Consideration for the betrayed wife

James1588's Avatar
Thank you for the clarification, sir, but, since my character was the one on which aspersions were being cast, I felt compelled to let you know the truth. It may be amusing for you to mock me (Lord knows I am not up to a battle of wits), but your comment struck me as very disrespectful of what I shared, and I felt that if you did not enjoy the conversation and only wished to cast doubt, you might be better served on a less serious topic. For I assure you I am quite in earnest, and there is nothing funny about it to me... Originally Posted by BetrayedWife1
Madam, once again I direct your attention to what I wrote. I didn't say that you're not the wife. Thus, no aspersions were being cast on your character. I simply suggested that "Loonygirl" was, in fact, the wife. So, any and all such aspersions were cast upon her. The only reason for you to be offended is if you and "Loonygirl" are, in fact, the same individual. Then, aspersions cast toward her are also aspersions cast toward you. Of course, in that case, the "aspersion" is also true.

As I think it is. You should try to disguise your style, your "voice," a little better.

I'm guessing the time approaches in which you will once again play the "pearls before swine" card and disappear, vanished in a cloud of self-righteousness. That will prime this thread for another dozen or so pages of the wit & wisdom of ECCIE's moral philosophers, who specialize in using pejorative terms for sex workers. Oh, well ... it's a full life, and a merry one.
This site nor the women are the problem. The ones not standing by their commitment are the problem.

Your statement here is understandable but even if this site or the women here were an option rest assured other options are out there.............

And he will find them if he wants them.

Feel free to carry on though Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I thought I posted a reply, but I don't see it, so forgive me if I am repeating myself somewhere. I know that men or women who wish to cheat can find other options than providers...I am not quite so stupid yet as to believe otherwise. My point is that EVERYONE...husbands, wives, providers, responsible for his or her behavior. We can choose not to hurt others. One of you said that, with my past, I would have made a good provider...and I guess it could have gone that way. But you know what? I chose NOT to inflict my own pain on others. I chose to be a teacher and spread as much love as I could. I have known pain, yes, and I won't do that to someone else's child. What happened to basic humanity, to caring for each other? What a dark world I see when I read the posts here... I am sad for us all. Hurting each other by adultery, no matter what face it wears, is WRONG. It just IS. And I am sorry if none of you like it or care what I think. But if I don't tell you, how will you know? I must, I will tell you truths while I can. Because we are none of us blameless when we wrong others, no matter what our values or beliefs. And when we look deeply enough into that mirror that was mentioned earlier, at the end of the day we must find enough hope to try to improve the reflection that we see there. And I will do that, or die trying.
Madam, once again I direct your attention to what I wrote. I didn't say that you're not the wife. Thus, no aspersions were being cast on your character. I simply suggested that "Loonygirl" was, in fact, the wife. So, any and all such aspersions were cast upon her. The only reason for you to be offended is if you and "Loonygirl" are, in fact, the same individual. Then, aspersions cast toward her are also aspersions cast toward you. Of course, in that case, the "aspersion" is also true.

As I think it is. You should try to disguise your style, your "voice," a little better.

I'm guessing the time approaches in which you will once again play the "pearls before swine" card and disappear, vanished in a cloud of self-righteousness. That will prime this thread for another dozen or so pages of the wit & wisdom of ECCIE's moral philosophers, who specialize in using pejorative terms for sex workers. Oh, well ... it's a full life, and a merry one. Originally Posted by James1588
Loonygirl has been my friend for 13 years, so, if we share a "voice," is it anything so amazing? Believe what you wish, as I have no way to persuade you otherwise. Apparently, you know everything about me. Wow. How incredible it must be to take a peek through time and space to see my friend and I. Don't feign kindness in your remarks to me...I have not done anything deserving of having you patronize me. I suppose you are one of those who cheats on his wife and you release your vengeful spleen on me. Go ahead. Laugh it up. I don't think you would find it so amusing if I were your daughter, and you had to watch my heart break. And as for the "swine" reference, if the shoe fits, sir, then go ahead and put it on. I hope you enjoy the pain you inflict on others.
James1588's Avatar
Loonygirl has been my friend for 13 years, so, if we share a "voice," is it anything so amazing? Believe what you wish, as I have no way to persuade you otherwise. Apparently, you know everything about me. Wow. How incredible it must be to take a peek through time and space to see my friend and I. Don't feign kindness in your remarks to me...I have not done anything deserving of having you patronize me. I suppose you are one of those who cheats on his wife and you release your vengeful spleen on me. Go ahead. Laugh it up. I don't think you would find it so amusing if I were your daughter, and you had to watch my heart break. And as for the "swine" reference, if the shoe fits, sir, then go ahead and put it on. I hope you enjoy the pain you inflict on others. Originally Posted by BetrayedWife1
I'm not laughing. Nor am I "believing" anything. As I said, I'm guessing. That's different.

Yes, I'm married. Yes, I've seen professional companions. No, my wife doesn't know. If you're curious about the whys and wherefores behind those facts, drop me a PM and I'll explain them ... to you. I do not post them here, because I do not wish to appear to be justifying myself to the various "men" (see the previous fourteen or so pages in this thread) who apparently live to inflict abusive terms on women who are making an honest living ... which is what they're doing. I wouldn't want any of these "men" to imagine that their opinions mean any more to me than the random noise of the wind in the leaves.

So, if you really want to talk, drop me a message. Otherwise, not.
Wakeup's Avatar
Yes, I'm married. Yes, I've seen professional companions. No, my wife doesn't know. I do not post them here, because I do not wish to appear to be justifying myself to the various "men" (see the previous fourteen or so pages in this thread) who apparently live to inflict abusive terms on women who are making an honest living ... which is what they're doing. I wouldn't want any of these "men" to imagine that their opinions mean any more to me than the random noise of the wind in the leaves. Originally Posted by James1588 don't care about those opinions, but you respond them passive aggressively? Menninger would say you care more than you let on...

Shame you're too scared to do what's right...
kerplunk13's Avatar
Unfortunately, my friend Loony posted this...she showed me the thread a few days later. I wish she had not done it. It is embarrassing enough without telling the world, honestly...but whatever. I just have to say something in my own defense...probably shouldn't, cause I am sure most of you could care less.
I married young, only 20, and yes, I was pregnant, and starry eyed, and I believed in good and love and all that. Reality hits hard when you have always tried to be a good little girl, coming from a drug-addict mom, alcoholic dad, stepfathers crawling all over you. But I know, not any provider's fault. The fault lies with the husband that I finally offered my trust to, the ONE after a long life of abuse that I chose to give the gift of my respect and admiration. I called him my "hero," and though I know I have NOT been perfect, I would have been there for him sexually in ANY capacity if he had sought it. Unfortunately, he learned cheating and porn at his father's knee, and I guess that no matter how beautiful he told me I was, there was no way I could ever be enough. Twenty years of marriage and two kids, right? How stupid was I? I would have been his whole world if he had let me. So, providers, adulterous husbands, singles, judge me if you dare. I am an imperfect fool just like all the rest of us, and my greatest foolishness was in believing I could ever be enough for anyone. Whoever you are, whatever you do (and I include myself), please remember: we do not live on an island. We are SO capable of injuring one another, even accidentally...should we really do it on purpose? Isn't there enough pain in this world without THAT? And there is my biggest piece of foolishness yet: that I could still believe anyone cares about that. I wish you all well, and, as soon as I can, I will remove myself from your thread and your world, and you can think whatever you choose about me. But I hope you will remember that I was once a little girl, and some of you may have or will have little girls as innocent as I was. Would you really want to see them bear the burden that I now carry every single day, losing faith in humanity, and, especially, in themselves? If you can, you have a stronger heart than I do. Looking into my daughter's eyes, I know I would lay down my life to defend her from a pain like mine. And if I am wrong, I am wrong indeed, for I have thought about this more than most...
Good day. Originally Posted by BetrayedWife1

I sympathize with you, I truly do. But this is not the place for you to be in nor converse with the people here. You are just subjugating yourself to more pain and misery. You don't need to justify or explain yourself to anyone. You are not the one who cheated, it's your fucktard husband. But here's my 2cents for you, giving second chances is a a good thing but being stupid is another. Now that you know what your husband is doing, you need to take actions. Fix your life, continue being a good teacher, a good mother, take care or your kids and dumped your sorry ass husband. If you can sue him for every penny that he has, all the better so he can think of the misery he inflicted. I wish you well.
Providers keep a hell of a lot more marriages together than they break up. Most of the married men here are here because their wives don't give a damn anymore about their sex life at home. And leave their men wanting. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
This is a true statement. Most married men want to keep being devoted to their wife, kids, home ect., but most of the times a wife doesn't fulfill the sexual urges the man has.

you can suck his dick all day long, but if you are not sucking it the right way, then your dick sucking is useless... It is the same way if a husband eats your p*ssy, he can do it all day every day, but if he cannot satisfy you, then you are of no use to her, in the sack.

Just my .02
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  • Old-T
  • 09-14-2014, 08:35 PM
No one seriously believes that's the wife, right? Yes, her world has been shattered, her marriage might be falling apart, but she cares to come defend herself on a SHMB? Would it be appropriate to quack at this, or am I misunderstanding the cool kids board jargon? Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport

I have no idea what your background or experience base is, but why are you so convinced the poster is not who she says she is? I have no evidence that she is, but certainly none that says she is not.

Wives, parents HAVE been on here before. If she is who she says, your comment is needlessly cold. If she is a fake first, she will be shown to be so soon enough. This is a casewhere it is probably prudent to assume she is what she says--it does little real harm to anyone that way.
Who cares?

Either way it's either tacky or pathetic, I still haven't figured out which one yet..
Who cares?

Either way it's either tacky or pathetic, I still haven't figured out which one yet.. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
What a lovely person you are, ma'am. Well, I'll be out of your hair soon enough, and get back to my tacky, pathetic life. Have a wonderful day.
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I hope you enjoy the pain you inflict on others. Originally Posted by BetrayedWife1
And with this statement, you just squandered away the sympathy I had for you. This is a cruel and shocking wish for someone that claims to be heartbroken.
And with this statement, you just squandered away the sympathy I had for you. This is a cruel and shocking wish for someone that claims to be heartbroken. Originally Posted by sketchball82
Don't presume to judge what heartbroken is or does, as you neither know me or how I feel. You didn't have real sympathy for my plight in any case, if you could say something like that. We all do and say "shocking" things when we are hurt, which is one of the most painful things this whole occurrence has taught me. Some of the cruelty reflected in certain comments on this site directed toward me have been rude and disrespectful. The mean things we do to others will no doubt come back around to ALL of us (myself included). I didn't come for sympathy, in any case. I came to deliver a message. The depth of depravity that we as a society are sinking to is tearing apart the very foundations of the family, and that blood is on all of our hands if we stand by and let it happen. An angry response from someone who has been treated the way I have been is normal, and what is shocking is that I have been as kind to some of these as I have. I could easily HATE all providers and their jobs, come on here and call them horrible names, etc, but I did not. I offered them a chance to see the consequences of their actions, which is something all of us deserve to see. If they choose to ignore it and return it with rudeness, that is their business. At least I will know I tried. I would want someone to tell me...
At any rate, you won't have to worry about me much longer, and I am sure none of you will lose any sleep over it.

I sympathize with you, I truly do. But this is not the place for you to be in nor converse with the people here. You are just subjugating yourself to more pain and misery. You don't need to justify or explain yourself to anyone. You are not the one who cheated, it's your fucktard husband. But here's my 2cents for you, giving second chances is a a good thing but being stupid is another. Now that you know what your husband is doing, you need to take actions. Fix your life, continue being a good teacher, a good mother, take care or your kids and dumped your sorry ass husband. If you can sue him for every penny that he has, all the better so he can think of the misery he inflicted. I wish you well. Originally Posted by kerplunk13
Thank you, and I agree. I asked for my account to be disabled. Best of wishes.
Before the next sermon.......

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Please disable my account. It is too painful. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight