Obamacare Death Panels Arriving

The End. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Okay, who died and gave LL the authority to be 'The Political Forum's' Judge, Jury and Executioner?

I suspect his next edict will be that the US should conduct another $1 Trillion search for those pesky WMD's in Iraq (that no longer exist) at a possible cost of an additional 4500+ American lives.

LL and Duck Cheney = 2 peas in a pod!

And LL calls himself a Democrat!
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  • 08-21-2013, 06:25 AM
Hey WTF and friends, on this page alone you have both said that the death panels don't exist and that they DO exist. Which is it? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Only and idiot would see that.
WTF I have said is that if Obamacare has Death Panels then every state has had Death Panel for a long long time and Sara Palin (nor you) did not bitch about those death panels.

What I have done is tell the truth and paint you and LexusLiar into a Catch -22.
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  • 08-21-2013, 06:28 AM
Right back at you, .....lying sack of shit.

You answer a question with a question, and then you think .... you've answered a question?

You lied about what I, and 2 others, had said.

That's who you are....a lying sack of shit.

The End. Originally Posted by LexusLover
NO I showed where you agreed with Sara Palin. You think that there are Death Panels, yet you think that the State Regulators are not Death Panels , State Regulators that do the same thing as the so called Obamacae panels. Hypocrite and Liars are what you and JD are. . . oh and Sara Palin too.

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Healthcare is not the fastest growing expense of government or it wasn't until Obamacare showed up. It is a false argument. It was voluntary for government to get involved at all. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I see that once again you throw out something imaginary with no factual information to back it up. In fact, healthcare spending by the government was the single largest spending growth factor since LBJ and Nixon (5.7% average annual growth).



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  • WTF
  • 08-21-2013, 12:25 PM
JD was lying again? Well I'm sure LexusLiar agreed with him and Palin!
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  • 08-21-2013, 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hey WTF and friends, on this page alone you have both said that the death panels don't exist and that they DO exist. Which is it?

if Palin was talking about Jan Brewer, a republican, then yes they do exist ... if not, NO. she just made up the term Death Panels.
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JD was lying again? Well I'm sure LexusLiar agreed with him and Palin! Originally Posted by WTF
More like creative fact-finding.
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  • 08-21-2013, 05:39 PM

According to Sara Palin and her stooges LexusLiar and JDipshit these Obamacare Panels are the only Death Panels we have in the medical field!

Originally Posted by WTF

Links please:

1. Sara Palin

2. LexusLover

3. JD ...........

If you don't provide the link where all of us said what you just wrote ...

...... You are a lying sack of shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Show you where you said WTF I said you said? How about the quote below. You agreed with Sara Palin that these were Death Panels. I was to lazy to get a quote from JD where he agrees with Palin but he won't deny that he does. Even our esteemed moderator agreed with that lying bitch! So you Tea Tards think Federal regulations concerning wtf is covered are Death Panels but State Regulations concerning wtf is covered are called what? Just admit it LL, you have been beat over the head with yours and Palins own lying words. Either they are all Death Panels and you are a hypocrite or none of them are and you are a liar. Which is it?

For those of you with reading comprehension problems, or Obaminable blinders and earplugs, what this says is ... "we" Democrats crammed this Bill down the taxpayers' throats without knowing what is in it and now that we have found out what is in it and want to change it because Palin was correct about what she said, it's the Republicans' fault for not forcing us to get rid of the Death Panels, and therefor the Republicans are not saving us from our own stupidity and ignorance. Again.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
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  • 08-21-2013, 05:45 PM

Death panel" is a political term that originated during a 2009 debate about federal health care legislation to cover the uninsured in the United States. The term was first used in August 2009 by Sarah Palin, the former Republican Governor of Alaska, when she charged that the proposed legislation would create a "death panel" of bureaucrats who would decide whether Americans—such as her elderly parents or child with Down syndrome—were worthy of medical care. Palin's claim, however, was debunked, and it has been referred to as the "death panel myth"[1] as nothing in any proposed legislation would have led to individuals being judged to see if they were "worthy" of health care.[2] Palin specified that she was referring to Section 1233 of bill HR 3200 which would have paid physicians for providing voluntary counseling to Medicare patients about living wills, advance directives, and end-of-life care options.
Palin's claim was reported as false and criticized by mainstream news media, fact-checkers, academics, physicians, Democrats, and some Republicans. Other prominent Republicans such as Newt Gingrich and conservative talk radio hosts Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin backed Palin's statement. One poll showed that after it spread, about 85% of Americans were familiar with the charge and of those who were familiar with it, about 30% thought it was true.[1] Due to public concern, the provision to pay physicians for providing voluntary counseling was removed from the Senate bill and was not included in the law that was enacted, the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In a 2011 statement, the American Society of Clinical Oncology bemoaned the politicization of the issue and said that the proposal should be revisited.
For 2009, "death panel" was named as PolitiFact's "Lie of the Year", one of FactCheck's "whoppers", and the most outrageous term by the American Dialect Society.
Of couse there are death panels in Odeathcare...LOL


Of the many negative predictions made by opponents of ObamaCare prior to its forced passage, I don’t think a one of them has proven yet to be false – and in fact many have already come to fruition, like the ones about employers bumping full timers down to part time status to avoid having to pay the high cost of health care coverage, employers beginning to offer cheaper health insurance plans which means you have to pay a higher deductible and … yes, change your doctor, some employers choosing to pay the penalty for “non-compliance” with ObamaCare rather than offer coverage at all, etc. And now comes the acknowledgement from more and more prominent Democrats that death panels do indeed exist under ObamaCare.

This will be difficult, especially for idealistic Democrats who routinely refuse to see the light, but let’s all say it together now: “Sarah Palin was right.”
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  • 08-21-2013, 06:16 PM
Of couse there are death panels in Odeathcare...LOL


This will be difficult, especially for idealistic Democrats who routinely refuse to see the light, but let’s all say it together now: “Sarah Palin was right.” Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Nowhere in that article did you find a Democrat calling it a Death Panel. If you actually were to read what Dean wrote and understood it, you'd know that you are being lied to by the author of the article.

If Obamacare has Death Panels then every State regulator is a Death Panel. Do you have the balls to answer that question? LLiar and JD do not.

Are State Insurance regulators, Death Panels? Can you answer that simple question.
If you read (but u can't read) the Howard Dean article instead of Wikipedia you would know that Obamacare has Death Panels!
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  • 08-21-2013, 06:53 PM
If you read (but u can't read) the Howard Dean article instead of Wikipedia you would know that Obamacare has Death Panels! Originally Posted by therock18
Nowhere did Dean talk about death panels. He said it would not curb cost or work as planned. So if you think they are death panels all Dean said was that they would not work. So are you saying Obama's plan to kill people would not work? Is that wtf you are saying?
Nowhere in that article did you find a Democrat calling it a Death Panel. If you actually were to read what Dean wrote and understood it, you'd know that you are being lied to by the author of the article.

If Obamacare has Death Panels then every State regulator is a Death Panel. Do you have the balls to answer that question? LLiar and JD do not.

Are State Insurance regulators, Death Panels? Can you answer that simple question. Originally Posted by WTF
This blogger says it best.

August 9, 2013 at 12:26 pm
Without the Death Panels, we can’t control costs. Which means that as the State gets more and more control over healthcare, and the costs spiral out of control even faster than planned. Besides, unlimited access to healthcare by old people who do not serve the State or Our Dear Leader, is just crazy.

Besides, the democrats need to shorten the lives of the old and the weak, otherwise they have no plan to stabilize funding for Social Security.

Exit question: Are the Death Panels an example of democrats:
1. Depraved indifference to human life?
2. Stupidity in thinking that people will actually support this, now that they’ve passed the bill and can see what’s in it?
3. Strategic thinking because without the Death Panels the system implodes, paving the way for a Single Payer system that much faster?
4. Two of the above?
5. All of the above?
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  • 08-21-2013, 10:57 PM
This blogger says it best.

? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So a blogger says it best...a blogger says we have death panels and that is your source? A blogger?