Dorthy_Monroe's last points issued: an objective assessment.

Unionists on Sunday; communists on Monday? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Ya, but what about the whores and the Cubans? I was going to vote for Rubio before he laid down arms. I don't know what he has to do with whores though. Seems pretty straight laced to me.
TinMan's Avatar

I've got twenty-five points and all day, every day to point out. Well, that's not all together true. I do have important shit to do, but this is important shit too. All y'all talk about good riddance, but it may be you one day. And those doing the ridding need to have precedence and a reason other than I-hate-me-some-DM, but-no-one-else-in-the-thread-gets-points. Who's blowing him anyway? Originally Posted by armature
Who says no one else got points? I don't recall seeing that established anywhere. And if DM got 2,3 or 5 points for this incident (I don't know that the precise number has been established, either) who awarded the first 20+? Might it have been Houston mods? Or mods from one of the other cities whose forums she may frequent? You make it sound like NYr's singular act is THE reason she was banned, when it's a cumulation of acts, possibly (and perhaps probably) from numerous sources.

It would be really funny if we learned that most of her points were generated from posts she made in the Houston forums. That sure would deflate a lot of the "Dallas are prudes" vs "Houston keeps it real" talk.
Who says no one else got points? I don't recall seeing that established anywhere. And if DM got 2,3 or 5 points for this incident (I don't know that the precise number has been established, either) who awarded the first 20+? Might it have been Houston mods? Or mods from one of the other cities whose forums she may frequent? You make it sound like NYr's singular act is THE reason she was banned, when it's a cumulation of acts, possibly (and perhaps probably) from numerous sources.

It would be really funny if we learned that most of her points were generated from posts she made in the Houston forums. That sure would deflate a lot of the "Dallas are prudes" vs "Houston keeps it real" talk. Originally Posted by TinMan
No, no, no, the question being asked is whether the modtarding is fair and balanced not whether or not you like DM.

I don't know anything about Dallas vs. Houston as far as the Icky goes. Y'all could be the realist crew in the land - idk.
TinMan's Avatar
No, no, no, the question being asked is whether the modtarding is fair and balanced not whether or not you like DM.

I don't know anything about Dallas vs. Houston as far as the Icky goes. Y'all could be the realist crew in the land - idk. Originally Posted by armature
Well, if she got points from numerous mods, for numerous infractions, isn't that some indication?
Well, if she got points from numerous mods, for numerous infractions, isn't that some indication? Originally Posted by TinMan
So are you saying you are privy to her points and who gave them to her?
Texas653678's Avatar
Nature abhors a vacuum...
Nature abhors a vacuum... Originally Posted by Texas653678
Famous Quotes for a $1,000 Alex. Did you see mine from a previous post?
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Famous Quotes for a $1,000 Alex. Did you see mine from a previous post? Originally Posted by armature
Yeah, we're all super impressed

So... the person above me basically compared this whole thing to the holocaust.

This is the mentality of the people who are posting about 'slippery slopes' and being 'under the boot', or whatever the hell idiotic shit else they remember from elementary school.

I guess when you have no life and want to play pretend, shoot for saving the world, one "shmb" at a time, ...fighting for "truth, justice, and the American way" LOL

There is no such thing as "real" trolling. Some are just better at it than others. It's all just whine and cry, mommy didn't love me, bullshit.

In the end, your right to act like a fucking DORK does not infringe on everyone else's right to have a good time and share information here.

I hope "Dorfy" comes back with a new attitude and follows the rules because she was pretty cute and entertaining at times, too. Probably won't happen, but if not, it won't be anyone else's fault but her own
YoYo, do you earn your living here? Do you put food on your kid's table here? Do you fill your gas tank up here?

And don't you care about the unionists, the commies or me? I'm personally crushed.

Carry on with your sensitivity, political correctness and whoring.
Modtards doing what they do simply because they can is a dangerous slope that can lead to modtards like me doing what I want simply because I can.

You cheer in the dark for that which you thinck you understand. This line some you seem willing to accept due to your dislike for a hooktard would quickly turn into the bitching and whining you ascribe to YM, if I demonstrated the ridiculousness of this line.

I could go into Kitty's threAD and make a mockery of the line NYr drew in there. He could lock the thread and I could still do it. There is nothing he could do about it. Because, it is an arbitrary made up line that he cannot enforce against me. So, in affect he has made YOU a second class participant in this forum......and you applaud him for it. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Will you ever be able to repent for her own sake, Your Majesty?
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Texas653678's Avatar
Nah, it just came to mind as I read a few of the last posts. I'm not that invested to read through the whole thread and attribute stuff like that. Besides, it's not like you came up with it on your own anyway... People have been ripping off Aristotle since long before you or I were on hooker boards.

Famous Quotes for a $1,000 Alex. Did you see mine from a previous post? Originally Posted by armature
Nah, it just came to mind as I read a few of the last posts. I'm not that invested to read through the whole thread and attribute stuff like that. Besides, it's not like you came up with it on your own anyway... People have been ripping off Aristotle since long before you or I were on hooker boards. Originally Posted by Texas653678
I quoted Martin Niemoller (sp). Greek, German, whatever. The arnitrariness of this ban, those points and NYr's stewardship is just as glaring.
Nevermind... Originally Posted by Y0yoY0
My sentiments tambien.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Trolls are like little babies... you just gotta let them cry themselves to sleep lol