Odds are you get defensive of any criticism of Trump and have already made the assumption I voted for Biden; if a bet, you would have lost as I voted for Jo Jorgenson.
This country I happen to love is fucked if we do not start electing bureaucrats that actually have brains and use science as a tool.
Originally Posted by Brot
#1: Valid,
factual criticism is appropriate for anyone, even Trump! So, you're wrong!
#2: If you voted for a third-party you voted indirectly for Biden, and opposed Trump. So, you contributed to the current mess in this country AND THE WORLD.
#3: "Electing bureaucrats" is exactly what "we" don't need to do, because the "bureaucrats" in government are exactly what we don't need anymore, because their agenda is to fortify their position for retirement and they've been selecting the "science" they prefer to meet THEIR AGENDA as opposed to the voters of both sides ... those who voted for them and those who voted against them.*
Example: Joseph Biden. 50 years of doing NOTHING FOR THE U.S.
If anyone doubts he lacks cognitive functions for Pro-U.S. decisions, then #1 they need to learn the definition of "cognitive" and #2 quit obsessing on Trump and start obsessing on what is good for the United States AND THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES .... ALL THE CITIZENS ... and not just who he thinks will vote for him and his sheep in Congress.
*A perfect example is: "climate change" aka "global warming"!
The reason why this country is in the shitter right now is: "bureaucratic agenda"!