How many people will die in the USA from the new coronavirus by December 31, 2021??

  • Tiny
  • 05-22-2020, 12:37 PM
I think you should take one for the team. HCQ has only been around for 65 ears or so, so I'm likely to go that route. Body of evidence behind it is very strong and growing, plus it's already a generic. There are over 6,000 doctors world wide doing HCQ and it's side effects are well documented and well known. Heck fire, it's approved for kids of all ages and pregnant women. Hardly sounds risky. So you go with the rushed out batch, that was not tested on animals yet. Free country. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I do not believe you should take HCQ. You should wear masks when appropriate, wash your hands frequently, and stay six feet away from strangers when you're inside, at least through November of this year. Democrats and independents are going to come out in droves to vote Trump out of office in November. The majority of them will vote for Democrats downballot. We need people like you to be healthy enough to go to the polls to vote for Republican Senators. Otherwise Democrats will entirely control Congress and the presidency. They'll probably end the filibuster based on what Schumer's said, if they control the Senate.

While Biden used to be a pretty reasonable person, he's swinging farther and farther to the left, and even letting Sanders write the Democratic Party platform. We'll need a counterbalance in the Senate.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I do not believe you should take HCQ. You should wear masks when appropriate, wash your hands frequently, and stay six feet away from strangers when you're inside, at least through November of this year. Democrats and independents are going to come out in droves to vote Trump out of office in November. The majority of them will vote for Democrats downballot. We need people like you to be healthy enough to go to the polls to vote for Republican Senators. Otherwise Democrats will entirely control Congress and the presidency. They'll probably end the filibuster based on what Schumer's said, if they control the Senate.

While Biden used to be a pretty reasonable person, he's swinging farther and farther to the left, and even letting Sanders write the Democratic Party platform. We'll need a counterbalance in the Senate. Originally Posted by Tiny

Biden isn't the guy to rally a huge groundswell turnout that would be needed to take back the White House and Senate plus keep Congress.

the farther left Joe goes the more moderate Democrats he loses with Bernie's far leftist crap. add to that Joe is bat shit nuts and what you get is a bat shit crazy leftist.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Biden isn't the guy to rally a huge groundswell turnout that would be needed to take back the White House and Senate plus keep Congress.

the farther left Joe goes the more moderate Democrats he loses with Bernie's far leftist crap. add to that Joe is bat shit nuts and what you get is a bat shit crazy leftist.

BAHHAAHAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

that's basically what a facebook friend said (he's liberal), he's says trump going to win as along as Biden keeps pissing off the moderates/centrist. they'll stay home or vote trump.

the most of the left base is pretty much locked down (open question is on the sanders faction; who knows whether they'll stay home, vote for biden or trump or both)
eccieuser9500's Avatar
A Harvard health expert predicts an additional 100,000 US coronavirus deaths by September

The main model used by officials to estimate the impact of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States revised its death toll this week to 193,347 COVID-19 deaths by October 1.

As of June 10, the number of US coronavirus infections was just shy of 2 million. More than 20 states have reported an increase in infections since lockdowns began to be lifted, and nine have seen their hospitalizations climb since Memorial Day, Business Insider previously reported.

  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2020, 06:04 AM
9500- Quoting harvard anything is just quoting Liberal DPST propaganda - Harvard abandoned being an educational research institution in favor of Liberal DPSY theocracy - nothing they prinit is anything but propaganda anymore.

They teach students only marxist /Leninist propaganda.

And U - are glorifying and enjoying the death predictions - as the way to Defeat Trump and spread Seattle insurrection to a DPST rule - as China nd Russia are ruled - and Your freeedoms also will go Bye bye - check what is happening in Seattle - Think about it.

However - U won't think - U will only post ridiculous memes - and when the armed Secret Police come for U also - U will wonder to yourself what happened.

Typical Liberal DPST.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I do not believe you should take HCQ.... Originally Posted by Tiny
Based on what empirical evidence? Recall, your vaunted Lancet studies where shot down spectacularly and 3 out of 4 co-authors of it have apologized profusely for it. Not to mention the spectacular fails of the mRNA experiments (Goebbels and Mengala must be so proud) maiming the guinea pigs. But I'm OK with you getting your genes reprogrammed (edited) if it makes you feel - what? Happier, safer, superior, managed, obedient, subordinated?

You should wear masks when appropriate, wash your hands frequently, and stay six feet away from strangers when you're inside, at least through November of this year... Originally Posted by Tiny
Or what? The contact tracers gonna come ferret me out and hunt me down? If they do manage to survive after locating me, I'll just say I'm going protesting. Clearly, that's OK and does not cause the COVID. I've already implemented my response to mask mandates. The double middle finger salute, a quick Seig Hiel salute (while briskly clicking my heals together), before I walk back out their door, - never to return. But I do still wash my hands frequently - like I always have.

Democrats and independents are going to come out in droves to vote Trump out of office in November... Originally Posted by Tiny
Come out? Cheat-by-mail not flying four square yet? You mean ya'll will have to actually go to the polling places wearing your masks? Thanks for that spotter tip.

Why worry your purdy little head? Clearly we are non-motivated and cowering in bunkers, afraid of the world and unable to survive. Besides, your Demonicrat, utopian dreams have already been realized in your long term Demonicrat controlled cities. Heck, you can now see them from space. Just look for the burning fires, smoke clouds and long caravans of people and businesses streaming away from them.
  • Tiny
  • 06-12-2020, 12:08 PM
A Harvard health expert predicts an additional 100,000 US coronavirus deaths by September Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I was kind of excited updating this thread early on because, at least by the IHME estimates, it looked like we were going to lick this with less than 100,000 deaths. It doesn't look like that now.

You or I will probably get the closest, although I hope Dilbert is the winner.
  • Tiny
  • 06-12-2020, 12:15 PM
9500- Quoting harvard anything is just quoting Liberal DPST propaganda - Harvard abandoned being an educational research institution in favor of Liberal DPSY theocracy - nothing they prinit is anything but propaganda anymore.

They teach students only marxist /Leninist propaganda.

And U - are glorifying and enjoying the death predictions - as the way to Defeat Trump and spread Seattle insurrection to a DPST rule - as China nd Russia are ruled - and Your freeedoms also will go Bye bye - check what is happening in Seattle - Think about it.

However - U won't think - U will only post ridiculous memes - and when the armed Secret Police come for U also - U will wonder to yourself what happened.

Typical Liberal DPST. Originally Posted by oeb11
Oeb, That's probably the case in the social sciences, but you wouldn't expect it would extend to the hard sciences and medicine. The doctor's recommendations to us individually make a lot of sense IMHO: "Jha said people should continue to maintain social distancing, wear masks, and to "put pressure" on the government to advance testing and contact tracing efforts."

On a different topic, any thoughts as to what % of the U.S. population will be infected by the coronavirus before either we're widely using an effective vaccine or the virus has died out?

I don't know whether you believe masks prevent the spread, but it would be interesting to get your views on those, given your belief, which is plausible, that this won't burn out until there's herd immunity or a vaccine. If that happens, it seems like the masks would still slow down the spread of the virus so that the health care system wouldn't be as burdened. That would save lives and be good for the economy.

Also I know you don't exactly love Trump, but would far prefer him to Biden. Wouldn't mask usage increase the probability of a Trump victory? An epidemiologist on television the other day said the other day if 70% or 80% of people would wear them, this would be history. If he's optimistic and it just slows down the spread on the inevitable (in your view I think) march to herd immunity, you might be delaying cases until after the election, which again would be good for Trump.
  • Tiny
  • 06-12-2020, 12:16 PM
Why worry your purdy little head? Clearly we are non-motivated and cowering in bunkers, afraid of the world and unable to survive. Besides, your Demonicrat, utopian dreams have already been realized in your long term Demonicrat controlled cities. Heck, you can now see them from space. Just look for the burning fires, smoke clouds and long caravans of people and businesses streaming away from them. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Please be coherent. If I were a "Demonicrat" I wouldn't be encouraging you to stay healthy to vote for your Republican candidate for the Senate.
  • oeb11
  • 06-12-2020, 02:28 PM
The Democrats are busy stirring up revolution in Seattle as a "cause celebre' " to persuade the electorate that their socialist and Anti-fa ideals are the way to go.

Once they get whichever is their next election they win - They will make sure there is never another election in America again.

walls win run red with republican blood.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I was kind of excited updating this thread early on because, at least by the IHME estimates, it looked like we were going to lick this with less than 100,000 deaths. It doesn't look like that now.

You or I will probably get the closest, although I hope Dilbert is the winner. Originally Posted by Tiny
Global COVID-19 Deaths Top 500,000

Initially hard-hit countries such as Italy, Germany and Spain are lifting restrictions as case numbers decrease, while cases surge in places like India and Mexico. Latin America became a new epicenter of the pandemic in early June, according to the World Health Organization.

The U.S. set a daily record for new coronavirus cases this past week, reporting more than 45,000 on Friday — its highest single-day increase.
Just keeping this wonderful thread alive for you sir. I think it will be about a month before the real number comes out for that time period.

Following is just for the laughs.

Trump is ‘undeniably’ the worst criminal in history, Noam Chomsky says

Political activist and public intellectual Noam Chomsky has escalated his criticism of Donald Trumpas “undeniably” the worst criminal in history.

In his latest comments on the president, Mr Chomsky told the socialist quarterly Jacobin magazine that Mr Trump was a “tin-pot dictator” and that Republicans were “worse than the old Communist Party”.

“This sounds strong, but it’s true: Trump is the worst criminal in history, undeniably. There has never been a figure in political history who was so passionately dedicated to destroying the projects for organised human life on earth in the near future,” he said.

“That is not an exaggeration.”

That apex of criminal history would place Mr Trump ahead of notorious figures like Ponzi fraudster Bernie Madoff, presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, gangster Al Capone, drug lord Pablo Escobar, paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, outlaw Jesse James, the “extremely wicked” Ted Bundy, bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde, and serial killer Jack the Ripper.

The comments come after Mr Chomsky said in an interview with The Guardianin May that the president is culpable in the deaths of “thousands” for cuts to healthcare funding and off loading his leadership responsibilities to state governors during the coronavirus pandemic.

“It’s a great strategy for killing a lot of people and improving his electoral politics,” Mr Chomsky said.

Mr Chomsky has been critical of the global response to coronavirus, condemning the US reaction and the European leaders’ “very sad dereliction of duty”, he said during an April interview with Democracy Now!.

In his latest interview, Mr Chomsky said the world would emerge from the pandemic at a terrible cost, but would not emerge from Mr Trump’s crime of climate change.

“The cost is greatly amplified by the gangster in the White House, who has killed tens of thousands of Americans, making this the worst place in the world [for the coronavirus],” Mr Chomsky said.

“We will emerge [from the pandemic, but] we’re not going to emerge from another crime that Trump has committed, the heating of the globe. The worst of it is coming -- we’re not going to emerge from that.”

The professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology continued that Republicans had disappeared as a party and remained silent during some of Mr Trump’s actions, like firing inspectors general in place to monitor corruption.

“It’s worse than the old Communist Party. The leader gives an order; we [fall] on our knees,” Mr Chomsky said.

I got your bandwidth.

Right here!
  • oeb11
  • 06-28-2020, 03:56 PM
I wonder if OBLM kowtows to chomsky and his Marxist rhetoric as does 9500 - they are certainly Marxist - both of them - but I think OBLM is more about removing white folks and taking over then paying homage to an elderly Communist.

Bernie would be devastated.

BTW - thank 9500 for thread hi-jacking to Chomsky - who knows not shit about epidemiology.

Still - small minds matter to the LibDems and their adherents.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
None of the numbers can be treated as reality, when falling out of a tree is considered a covid death.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Global COVID-19 Deaths Top 500,000

Just keeping this wonderful thread alive for you sir. I think it will be about a month before the real number comes out for that time period.

Following is just for the laughs.

Trump is ‘undeniably’ the worst criminal in history, Noam Chomsky says

Political activist and public intellectual Noam Chomsky has escalated his criticism of Donald Trumpas “undeniably” the worst criminal in history.

In his latest comments on the president, Mr Chomsky told the socialist quarterly Jacobin magazine that Mr Trump was a “tin-pot dictator” and that Republicans were “worse than the old Communist Party”.

“This sounds strong, but it’s true: Trump is the worst criminal in history, undeniably. There has never been a figure in political history who was so passionately dedicated to destroying the projects for organised human life on earth in the near future,” he said.

“That is not an exaggeration.”

That apex of criminal history would place Mr Trump ahead of notorious figures like Ponzi fraudster Bernie Madoff, presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, gangster Al Capone, drug lord Pablo Escobar, paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, outlaw Jesse James, the “extremely wicked” Ted Bundy, bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde, and serial killer Jack the Ripper.

The comments come after Mr Chomsky said in an interview with The Guardianin May that the president is culpable in the deaths of “thousands” for cuts to healthcare funding and off loading his leadership responsibilities to state governors during the coronavirus pandemic.

“It’s a great strategy for killing a lot of people and improving his electoral politics,” Mr Chomsky said.

Mr Chomsky has been critical of the global response to coronavirus, condemning the US reaction and the European leaders’ “very sad dereliction of duty”, he said during an April interview with Democracy Now!.

In his latest interview, Mr Chomsky said the world would emerge from the pandemic at a terrible cost, but would not emerge from Mr Trump’s crime of climate change.

“The cost is greatly amplified by the gangster in the White House, who has killed tens of thousands of Americans, making this the worst place in the world [for the coronavirus],” Mr Chomsky said.

“We will emerge [from the pandemic, but] we’re not going to emerge from another crime that Trump has committed, the heating of the globe. The worst of it is coming -- we’re not going to emerge from that.”

The professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology continued that Republicans had disappeared as a party and remained silent during some of Mr Trump’s actions, like firing inspectors general in place to monitor corruption.

“It’s worse than the old Communist Party. The leader gives an order; we [fall] on our knees,” Mr Chomsky said.

I got your bandwidth.

Right here! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Bump THAT, man!

Coronavirus pandemic could be over within two years - WHO head

In Geneva, Dr Tedros said corruption related to supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the pandemic was "unacceptable", describing it as "murder".

"If health workers work without PPE, we're risking their lives. And that also risks the lives of the people they serve," he added, in response to a question.

Although the question related to allegations of corruption in South Africa, a number of countries have faced similar issues.