but there’s no need for conspiracy theories.

By Laura Seay

Before the tragic deaths of four American and five Nigerien soldiers on Oct. 4, few Americans realized that U.S. troops were deployed to the West African country. While much of the media coverage since then has focused on how long it took President Trump to call the families of the four Americans who were killed, and what he said to them once he did, questions are also now being rightly asked about the incident itself. How could well-equipped American special forces have been ambushed and overwhelmed? Why did it take so long to recover the body of one of the fallen? What was the role of military contractors in this situation? And just what are American troops doing in Niger to begin with?

Those are reasonable and important questions, and the families of the nine soldiers deserve answers. But some normally responsible commentators are delving into speculation about the cause of this crisis that crosses the line from reasonable speculation to irresponsible conspiracy mongering.

Case in point: MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. On her Thursday night show, in her trademark “I’m just asking questions” style, Maddow suggested that the Trump administration’s recently implemented travel ban against Chadian citizens might have something to do with the deaths of these soldiers. On Sept. 24, Chad was added to the list of countries in the latest edition of the administration’s ban. This puzzled many observers, as Chad is a major partner of the U.S. in counterterrorism missions. (A CBS report this week suggested that the Chadian government’s failure to provide new passports for analysis was to blame.) Since then, Chad has withdrawn hundreds of troops from Niger, where they were working with local forces to fight Boko Haram, and there’s been some speculation that this was related to the ban. Maddow took this speculation a step further by suggesting that because the Chadian troops had been pulled out, American troops were left more vulnerable than they otherwise might have been.

Many on the left are comparing the Niger story to the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans dead. Attempts on the right to pin responsibility for the tragedy on incompetence or malfeasance by the Obama administration came to naught, despite 33 congressional hearings on the events of that day. Maddow’s approach to this story—“just asking questions” that are neither based in evidence nor likely to contribute to an accurate understanding of what happened in Niger and why—drags liberals down the same path that conservatives traveled with Benghazi, one of irrational, fearmongering claims that only serve to prolong the suffering of the families of the fallen while doing nothing to explain the root causes of the event. In doing so, Maddow also preyed upon Americans’ lack of knowledge about Africa, a widespread problem that ranges from not understanding how large the continent is to major news organizations mislabeling maps for national broadcast.

Maddow’s speculation, which mirrors a conspiracy theory pushed by the Palmer Report, a fringe website, might be tempting to believe, but it makes several key errors. First, there is simply no evidence that the withdrawal of Chadian forces from Niger had anything to do with the ambush. Examining the basic geography of the crisis makes this clear. Chad’s involvement in Niger was limited to the fight against Boko Haram, a Nigeria-based extremist movement that terrorizes civilians in northwest Nigeria, southeast Niger, southern Chad, and northern Cameroon. The Chadians were deployed to the Diffa region, where they fought effectively against Boko Haram and restored a semblance of stability to communities the extremists had terrorized. Their withdrawal has upset communities in the Diffa region, who (rightly) believe that their own government’s forces are incapable of protecting them from a renewed Boko Haram threat.

As you can see from this map, Diffa is on the opposite side of Niger from Tongo Tongo, where the ambush occurred. Nigerian forces and their American advisers in this region of Niger were not dealing with Boko Haram but instead were working to protect communities from other extremist groups that are active in the region where Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso meet. One of these groups, the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara, is suspected of perpetrating the Niger attack.

Chadian forces were not involved in counterterror efforts in this area. There are Chadians involved in the fight against ISGS and other extremist groups across the border in northern Mali, where they continue to serve, but they do not engage in Niger.

In her segment, Maddow incorrectly claimed that Chadian forces were protecting civilians from the ISIS-affiliated ISGS. This simply isn’t true; Chadian forces were never fighting ISGS in Niger. They were fighting a completely different enemy in a different part of the country.

Might the withdrawal of the Chadians have somehow emboldened ISGS to feel more confident in attacking American forces in Tongo Tongo? It’s unlikely due to the geographic factors noted above. There’s also no evidence that Niger withdrew troops from its west to fill the security vacuum left by the Chadians in the east. Even if that had happened, Nigerien military forces are so weak that their presence likely would have made little difference in the moment of crisis.

The sad truth is that what happened in Niger was almost certainly the result of human error coupled with bad luck. The attack’s perpetrators sensed an opportunity, American and Nigerien forces underestimated their vulnerability, and the attack had tragic consequences. What unfolded in those hours is unknown to most of us for now, but there will surely be investigations into what happened. The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that the FBI has joined military investigators looking into the incident.

American forces have been in Niger since 2012. Currently, there are about 800. Their primary mission is to advise and assist Niger’s armed forces in their fight against terrorist groups that attack their citizens. This means that American soldiers are not technically at war with the terror groups; they are there to assist the Nigeriens with tasks like locating the enemy, developing strategies and tactics, and building relationships with local leaders, whose knowledge is essential for getting accurate information about terrorists’ activities in a very remote part of the world.

The Niger mission is part of the growth of the U.S. military presence in Africa that began under the Bush administration and greatly expanded under Obama. American forces are deployed to numerous countries undertaking a wide variety of missions, almost all of which fall under the “advise and assist” mode of operation. While many of these missions are secretive for obvious reasons, their existence is not.

Advise and assist missions are often more dangerous than they sound. As they have increased over the years, so have the risks to American and partner forces. The likelihood was high that a tragedy of this nature would happen somewhere in Africa, sooner or later.

This just shows you that the Dems can't play the games like the GOP. Right away we get these sober analysis warning us to be cautious in our assessments. More...

So why is Maddow pushing this narrative? It’s true that by framing it as a hypothesis she didn’t say events actually unfolded this way. But using her considerable platform to introduce a wild conspiracy theory into the public debate about a confusing and unfamiliar situation was irresponsible and unnecessary. Why didn’t Maddow’s producers call any of the number of academics who study terrorism and counterterror efforts in the Sahel? Every one of those scholars would have shot down this idea immediately, based on simple, readily available public information.

Niger is unfamiliar to most Americans, and there’s a need for a long-overdue debate about why American forces are there and in other places around the world in the borderless and seemingly endless “Global War on Terror.” Are the threats to the United States from groups like ISGS really significant enough to spend billions of dollars deploying troops to fight them? Should lives be risked and lost in service of murky goals that often seem tangential to U.S. interests? These are questions worth asking. But trying to score political points by politicizing a tragedy with factual errors and the confusion of correlation for causation won’t bring the answers we, and the families of the Niger fallen, so desperately need.