Whales, Spinners & Mucho Dollars City

oilfieldscum's Avatar
Well.... For arguments sake...... Why associate it with the 2nd part of the title and not the 3rd?

Rich guys, little gals, and big money.......? Maybe, Like I have been saying, it was a play on the "Whale Wars" thread...... But the fact that it was almost immediately derailed and focused on that single precieved slant, will not let us know what the true nature of the thread was to be....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Yep but it's from the same guy that started this pretty little thread...


JaD...we appreciate your attempts to answer questions and comments. I would suggest that you not waste your breath any more. The only resolution these people will accept is to see me banned entirely, or issued points for every post they don't agree with until my point limit bans me anyway.

My opinion is, you moderators do what you have to do with this so-called "issue". I'll accept anything that comes my way, as I have always been prepared to do. It's obvious that I'm much more willing to accept any punishment deemed necessary than these people are willing to accept the perceived lack of punishment concerning me.

Do what you have to do and let this end...one way or the other...Houston no longer cares... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
When did Ivan's hooker bashing thread become all about you?
I do see that there are more than one here who have a great big edge when it comes to that word.... If it was not clear to me earlier, it is more than clear to me now...... For that I apologize if ever you felt your feeling were belittled by me. Not at all my intent, but re reading some of what I posted it could easily have been taken that way. Not cool on my part. I am sorry to all who took offense by my posts. Tracer, I owe you one too sir..... Bad week at work compiled with other issues on my end lead me to read your posts with a tone..... Which is NEVER a good thing.... I read condesension in your post where there almost certainly was none.... Sorry about that sir.... In my attempt to explain myself I allowed myself to get overly worked up and unable to explain myself properly, and then took your responses as shots at me..... You don't need to take that from me, so please accept my apology there.......

I'll wear this one as a fuckup on my part if you guys will kindly let me do so......

I've said more than enough on this one......

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I didn't expect this one. I have been stearing clear of this thread for a couple of days. Thanks for the appology JaD. I definatley except! But can we please close this thread, and start another with the word BBW in the heading and see what the responses will be? I bet they will be much better
chicagoboy's Avatar
But can we please close this thread, and start another with the word BBW in the heading and see what the responses will be? I bet they will be much better Originally Posted by bustyamy
Especially now that Wakeup has repented.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
now the rest of us will have to pick up his slack........

I'll take my points with queso, everything is better with queso.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Chili con queso ok?

pyramider's Avatar
tj owes me a keyboard.
LexusLover's Avatar
That guy looks like he's thinkin' about some W9 ...
now the rest of us will have to pick up his slack........

I'll take my points with queso, everything is better with queso. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965

Wakeup's Avatar
When did Ivan's hooker bashing thread become all about you? Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
I think it was about post 102 when the "Wakeup is full of hate" stuff started. Or maybe 126 where the "Wakeup contributes nothing to the board" comments came out. Or maybe it's a carry over from the "castrate Wakeup and shove his dick in someone elses mouth" comment...I'm the center of so much nowadays it tends to blend together...
  • ivan
  • 07-28-2012, 10:41 AM
Now watch it partner. This had nothing to do with "hooker bashing" as you may just insinuate. Some call them whales, some call them fat and some call them BBW, who really effing cares. Just because some ladies didn't like the term it doesn't mean I was bashing them and it doesn't mean I was insulting them. So if we add a beautiful to the whale will that change anything? Seriously!...

Yep but it's from the same guy that started this pretty little thread...


When did Ivan's hooker bashing thread become all about you? Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
dearhunter's Avatar
Big Beautiful Whale = BBW..........I like it
  • ivan
  • 07-28-2012, 11:17 AM
ABSOLUTELY, I am all over that new definition. Are you now happy ladies?

Big Beautiful Whale = BBW..........I like it Originally Posted by dearhunter
Sarunga's Avatar
Big Beautiful Whale = BBW..........I like it Originally Posted by dearhunter
Logically, "Big" would be redundant.
dearhunter's Avatar
Dammit sarunga, work with me here. I am trying to find a compromise.......ijs
Sarunga's Avatar
Dammit sarunga, work with me here. I am trying to find a compromise.......ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
OK..then..."Whale" is redundant......well.....we could discuss this over lunch.